Anyone ever been to a Renaissance Faire?

They had falconry .archery, and live music everyone in costumes.
Adults fantasizing that were not allowed to as children is the impression I had of it.
Bitchy girls in “period” dress with older women braiding their hair. Hunger Games, Harry Potter, etc.
The completion of the child molestation cycle as an endemic way of life. Like the Pennsylvania Dutch / Amish.
Then the LGBT / BDSM crowd shows up straight out of San Francisco.
I went to one once. Lots of weird people.

Really? What is weird about people having fun and enjoying good food, good drink and good company?
Trying to cancel his opinion Rye?
It's his opinion, and I also thought there were some strange ones at the Faire that I went to.
Are you saying that weird people can't have "fun and enjoying good food, good drink and good company?"

I simply asked a question. A post which was not vile, vulgar and usually stupid as what comes at me from the trumpanzees. See the weirdo who posted above (#21) as one of those kooks.
They had falconry .archery, and live music everyone in costumes.
Adults fantasizing that were not allowed to as children is the impression I had of it.
Bitchy girls in “period” dress with older women braiding their hair. Hunger Games, Harry Potter, etc.
The completion of the child molestation cycle as an endemic way of life. Like the Pennsylvania Dutch / Amish.
Then the LGBT / BDSM crowd shows up straight out of San Francisco.
Rather go to San Diego Comic con.
I use to work at a city park .They had one every year. They had falconry .archery, and live music everyone in costumes. City employees were not allowed to be in the area until it was over. Adults fantasizing that were not allowed to as children is the impression I had of it. Looked like fun. As a child me and my cousins fantasized as pirates , made a raft with scull and cross bones flag. floating down the St. Johns river.

City Park?
They have dedicated land for the one in Texas thats way out in the boonies.
I mean deep in the woods!!!
I use to work at a city park .They had one every year. They had falconry .archery, and live music everyone in costumes. City employees were not allowed to be in the area until it was over. Adults fantasizing that were not allowed to as children is the impression I had of it. Looked like fun. As a child me and my cousins fantasized as pirates , made a raft with scull and cross bones flag. floating down the St. Johns river.

City Park?
They have dedicated land for the one in Texas thats way out in the boonies.
I mean deep in the woods!!!
Our park was 275 acres and heavy wooded with two campgrounds and on a lake at the time urban sprawl had not touched.
I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.
I have been to several, and Viking conferences in SE Okiehoma and Civil War reenactments.
I use to work at a city park .They had one every year. They had falconry .archery, and live music everyone in costumes. City employees were not allowed to be in the area until it was over. Adults fantasizing that were not allowed to as children is the impression I had of it. Looked like fun. As a child me and my cousins fantasized as pirates , made a raft with scull and cross bones flag. floating down the St. Johns river.

City Park?
They have dedicated land for the one in Texas thats way out in the boonies.
I mean deep in the woods!!!
Our park was 275 acres and heavy wooded with two campgrounds and on a lake at the time urban sprawl had not touched.

Thats cool.
This place wont see urban sprawl in my lifetime or my 17 year old Nieces.
I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.
Twin cities has had one for years every fall. Used to be pretty cool in the '80's with a lot of good food, artists, and entertainment.
Went a couple years ago and it was stupid as hell. No good food, the artists were gone and the whole thing seemed to be a bunch of drunken adult Harry Potter wannabes all dressed in costume. Had to wait in one line to get food tickets, then another line for the food, and another for beer or drinks, which you could only purchase one per person at a time. Stupid.
I will never go again.
I love the Faire. Usually they were sponsored by the Society For Creative Anachronism. I liked to go to the fencing tent where the local fencing school would let people "fence" with the students. I always sandbags them. I'd let them show me what I should be doing, then absolutely wipe the floor in a bout.
Fort Tryon Park overlooking the Hudson River has had an annual summer Renaissance Fair for many years. I went many times with friends. It was a great place to take a date ...

This beautiful NYC park also had the “Cloisters” — a genuine monastery moved stone by stone from Europe, with precious museum pieces like the famous “Unicorn Tapestries.” When I was young they had a great collection of medieval armor now at the Metropolitan. I’ll never forget the impression seeing the armor of “William the Conqueror,” who I read was a giant of a man towering over his army. It seemed like it was armor for a guy about 5 feet tall!

Anyway, lots of people knock NYC, but I try to remember the (free) parks, museums, the jazz at Grant’s Tomb, the concerts and Shakespeare in Central Park ...


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I remember when i was young,i went to the one in Maryland,which was a little ride out of Edgewater, MD.

That was before i moved in 1993 to Hawaii, closest thing we have in Hawaii is the SCA and a medieval combat group.

Love them, but the Wuhan designer virus has destroyed them.

Prove that China designed the virus, or just STFU. You are a shit disturber, not a bright one, not an agent provocateur (they get paid, you're too dumb to be paid) and never post anything thoughtful.

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