Anyone following this Murdaugh case in S.C. on Fox or XM radio ?


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
Was asked about this by a co-worker, and I didn't know anything about it, so I dialed it in on XM radio and/or looked for it on YouTube live.

Very interesting case, and it has all the characteristics of a wealthy family not being all that the eye might see or ears might hear when thinking about the wealthy that live amongst us in our societies. No it's not all wealthy people that are being painted with a broad brush of course, but this was probably a family that was really respected in society until it all came apart.

It just proves once again that the wealthy are subject to the same sinful problem's that the poor have in society, but they just look so much better in their designer clothes, and fancy thing's, but the problem's faced are the same if sometimes maybe worse in some cases.

Nope. It's obvious he's guilty, he lies about EVERYTHING and they've caught many of the lies. He said yesterday, it was reported, that okay, well, he did lie about where he was right before his wife was killed (he was with her), but he didn't do it!

Okay, that's enough for me. Obviously he's guilty of murder, usual thing.
Nope. It's obvious he's guilty, he lies about EVERYTHING and they've caught many of the lies. He said yesterday, it was reported, that okay, well, he did lie about where he was right before his wife was killed (he was with her), but he didn't do it!

Okay, that's enough for me. Obviously he's guilty of murder, usual thing.

it's just another shiny thing to keep the masses distracted from things they'd do better to pay attention.
Nope. It's obvious he's guilty, he lies about EVERYTHING and they've caught many of the lies. He said yesterday, it was reported, that okay, well, he did lie about where he was right before his wife was killed (he was with her), but he didn't do it!

Okay, that's enough for me. Obviously he's guilty of murder, usual thing.
Yes it's true that he lie's about everything, and the prosecutor set out to establish his character as being one that can look a person in the eye, and then lie without even a flinch. Powerful stuff when it comes to establishing his character in the situation, especially in front of a jury.

But did he kill his wife and son ? If he did that's amazing, but not really after seeing a lot of the established character they've brought out in him so far, but I could be wrong about him being able to go that far maybe. Dysfunction doesn't discriminate whether rich or poor. Money just allows the fall to be more elaborate and hard, but the fall is still the same.
No I follow it on court TV.
Sounds like a good venue to view it on. Don't get court TV myself.

Guilty or not guilty in your opinion ?

We should all weigh in, and then see how we fair in the verdict when it's done.
It's a tough call on the guilt or innocence, but what a Columbo type of case it is.
it's just another shiny thing to keep the masses distracted from things they'd do better to pay attention.
I figured the same thing, because we have cases like this all across America, so why all of a sudden do we have this one case at this time blowed up on Fox News, and other national news venue's in this nation ? Very strange indeed.

Johnny Depp's case was another one that made no sense to me, otherwise why was it blown up at the time it was being blown up also ?

Distraction's maybe, but distraction's from what ? If so, is there a concious thought process that uses these event's in order to distract us from the bigger event's that the government seems to be botching in the world as we speak ?
Sounds like a good venue to view it on. Don't get court TV myself.

Guilty or not guilty in your opinion ?

We should all weigh in, and then see how we fair in the verdict when it's done.

I think he's guilty as sin. He's a son of a bitch that stole from everyone who trusted him, even his own clients. He was in deep shit financially and wanted to get the attention off of his financial crimes and get the focus on his family ones.
I think he's guilty as sin. He's a son of a bitch that stole from everyone who trusted him, even his own clients. He was in deep shit financially and wanted to get the attention off of his financial crimes and get the focus on his family ones.
Probably right, but to kill your son and wife is hard to imagine someone ever doing something like that. I know it happens, but it's unimaginable. Hey he's sacrificing himself on the stand for his bull crap now, but he should have had that attitude before he alledgedly killed his own son and wife.
Probably right, but to kill your son and wife is hard to imagine someone ever doing something like that. I know it happens, but it's unimaginable. Hey he's sacrificing himself on the stand for his bull crap now, but he should have had that attitude before he alledgedly killed his own son and wife.

It's all a show. He's trying to garner sympathy from the jury by apologizing for some of the shit he's done. It's all a ploy. He has even brought up his drug addiction. Probably ever member of the jury knows someone addicted to drugs, so there you go. He's looking for sympathy.

He's a low life scumbag who deserves the needle.
It's all a show. He's trying to garner sympathy from the jury by apologizing for some of the shit he's done. It's all a ploy. He has even brought up his drug addiction. Probably ever member of the jury knows someone addicted to drugs, so there you go. He's looking for sympathy.

He's a low life scumbag who deserves the needle.
He definitely does if he killed or had someone kill his wife and son like that.
I am so sick of it I turn off the local news, the lead with the story every damn day. They've been treating like the guy is some celebrity. Now granted I've only lived here for eleven years now, and he and his family may have been some big deal in the community in which they live, but I had never heard of them until his asshole kid killed Mallory Beach while boating drunk back in 2019...
I am so sick of it I turn off the local news, the lead with the story every damn day. They've been treating like the guy is some celebrity. Now granted I've only lived here for eleven years now, and he and his family may have been some big deal in the community in which they live, but I had never heard of them until his asshole kid killed Mallory Beach while boating drunk back in 2019...
It is an intriguing saga though... Sort of gives a bird's eye view into the next level of society that most folks think is highly respectable while on the outside just looking at the surfaces. It proves that people are sinful or can be sinful regardless of what prominence or status they seem to hold. It also proves how money and fame can destroy a family if they don't keep the Lord number one in their live's.

It also gives credence to the saying "the bigger you are, the harder you fall".
It is an intriguing saga though... Sort of gives a bird's eye view into the next level of society that most folks think is highly respectable while on the outside just looking at the surfaces. It proves that people are sinful or can be sinful regardless of what prominence or status they seem to hold. It also proves how money and fame can destroy a family if they don't keep the Lord number one in their live's.

It also gives credence to the saying "the bigger you are, the harder you fall".

A true psycho/sociopath. No care for anyone except himself, even to the point he takes the stand and cries and lies to get out of going to prison.
They focused on the lie he told about not being at the kennel's..
A true psycho/sociopath. No care for anyone except himself, even to the point he takes the stand and cries and lies to get out of going to prison.
Yep, and the crazy part is, is that he was going to prison anyways for the thievery and lie's he told to his client's etc.

Probably be on suicide watch for a while.

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