anyone mind if i start a fresh birther thread ??


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
the subject has been "tabooed" here, but i think there may be something to the story. let's just discuss current relevancy. we can sort of "start fresh". does anyone have any theories on this topic ?? i don't know if you will be allowed to mention trump, but he's back.

for me it was always an interest in the president's character. as a musician/producer, i have seen many instances of "fake it till you make it".... to which i have compared obama for years, on my blog/website.

as the story begins to break, sometime soon, probably on fox, we can begin to assimilate the big picture on the "president" obama. many of you may become heartbroken over this candidate, because of his portended "transparency".

please post cogent, hostile/anger free comments (at least the ones directed towards me personally). if you are posting just to call me stupid or racist again, that's fine, you can do that, but i assure you that i have heard it all before. thank you friends and foe alike... scott e.
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the subject has been "tabood" here, but i think there may be something to the story. let's just discuss current relevancy. we can sort of "start fresh". does anyone have any theories on this topic ?? i don't know if you will be allowed to mention trump, but he's back.

for me it was always an interest in the president's character. as a musician/producer, i have seen many instances of "fake it till you make it". to which i have compared obama, for years on my blog/website.

as the story begins to break, sometime soon, probably on fox, we can begin to assimilate the big picture on the "president" obama. many of you may become heartbroken over this candidate, because of his portended "transparency".
please post cogent, hostile/anger free comments (at least the ones towards me personally). if you are posting just to call me stupid or racist again, that's fine, you can do that, but i assure you that i have heard it all before. thank you friends and foe alike... scott e.

You're really asking a lot there bud. The people that don't want to admit the facts and accept the truth about this are the most rabid of all the people surrounding this issue. They won't acknowledge the facts, read them, click on links, open their minds, question, think about it, nothing. It's as though obama has them all programmed.

Now, the new book out by Corsi, [ame=""]Where's The Birth Certificate?[/ame] is a good place to start. If you are one of those who think obama was born in Hawaii and his birth thingies are real, you really should buy the book and read it. The FACTS along with CORROBORATING EVIDENCE is all there, and if any of it can be disputed, then it should be. Problem is, NONE OF IT IS BEING DISPUTED. The only thing we still hear is the constant drone of insults coming from those who BLINDLY and UNQUESTIONABLY purport obama was born in Hawaii, even though there isn't one single shred of evidence that can be verified to back up that assertion.
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knock yourself out

See... you don't even want to know. You won't read anything, hear anything, watch anything... you've just made up your mind and you're done. Not very impressive del, or smart. The evidence against obama and his piss poor forgeries he calls proof he was born in Hawaii is growing. In fact, it's turning into a mountain of evidence. Soon those of you still denying it and unwilling to even face it will be the ones looking pathetic.
knock yourself out

See... you don't even want to know. You won't read anything, hear anything, watch anything... you've just made up your mind and you're done. Not very impressive del, or smart. The evidence against obama and his piss poor forgeries he calls proof he was born in Hawaii is growing. In fact, it's turning into a mountain of evidence. Soon those of you still denying it and unwilling to even face it will be the ones looking pathetic.

the mountain of evidence is a mountain of horse shit, imo.

like i said, knock yourselves out. :thup:
You realize when you do this, you make me look stupid because of guilt by association.

I am not happy about that.
the subject has been "tabood" here, but i think there may be something to the story. let's just discuss current relevancy. we can sort of "start fresh". does anyone have any theories on this topic ?? i don't know if you will be allowed to mention trump, but he's back.

for me it was always an interest in the president's character. as a musician/producer, i have seen many instances of "fake it till you make it". to which i have compared obama, for years on my blog/website.

as the story begins to break, sometime soon, probably on fox, we can begin to assimilate the big picture on the "president" obama. many of you may become heartbroken over this candidate, because of his portended "transparency".
please post cogent, hostile/anger free comments (at least the ones towards me personally). if you are posting just to call me stupid or racist again, that's fine, you can do that, but i assure you that i have heard it all before. thank you friends and foe alike... scott e.

You're really asking a lot there bud. The people that don't want to admit the facts and accept the truth about this are the most rabid of all the people surrounding this issue. They won't acknowledge the facts, read them, click on links, open their minds, question, think about it, nothing. It's as though obama has them all programmed.

Now, the new book out by Corsi, [ame=""]Where's The Birth Certificate?[/ame] is a good place to start. If you are one of those who think obama was born in Hawaii and his birth thingies are real, you really should buy the book and read it. The FACTS along with CORROBORATING EVIDENCE is all there, and if any of it can be disputed, then it should be. Problem is, NONE OF IT IS BEING DISPUTED. The only thing we still hear is the constant drone of insults coming from those who BLINDLY and UNQUESTIONABLY purported obama was born in Hawaii, even though there isn't one single shred of evidence that can be verified to back up that assertion.

thanks pr.
you know me well enough that any plea for civility, is tongue and cheeky for this board, but i like that. in my mind, what seperates this board from the other's, is lack of restrictions (e.g. language), far from perfect, better than all of the others.

to me the real story isn't obama's corruption, i was born and raised in chicago in the sixtires and seventies. it's the press and the majority of the people that were so easily tricked by this candidate and our electoral process, that makes it stellar. it hit me recently how much power is being used here, the power to fool people, and the ability to keep misdirecting them. there is a lot at stake here. i don't have a fuckin clue what trump is up to, he stopped receiving my emails. i have called the white house press office, sent emails... notta word.

this is the great caper and story. it's the greatest hoax in world history. in a couple of days the focus will shift to cover up, it will become a legal matter, then events will precipitate very quickly. boy is he gonna break alotta hearts.
however, this is america, and first comes truth, then the action and appropriate application of the law. he is entitled to due process, guarenteed by the constitution he so maliciously trampled, the witness has rights. it's pretty much checkmate for the messiah.
again, ironically, the supreme court probably would have justified his eligibilty, now it's too late. jerri corsi is a force to be reckoned with, and it's pretty much his baby, in my mind.
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This is an important issue and I hope the Republicans run on it in 2012

America is depending on them
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the subject has been "tabood" here, but i think there may be something to the story. let's just discuss current relevancy. we can sort of "start fresh". does anyone have any theories on this topic ?? i don't know if you will be allowed to mention trump, but he's back.

for me it was always an interest in the president's character. as a musician/producer, i have seen many instances of "fake it till you make it". to which i have compared obama, for years on my blog/website.

as the story begins to break, sometime soon, probably on fox, we can begin to assimilate the big picture on the "president" obama. many of you may become heartbroken over this candidate, because of his portended "transparency".
please post cogent, hostile/anger free comments (at least the ones towards me personally). if you are posting just to call me stupid or racist again, that's fine, you can do that, but i assure you that i have heard it all before. thank you friends and foe alike... scott e.

You're really asking a lot there bud. The people that don't want to admit the facts and accept the truth about this are the most rabid of all the people surrounding this issue. They won't acknowledge the facts, read them, click on links, open their minds, question, think about it, nothing. It's as though obama has them all programmed.

Now, the new book out by Corsi, [ame=""]Where's The Birth Certificate?[/ame] is a good place to start. If you are one of those who think obama was born in Hawaii and his birth thingies are real, you really should buy the book and read it. The FACTS along with CORROBORATING EVIDENCE is all there, and if any of it can be disputed, then it should be. Problem is, NONE OF IT IS BEING DISPUTED. The only thing we still hear is the constant drone of insults coming from those who BLINDLY and UNQUESTIONABLY purported obama was born in Hawaii, even though there isn't one single shred of evidence that can be verified to back up that assertion.

thanks pr.
you know me well enough that any plea for civility, is tongue and cheeky for this board, but i like that. in my mind, what seperates this board from the other's, is lack of restrictions (e.g. language), far from perfect, better than all of the others.

to me the real story isn't obama's corruption, i was born and raised in chicago in the sixtires and seventies. it's the press and the majority of the people that were so easily tricked by this candidate and our electoral process, that makes it steller. it hit me recently how much power is being used here, the power to fool people, and the ability to keep misdirecting them. there is a lot at stake here. i don't have a fuckin clue what trump is up to, he stopped receiving my emails. i have called the white house press office, sent emails... notta word.

this is the great caper and story. it's the greatest hoax in world history. in a couple of days the focus will shift to cover up, it will become a legal matter, then events will precipitate very quickly. boy is he gonna break alotta hearts.
however, this is america, and first comes truth, then the action and coursive application of the law. he is entitled to due process, guarenteed by the constitution he so maliciously trampled, the witness has rights. it's pretty much checkmate for the messiah.

Kenya has just gone on record saying that birth records for 1961 were destroyed. They didn't say "criminally," but hey, it's Kenya, and their man is obama. But first they were all proud that obama WAS born there, obama's grand mother was there and said she witnessed his birth in Mombasa, Kenya, but now all of a sudden they say he wasn't, and birth records for 1961 have all been destroyed, and don't come around asking about them either or you'll be arrested by the Kenyan police.

Also, criminal charges will be filed with the FBI early next week that obama's latest certificate of birth is a forgery, and there's a mountain of evidence that it is. A PISS POOR forgery at that. But with that, if this thing IS supposed to be obama's birth certificate, a scan of an original document, any thinking person with half a brain should be asking themselves...

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I wish I cared more about this issue, but I don't. Still, I found this comment from the OP interesting:

Okay, if Obama released the original birth certificate, then he should have no problem asking the Hawaiian government to open up their vault and allow inspectors to inspect the original, right? Why would he object now? That is the checkmate move. "Okay, Mr. President, you claim that what you released was the original birth certificate, however, there appears to be anomalies in it. Now, since you say that this is the original, surely you would not mind allowing the release of your real birth real birth certificate, right?" If he says, "no", then you know it wasn't the original. Game over.
there has been so much overacting around the narrative. the governor of hawaii, sheppard smith and gregg jarrett have been bought off. they all know about it, and continue to cover up. i found one mention today on foxnation. cnn has been attacking palin and trump the last couple of days. for a month now, news editors have been having meetings about this. "should we run it?"... just like watergate, history repeats itself. the way it's gone, we may not see coverage until next week, unless the eiffel tower falls down or aliens invade the earth.
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yeah, it's one big conspiracy that started almost 50 years ago.

time to get a grip. it's boring and silly.
I'll keep saying this so long as there is interest in conspiracy theories: Conspiracy theorists want folks to provide incontrovertible empirical evidence for the obvious yet expect us to blindly accept the preposterous.

The "birther" issue is dead. It garners as much interest today, and rightly so, as those who want us to believe that Neil Armstrong walked on a television set in Arizona. The whole issue was trumped up (pardon the pun) to de-legitimize the president. From claims of his being a "secret Muslim" to claims he is actually a tool of a Marxist cabal that has laid underground since the 1960s, some people just will not and/or cannot accept a Black man in the White House, unless he is there to sweep up.

Keep chirping about forgeries and Kenya and the other canards. There is nothing there other than what rattles around in vivid, frustrated imaginations.

To put it another way, I take Barack Obama at his word. He says he was born in the United States, I believe him. Just like when George W. Bush said he went to college, I believed him too.
yeah, it's one big conspiracy that started almost 50 years ago.

time to get a grip. it's boring and silly.

You don't know the half of it, you don't want to know the half of it, and you probably never will know the half of it.

Yes, it does start over 50 years ago with the fact that obama's parents were never married. There is no wedding certificate to be found, and it's an established fact that obama's father didn't want anything to do with Anne Dunham. There's also no real proof that Barack Obama Sr. is even the real father of obama. Yes, it starts there, 50 years ago.

Maybe if you people spent half the amount of time actually reading what's out there for facts surrounding this issue, instead of constantly just regurgitating insults towards those who do, you'd learn something.
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The "birther" issue is dead.

I've come to know you as a decent person NK, and I won't give you any shit. But... with all due respect... I will see you eat those words. The "birthers" will get the last laugh when this issue finally explodes, and it will.

You can make me eat those words if I'm wrong. Fact of the matter is though, this issue is FAR from "dead." To the contrary, since obama released this last pathetic forgery, it's just picking up steam.

In any case, I'm done. It seems that the people that either believe or don't believe obama was born in Hawaii are completely and permanently set in their beliefs, and no amount of "discussion" is going to change that.
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The "birther" issue is dead.

I've come to know you as a decent person NK, and I won't give you any shit. But... with all due respect... I will see you eat those words. The "birthers" will get the last laugh when this issue finally explodes, and it will.

You can make me eat those words if I'm wrong. Fact of the matter is though, this issue is FAR from "dead." To the contrary, since obama released this last pathetic forgery, it's just picking up steam.
I guess time will tell. The conspiracies surrounding the assassination of Abraham Lincoln are still alive so...

I just cannot foresee this 'issue' having any impact at all on the election of 2008 or the elections coming up in 2012.

The conspiracists carrying the torch on this one are so marginalized and lack so much credibility that they have been reduced to sub-fringe status in the body politic. That makes it tough to use the 'birther' issue as a tool to marginalize the President of the United States.
The "birther" issue is dead.

I've come to know you as a decent person NK, and I won't give you any shit. But... with all due respect... I will see you eat those words. The "birthers" will get the last laugh when this issue finally explodes, and it will.

You can make me eat those words if I'm wrong. Fact of the matter is though, this issue is FAR from "dead." To the contrary, since obama released this last pathetic forgery, it's just picking up steam.

In any case, I'm done. It seems that the people that either believe or don't believe obama was born in Hawaii are completely and permanently set in their beliefs, and no amount of "discussion" is going to change that.

i will take no joy in obama's corruption. but perhaps there will be vindication from the minds of those who were so quick to blindly and abjectly label me racist. i am not. again to me, the bigger picture is the gullability of presumably "informed and educated people". obama is no longer in control of this issue, he has lost his grasp, and the truth and the press will be quick with him. this story is so rich with so many layers (pun intended). obama's falling star will streak the american sky ever so brightly, it's so sad. but we have to move on. biden will succeed as president, and the 2012 election is wide open, look for hillary to engage, bill already has.
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the subject has been "tabood" here, but i think there may be something to the story. let's just discuss current relevancy. we can sort of "start fresh". does anyone have any theories on this topic ?? i don't know if you will be allowed to mention trump, but he's back.

for me it was always an interest in the president's character. as a musician/producer, i have seen many instances of "fake it till you make it".... to which i have compared obama for years, on my blog/website.

as the story begins to break, sometime soon, probably on fox, we can begin to assimilate the big picture on the "president" obama. many of you may become heartbroken over this candidate, because of his portended "transparency".

please post cogent, hostile/anger free comments (at least the ones directed towards me personally). if you are posting just to call me stupid or racist again, that's fine, you can do that, but i assure you that i have heard it all before. thank you friends and foe alike... scott e.

A Free Press for a Free People

Awhile back Washamericom gave me a negative rep for saying that birthers were nutjobs, which they are by the way.
Then he PMed me with Ivan Zatkovich's name. So I did some research and came across a forum from one of the blogs that was pushing the birth's claims about Obama's long form BC being fake.
In the forum there is an entry from Zatkovich and it reads as follows:

All of the modifications to the PDF document that can be identified are consistent with someone
enhancing the legibility of the document
. It is possible that in addition to enhancing the legibility of the
document that the content of the document was also changed. There is no specific evidence of how or
why that content would have been changed, but the evidence clearly indicates that the document was
changed .
The forgoing report set forth my opinions as truthfully and accurately as possible for the time allotted
and based on the materials available.
April 29, 2011
Ivan Zatkovich

And then Ivan Zatkovich adds this:

I would be happy to discuss any information I provided to ABC and WorldNetDaily that is currently appearing on WND. I did not state that any document was ‘fake’. But I did provide specific evidence that the document was modified /enhanced. I would be happy to provide the same report to you as I did to ABC.

Even though the WND article seems to somewhat sensationalize the information I provided, there is no speculation here. Just simple forensics.

If you have any other questions you may call me directly.

Ivan Zatkovich
Principal Consultant
eComp Consultants

Both of Zatkovich's comments can be found at;
PROOF!!! Alex Jones's "Experts" Are Incompetent Boobs , page 1

Zatkovich's conclusion from the WND article that he said that WND did "sensationalize" is the following:

He said, "This was done through an explicit operation to edit and/or enhance the printing in the document. There is no ambiguity here. There was an explicit action by a person to modify the document. … Mostly like to enhance the legibility, but still an explicit action none the less."
Online 'birth certificate' document 'was changed'

I'd say that the birthers like Washamericom and WND are using their own cherrypicking to try to legitimize their obsession.
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