Anyone know what is going on in Mexico?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

A drug cartel is at war with the government

I thought the cartels ran the government

So what gives?

Are there more powerful cartels that run the Mexican government that is at war with the lesser cartel?

A drug cartel is at war with the government

I thought the cartels ran the government

So what gives?

Are there more powerful cartels that run the Mexican government that is at war with the lesser cartel?

What's going on in Mexico is Mexicans doing Mexican stuff.
What's going on in Mexico is Mexicans doing Mexican stuff.
It's just a Hispanic thing

;et me give ya a random sampling:

Biden meets with Mexican president at 5:15 PM today

Every once in a while you actually get good people who can't be bought in the govt, and the war is on.
The American Revolution was fought by the minority.

The majority either was against it or neutral.

Then, when the minority got their government, they tried to pass the Alien and Sedition laws to make it illegal to speak against the government.

Luckily, Jefferson fought and overturned it, but it just shows you how quickly liberty dissolves into tyranny.

What was left of the Alien and Sedition laws FDR used to lock up innocent Japanese Americans.
He is the hero and forefather of the democrat party.
From what I've learned doing research.
The government basically has no real power to do anything.
The war is between the Army and the Cartels which are both equally corrupt and fighting each other to dominate the drug trade and other illegal activities.
The main issue between the Army and the Cartel is over control of the border area between the U.S. and Mexico, which brings in billions of dollars to whoever dominates the flow of drugs and illegals being smuggled across the border.
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A drug cartel is at war with the government

I thought the cartels ran the government

So what gives?

Are there more powerful cartels that run the Mexican government that is at war with the lesser cartel?
The Mexican government got Chapo's son a year or 2 ago in a small town. After they arrested him the cartel surrounded the town and they had a stalemate and released him. The Cartels pretty own the government and the national police, but every now and then non corrupt officials go after X cartels. Some Cartels use government to go after a rival Cartel.
The Sinaloa cartel is the largest and most powerful cartel in Mexico.
They are basically as well armed as the Army and have just as many soldiers.
It's basically a civil war between two well armed gangs, the Army vs Sinaloa cartel, that shows no signs of ending anytime soon.
The most disturbing issue is the Sinaloa cartel is using the wide open southern border to infiltrate cartel gang members hidden among the millions of illegals into every state and city in the U.S.
In order to set up drug distribution networks and safe houses for the cartels relentless push to control every aspect of the drug trade in America.
The cartels dominance is totally overwhelming U.S. law enforcement's ability to deal with the massive amount of drugs flowing into our country.
As evidenced by the ever increasing vast quantity of fentanyl that's killing American citizens everyday.
The most disturbing issue is the Sinaloa cartel is using the wide open southern border to infiltrate cartel gang members hidden among the millions of illegals into every state and city in the U.S.
In order to set up drug distribution networks and safe houses for the cartels relentless push to control every aspect of the drug trade in America.
The cartels dominance is totally overwhelming U.S. law enforcement's ability to deal with the massive amount of drugs flowing into our country.
As evidenced by the ever increasing vast quantity of fentanyl that's killing American citizens everyday.

I figured it was something like that.
What was left of the Alien and Sedition laws FDR used to lock up innocent Japanese Americans.
There are innumerable reasons to criticize FDR, but Japanese internment isn't one of them. After the destruction of our Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor, there was credible fear of invasion and/or sabotage on our West Coast, as well in Canada.. It is also possible that Japanese citizens would have been subject to retribution for the deaths of thousands of our troops in the Pacific. Although fewer in number, Germans on the East Coast were also subject to internment during both World Wars.

20/20 hindsight is not a valid basis for assessing historical events.
What's most puzzling is why the American government, both "R's" and "D's" don't seem to be the least bit concerned there is a violent civil war raging on our southern border that's spilling over into our country.
But is totally focused on sending a $100 billion dollars to Ukraine in order for them to defend and secure their countries border.
Go figure.... :cuckoo:
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There are innumerable reasons to criticize FDR, but Japanese internment isn't one of them. ....
Bullshit. Throwing innocent AMERICANS into concentration camps is more than enough reason to demonize that son of a bitch fdr.
The cartels setting up their drug distribution inside our country and violently killing off all their competition is far worse than people know.
Watch this just released new 7 minute video and you'll be astounded about the armed battles between US law enforcement and the Cartels in national parks that is never reported on the news.

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