Anyone ever been to one of Trump's venues?

Attended a Trump rally Monday night here in beautiful Grand Rapids, MI

One of the night's highlights for me was when he asked the TV media pukes to kindly turn their cameras around so anyone viewing their reports would be able to see the size of the crowd, and several of them dutifully did just that. Love it. Doesn't take crap from the media and tells them what to do. When I tuned in the news later, there were the shots of the raucus crowd.

Had an interesting conversation with a local newspaper reporter before it began. Normally when a Republican presidential candidate comes to town it's all coordinated between his/her staff and our Kent County GOP organization to plan date, time, venue, etc. Not this time though. The Trump folks contracted the venue on their own and planned/organized all other details. When all i's were dotted and t's crossed they called the GOP HQ with, as he later wrote, a courtesy notice that he's coming and all details have been handled.

The crowd was a mixed bag. If you'd walked in not knowing what the event was and looked around at those present you'd have no clue it was a Trump rally. One thing I did find interesting was the number of folks who sported some union identification on hats, jackets, etc. Not everywhere but there was a noticeable number of union folks sprinkled around the crowd local media have been reporting as somewhere between 7 and 9 thousand.

All in all enjoyed the evening.
I have once or twice and I wonder, do I need to be worried about the Mexicans working there raping me? Because he did say Mexicans are rapists.

I've stayed at Trump casino and hotel in Las Vegas couple times this year.... And I saw lots of Hispanic workers. They look normal people to me.

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