Anyone Notice How...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



Because there wasn't anything there but looney right wingnut conspiracy idiots.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



You are not going to start crying again, are you?

Do you need your safe space?
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



Apparently crickets are more intelligent creatures than you are.
As the 'pop-up groundhog' snowflakes have immediately begin to prove the last thing they want is anyone to be reminded of another Liberal / DNC scandal that they, the DNC, and the Left Wing media keep trying to keep it buried and out of the news.



The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



The story doesn’t contain the word “Trump”, so the MSM will promptly move on to more “news worthy” stories, like a truck blocking CNN news cameras of President Trump on a golf course.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



It will resurface after Trump cleans all of the Obama loyalists and Tories out of the government. Like they say: "The wheels of justice grind exceeding fine."
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation
ONLY when Americans put those in positions to do something under extreme pressure to do something will they actually act.
The Press is supposed to be the watch-dog for the Citizens, but it's a guard-dog for the Corrupt Democrat Politicians
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



You are not going to start crying again, are you?

Do you need your safe space?
Keep bashing your most powerful political base, you clueless dipshit.

I love it.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


Because it was a fevered dream by conspiracy theorists. Time to bury that bone.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


Because it was a fevered dream by conspiracy theorists. Time to bury that bone.
Yeah, that's wht Iwan's passport was seized, why his family fled to Pakistan.... :p
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation
Because it's a bunch of pipe dreams.
No one can investigate them properly. You've been fed a bill of goods. Time to take a look at where you get your information.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


Because it was a fevered dream by conspiracy theorists. Time to bury that bone.
Yeah, that's wht Iwan's passport was seized, why his family fled to Pakistan.... :p
Leave it, Easy. Time to evaluate where you get your "news." They are filling your brain with hogwash.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation
Because it's a bunch of pipe dreams.
No one can investigate them properly. You've been fed a bill of goods. Time to take a look at where you get your information.

So you are saying Clinton-Schultz Pakistani Hackers, never hacked anyone?

They not only hacked everyone they could in Congress, they stole data from THE DNC Server as well.
The reason they were kept on, is because Clinton and Schultz were digging for dirt on everyone and The Pakistanis were getting it for them.

The Pakistani Hackers Working for the DNC | RealClearPolitics
The Exploding DNC IT Scandal Is As Crazy As Fiction



DNC Hacker Imran Awan Connected To Bill And Hillary Clinton — Steemit

Seth Rich Crime Scene - Awan Brothers Saga Deepens - A Webb Companion Day 171 — Steemit

Last edited:
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation
Because it's a bunch of pipe dreams.
No one can investigate them properly. You've been fed a bill of goods. Time to take a look at where you get your information.

So you are saying Clinton-Schultz Pakistani Hackers, never hacked anyone?

They not only hacked everyone they could in Congress, they stole data from THE DNC Server as well.
The reason they were kept on, is because Clinton and Schultz were digging for dirt on everyone and The Pakistanis were getting it for them.
View attachment 168369
The Pakistani Hackers Working for the DNC | RealClearPolitics
The Exploding DNC IT Scandal Is As Crazy As Fiction



DNC Hacker Imran Awan Connected To Bill And Hillary Clinton — Steemit
The reason they were kept on, is because Clinton and Schultz were digging for dirt on everyone and The Pakistanis were getting it for them.

^^^^ this is the part that isn't true. Or at least there's no evidence of it whatsoever. It's not a coverup.

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