Anyone hate chimps

I love all animals. I have always wanted a monkey. Wife wont let me. Yeah some think mean, bites, etc. Just a critter, embrace them. love them, learn from them is awesome. I play with 2 pit labs, visit, live here mostly, kinda adopted me. Yeah, I bleed but we have a super good time. Then we lay in the grass and enjoy the good. Then wife makes ma shower and wash all clothes, Oh well, love my critters. Lighten up man, critters are the best.
I love all animals. I have always wanted a monkey. Wife wont let me. Yeah some think mean, bites, etc. Just a critter, embrace them. love them, learn from them is awesome. I play with 2 pit labs, visit, live here mostly, kinda adopted me. Yeah, I bleed but we have a super good time. Then we lay in the grass and enjoy the good. Then wife makes ma shower and wash all clothes, Oh well, love my critters. Lighten up man, critters are the best.

Monkeys are cute, but only behind glass at the zoo or in a video or something. Quasar44's right,.. they're nasty mother fuckers.
I love all animals. That doesn't mean I think all animals are cuddly and need to be held or petted.

Just like humans, they have their own personalities, attitudes, and agendas for life.

And just like many humans DON'T like animals.....many animals DON'T like humans.

Use your brains before getting involved with any animal, even "tame" ones. You don't know their personalities, what pisses them off, what makes them happy, or if they hate humans or not.

Don't go sticking your nose into an animals personal space........they could be having a seriously bad day and just rip your face off. Or, like many humans, they could just be supreme assholes. Or despise humans.

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