Anyone Notice How...

The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



That's because it was....wait for it....FAKE NEWS in the first place, dupe.
Did you know Seth Rich was murdered right outside of Mueller's Home?

Webb is pursuing the Awan brothers congressional hacker story to multiple residents and business addresses associated with the Pakistani brothers. This includes Nanoset Technologies, Awan Brothers Inc. and Cars International. While being employed by congressional Democrats the Awans were receiving a salary that paid them double the average staffer’s wage. It does seem odd that there would be so many businesses associated with a single family who all had well paying government IT positions.

George has been able to verify through various home owners and tenants in the Falls Church and Springfield Virginia area that Imran Awan (also using the name Alex) had previously been a renter.

An unidentified US Marine described as “very patriotic” informed Webb that the Awans had left blackberries and laptops at their former residence that the devices had clear government ID tags.

Seth Rich Murder
In an unexpected twist Webb decided to follow a lead which would cross paths with the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich.
Webb intended to try to meet with investigator and proprietor of the website, Jack Burkman.

Jack Burkman is a Washington DC Republican lobbyist and regular TV political pundit who befriended the Rich family and has spoken on their behalf on several occasions. Burkman is an avid proponent of "family values", however his name has also been identified as appearing in the DC Madam's black book.

The Crime Scene
In earlier versions of day 171, Webb asks his followers to tweet out the exact location of Rich's murder. Making his way from the Pakistani embassy Webb visited the corner of W Street and Flagler, the location of the murder scene.

What he discovered was that Seth survived for several hours after being shot at 4:20am in the morning. Furthermore, he was conscious, sitting upright and speaking with people (police officers) until he died sometime before 6am.
Of course, this leads one to speculate as to what Rich said in his final minutes. Did he know his attackers? Did he describe them?

In addition, George discovered that there’s a convenience store located across the street from where Seth was shot. He also claims that the CCTV cameras captured footage of the two assailants and the video evidence is being suppressed.

This information is not widely known but it had been previously reported by the Washington Post, no less. From the Washington Post January 2017:

Police told the family, Joel Rich said, that a security camera from a small convenience store across the street captured a grainy image of their son collapsing and the feet or legs of two other people — possibly his killers. Officials with D.C. police declined an interview request. A police spokesman would not confirm the existence of a video or reveal what Rich may have said after he was shot, saying that that information could compromise an ongoing investigation.

Source: Archive version of WaPo article

Webb also draws attention to the fact that although has received over $130,000 in donations, the investigation has stalled. He also claims that the website underwent changes soon after he spoke about it in an earlier video from day 171. Though the death of Seth Rich has garnered some media attention, information regarding the actual events on the night of the murdered is scarce.


In the wee hours of July 10, 2016, in the Bloomingdale area of Washington, D.C., a 27-year-old DNC staffer was shot twice in the back. He died in the hospital approximately two hours later.

His name was Seth Rich.

The D.C. Metropolitan Police Department suggest his murder was the result of a botched robbery. Conspiracy theorists, however, maintain that Rich was assassinated by the DNC in retaliation for leaking the now infamous DNC emails published by WikiLeaks last fall.

But, to be sure, the Seth Rich story is not so much a “conspiracy theory” as it is a conspiracy fact. As in, it is a fact that wicked and powerful people conspired to have Seth Rich murdered and the subsequent investigation into his death thwarted.

I know, I know. I know what you are thinking, ‘This cannot be true because…RUSSIA! We all know Russia is responsible for hacking the DNC, we all know Russia is responsible for Trump’s victory, and we all know Russia is responsible for my daughter’s case of the sneezes.’

Well, frankly, there is simply no telling what kind of remote nose-tickling technologies the Kremlin is holding. But, as for the DNC emails—which are at the very heart of “Russiagate” (that nebulous, ubiquitous, pernicious Russian influence we hear so much about)—there is a straight forward way to interrogate whether Russia was responsible for their release. We could examine the DNC’s server.

But, as it happened, the DNC refused to give the FBI access to their servers.

That’s right. The originators and steadfast champions of Russiagate did not give the proper authorities the critical piece of evidence at the heart of it all.

The DNC did, however, reach a compromise with the FBI, whereby they contracted a cybersecurity firm, CrowdStrike, to analyze their server. CrowdStrike, in turn, reported that “Guccifer 2.0” (whom originally distributed the leaked DNC emails) left his or her supposed Russian “fingerprints” on the materials.

It is CrowdStrike, not the FBI, who is at the bottom of the oft-repeated claim that Russia hacked the DNC.

But, what of those “seventeen intelligence agencies” who supposedly confirmed it was the Russians? First, it was not seventeen agencies. It was three. Nonetheless, this claim stems from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) report, in which the FBI and the CIA indeed expressed “high confidence” that Russia, among other things, hacked the DNC emails. The NSA expressed “moderate confidence” in the same.

But, without being given access to the DNC server, the ODNI based this portion of their assessment solely on the CrowdStrike report.

Moreover, worse still, it is known that digital fingerprints, such as allegedly identified by CrowdStrike, can be falsely planted—and some researchers claim to have proven this is exactly what occurred.

Thus, the entirety of the evidence regarding the alleged Russian hack of the DNC amounts to: an inconclusive and highly suspect report, from a firm of questionable competence and integrity, who were contracted by a keenly interested yet curiously evasive party.

Color me “highly unimpressed” and “moderately amused.”

On the other hand, there is overwhelming—indeed, conclusive—countervailing evidence that Russia did not hack the DNC, but rather the DNC suffered a leak...and, that the leaker paid for this with his life. Let's dive in:

The Circumstances of Rich’s death are highly suggestive of targeted assassination, and highly inconsistent with “botched robbery”

Rich’s face, hands, and knees were bruised—there was a struggle. He was shot twice in the back. Nothing was stolen.

If this was a botched robbery, it was one of the botchiest botched robberies in the history of botched robbery. The now half million-dollar reward, coupled with the ongoing lack of suspects, further underscores this was not perpetrated by low-level criminals.

If, on the other hand, as all indications suggest, it was a targeted assassination, then who, pray tell, would possibly have the motive to kill this happy-go-lucky patriot? (Perhaps someone who knew Rich had exposed their corruption, and threatened their bid to become leader of the free world?)

Seth Rich was not in a gang. He was not a victim of domestic violence. Outside these contexts, targeted “hits” are incredibly rare.

Kim Dotcom is willing to testify Seth Rich was the source of the leak

The New Zealander entrepreneur, Kim Dotcom, knew about the DNC email dump for publication—this makes him incredibly credible on the topic. He says he had communicated with Rich, knows he was the leaker, and is willing to testify to that effect.

It remains to be seen whether Dotcom has emails or otherwise computer forensic evidence to back up this claim. But, frankly, this is mostly neither here nor there at this point. His self-insertion into America’s most significant political story, Russiagate, and his willingness to testify under threat of perjury is itself an enormous data point. What motive could he possibly have for doing this, if he is not, in fact, telling the truth?

Notice also how he is calling the bluff of CrowdStrike and ODNI. Dotcom would not be willing to testify if he thought there was a possibility they really could prove that Russia hacked the DNC, i.e., Dotcom would certainly not blatantly perjure himself. That is to say, his mere willingness to testify speaks volumes about his confidence and thus veracity (indeed, all the more so given his foreknowledge of the publication of the emails)

Craig Murray, claims he had a clandestine meeting in D.C. where he physically received the emails. He states, “The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.” Murray alleges the leaker's motivation was “disgust at the corruption of the Clinton Foundation” and the “tilting of the primary election playing field against Bernie Sanders.”

Guccifer 2.0 allegedly stated Rich was the leaker

Guccifer 2.0, who originally distributed the emails, says Seth “was [his] whistleblower.”

Julian Assange has repeatedly intimated Rich was the leaker, and is emphatic Russia was not the source

Julian Assange is emphatic WikiLeaks did not receive the DNC emails from Russia, and on at least two occasions has hinted Seth Rich was the leaker. For their part, Wikileaks has offered a $20,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of Rich’s killer and has also retweeted a Fox News report wherein investigator Rod Wheeler stated Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks.

Why would Julian Assange, holed up in an Ecuadorian embassy in London, be speaking about a "random botched robbery" in D.C.? Why would WikiLeaks be tweeting about and offering a reward regarding the same?

In short, everyone best placed to know—Assange, Guccifer 2.0, Murray, and Dotcom—all suggest (more or less) that Rich was the source of the leak.

But, as is often the case, the mainstream media has it ass backwards. The real “crazy conspiracy theory” regarding Seth Rich is that a New Zealander entrepreneur, a British diplomat, an unknown mysterious hacker, and WikiLeaks are all inexplicably conspiring to…defame the already defeatedHillary Clinton? The mainstream media would also have you believe that the DNC refused to turn over their would-be evidence of the supposed Russian hack (server) to the FBI because...ummm…remote Russian mind-numbing technology?

John Podesta is on record as in favor of “making an example of” a suspected leaker

Yikes. That seems pretty damning.

Something is incredibly strange about Michael Mueller...

Seth Rich was shot in the street outside of the home of Michael Mueller. On July 11, 2016, the day following Rich's murder, Mueller did an interview with NBC. When asked if he thought Rich's death was the result of a botched robbery, bizarrely, he momentarily fights back laughter before answering in the affirmative. He later made somewhat contradictory remarks about the events at a vigil for Rich. Finally, curiously, Mueller appears to have visited the White House two weeks after Rich's death.

There is a demonstrable cover up regarding Seth Rich’s murder


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The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



Because there wasn't anything there but looney right wingnut conspiracy idiots.

Yup, that's about a wrap there isn't it!
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation
Because it's a bunch of pipe dreams.
No one can investigate them properly. You've been fed a bill of goods. Time to take a look at where you get your information.

So you are saying Clinton-Schultz Pakistani Hackers, never hacked anyone?

They not only hacked everyone they could in Congress, they stole data from THE DNC Server as well.
The reason they were kept on, is because Clinton and Schultz were digging for dirt on everyone and The Pakistanis were getting it for them.
View attachment 168369
The Pakistani Hackers Working for the DNC | RealClearPolitics
The Exploding DNC IT Scandal Is As Crazy As Fiction



DNC Hacker Imran Awan Connected To Bill And Hillary Clinton — Steemit
The reason they were kept on, is because Clinton and Schultz were digging for dirt on everyone and The Pakistanis were getting it for them.

^^^^ this is the part that isn't true. Or at least there's no evidence of it whatsoever. It's not a coverup.
That pretty much confirms that you are a liar who defends liars.

House Hacking Suspects Could Read Every Email Dozens Of Congressmen Sent And Received

Imran ran technology for Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz–who resigned as head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) after a disastrous email hack she blamed on Russians–and had the password to an iPad used for DNC business.

Politico described the investigation this way: “Five House staffers are accused of stealing equipment from members’ offices without their knowledge and committing serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network.”

But it later said Hill staffers were downplaying the information security component, writing, “Sources close to the House investigation said the former staffers, while able to view some member data, did not have access to any classified information.”

That description rankled multiple House IT workers, who told TheDCNF those semantics misleadingly made it seem like they didn’t have access to extremely sensitive information.

“Classified” is a terminology used by spy agencies and other executive branch agencies, not generally Congress, with the exception of the intelligence committee. The full email correspondence and hard drives of members of Congress are nonetheless sensitive, extremely private and likely to contain privileged information of the utmost import.

And an email need not deal with national security to open that member to blackmail or extortion. All a rogue IT staffer would need to do was threaten to release emails that were politically embarrassing.

The central IT staffer said any suggestion that the brothers’ access didn’t span the full gamut of congressional intrigue was silly because they were the ones giving out permissions.

“When a new Member begins, they guide them on everything from which computer system to purchase to which constituent management system to go with and all other related hardware purchases. Then they install everything and set up all the accounts AND grant all the required permissions and restrictions,” the staffer said.

“In effect, they are given administrative control of the Members’ computer operations. They then set up a remote access so they can connect from wherever they are and have full access to everything on the Member’s system.”

Congressional IT staffers who are the subject of a criminal investigation into misusing their positions had full access to members’ “correspondence, emails, confidential files,” and there was almost no tracking of what they did, a former House technology worker said.

Imran Awan bullied central IT to bend the rules for him so there wouldn’t be a paper trail about the unusually high permissions he was requesting. And their actions were not logged, so members have no way of knowing what information they may have taken, the central IT employee said.

Awan ran technology for multiple House Democrats, and soon four of his relatives — including brothers Abid and Jamal — appeared on the payroll of dozens of other members, collecting $4 million in taxpayer funds since 2010.

U.S. Capitol Police named him and his relatives as subjects of a criminal probeon Feb. 2, and banned them from the complex’s computer networks. But members of Congress for whom they worked have downplayed their access or publicly ignored the issue.

“They had access to EVERYTHING. Correspondence, emails, confidential files — if it was stored on the Member system, they had access to it,” the former House Information Resources (HIR) technology worker with first-hand knowledge of Imran’s privileges told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Technology employees who work for members must initially get authority from HIR, a component of the House’s chief administrative officer, which maintains campus-wide technology systems.

“There were some things – like access to the House email system that were totally controlled by the technicians at HIR. In order for certain permissions to be granted, a form was required to ensure that there was a paper trail for the requested changes. Imran was constantly complaining that he had to go through this process and trying to get people to process his access requests without the proper forms. Some of the permissions he wanted would give him total access to the Members’ stuff.”

“IT staff at HIR can be tracked for every keystroke they make,” the worker said. But by comparison, “when these guys were granted access to the Member’s computer systems there is no oversight or tracking of what they may be doing on the Member’s system. For example they could make a copy of anything on the Member’s computer system to a thumb drive or have it sent to a private server they had set up and no one would know.”

That raises questions about why members are so quick to brush off the seriousness of the investigation.

“After being notified by the House Administration Committee, [Abid] was removed from our payroll. We are confident that everything in our office is secure,” Hilarie Chambers, chief of staff for Democratic Rep. Sander Levin of Michigan, told TheDCNF.

Multiple House IT workers said it is impossible for members’ offices to make that judgment, and that Capitol Police — who are running an investigation that involves cybercrimes and current and potential international fugitives, despite their primary duties being providing physical security — aren’t capable of determining what actually occurred either.

The DNC Clinton-Schultz Pakistani Hackers not only snooped around and stole data from The DNC Server, they were prying in to Congressional Files.

The Democrats Paid Big Bucks to These Pakistani Spies

According to the Daily Caller’s investigation, 30 Democrats plus the caucus paid out over $5,000,000 (five million dollars) to Inran Awan, Abid Awan, Jamal Awan, Hina Alvi, and Natalia Sova. More Democrats chipped in as well, for services that were barely rendered:

The suspects had full access to the emails and office computer files of the members for whom they worked. A focus of the investigation by the U.S. Capitol Police is an off-site server on which congressional data was allegedly loaded without the knowledge of authorities.

….As “shared” employees, their salaries were cobbled together with part-time payments from multiple members, with a result that the Awans appeared at one time or another on an estimated 80 House Democrats’ payrolls.

Yet the brothers spent significant time in Pakistan, The DCNF was told. They even had time beginning in 2009 to operate a Northern Virginia car dealership, with Abid as its day-to-day manager. The dealership received a $100,000 loan that was never repaid from Dr. Ali Al-Attar, a onetime Iraqi politician who fled the U.S. on tax charges and who reportedly has links to the terrorist group Hezbollah.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

maybe someone has a line on a story about Trump having THREE SCOOPS of ice cream :dunno:
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



You are not going to start crying again, are you?

Do you need your safe space?
Keep bashing your most powerful political base, you clueless dipshit.

I love it.

I do not have a "political base" you fucking partisan moron.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



You are not going to start crying again, are you?

Do you need your safe space?
Keep bashing your most powerful political base, you clueless dipshit.

I love it.

I do not have a "political base" you fucking partisan moron.
Being anti-Democrat is not being pro-Republican.

You are the Democrat shill. I couldn’t guess less of a shit about the Republican Party in its current form.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



You are not going to start crying again, are you?

Do you need your safe space?
Keep bashing your most powerful political base, you clueless dipshit.

I love it.

I do not have a "political base" you fucking partisan moron.
Being anti-Democrat is not being pro-Republican.

You are the Democrat shill. I couldn’t guess less of a shit about the Republican Party in its current form.

And being anti-Trump does not make me a Democrat, but that is too much for your partisan mind to grasp.

How many Dems are anti-abortion, pro-2nd Amendment and anti-ObamaCare?
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,



You are not going to start crying again, are you?

Do you need your safe space?
Keep bashing your most powerful political base, you clueless dipshit.

I love it.

I do not have a "political base" you fucking partisan moron.
Being anti-Democrat is not being pro-Republican.

You are the Democrat shill. I couldn’t guess less of a shit about the Republican Party in its current form.

And being anti-Trump does not make me a Democrat, but that is too much for your partisan mind to grasp.

How many Dems are anti-abortion, pro-2nd Amendment and anti-ObamaCare?
Many Democrats were like that not too long ago(my step-father’s mom is like this btw)

You have no reason to be anti-Trump if you claim to be for any of those things. Trump is the only thing standing in the way of the absolute destruction of this country.
You are not going to start crying again, are you?

Do you need your safe space?
Keep bashing your most powerful political base, you clueless dipshit.

I love it.

I do not have a "political base" you fucking partisan moron.
Being anti-Democrat is not being pro-Republican.

You are the Democrat shill. I couldn’t guess less of a shit about the Republican Party in its current form.

And being anti-Trump does not make me a Democrat, but that is too much for your partisan mind to grasp.

How many Dems are anti-abortion, pro-2nd Amendment and anti-ObamaCare?
Many Democrats were like that not too long ago(my step-father’s mom is like this btw)

You have no reason to be anti-Trump if you claim to be for any of those things. Trump is the only thing standing in the way of the absolute destruction of this country.

I am anti-Trump because I am a small government, more personal freedoms kind of guy. That is why Bush I was the last Repub to get my vote for Pres and Clinton was the last and only Dem to get my vote for Pres. Neither party supports small government or more personal freedoms and thus I support neither party and find the both equally reprehensible.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation

The reason is pretty obvious: Sessions is involved in a lot of shit that he doesn't want known.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation

The reason is pretty obvious: Sessions is involved in a lot of shit that he doesn't want known.
And trying to keep the traitors in DC from spilling it all is hard.
The entire Debbie-Wasserman Schultz Pakistani Spy Ring Operation that was busted and shut down has simply been buried?

DWS hires a bunch of Pakistani terrorist supporters, information that was easy to find but criminally overlooked by DWS. Some never show up but are paid anyway. The ones who do show up are given access to classified House Files without having Security Clearances. When it is discovered, the Pakistanis are booted from the House - BANNED - while a criminal ESPIONAGE Investigation is conducted

Almost IMMDEIATELY, DWS hires one of them back, gives him access to House files again, AND gives him access to all DNC e-mails, to include giving them DNC members' usernames and passwords.
- Gee, surprise surprise, DNC e-mails are hacked and leaked, exposing massive DNC dirty laundry. The Democrats respond by claiming the Russians did .. NOT the Pakistani spies given DNC e-mails, usernames, and passwords. :p

Debbie and her Pakistan spy then get busted AGAIN....Pakistanis flee the country, getting protection from Pakistan, Irwan gets nabbed, and DWS...yeah, she is IMMEDIATELY hired by Hillary and her campaign,


I do not trust Jeff Sessions to Investigate this properly.
You can't trust him to investigate corruption in the DOJ FBI and DNC either.
Nor can you trust him to investigate Fusion GPS.
Nor can you trust him to investigate the corrupt Uranium One Deal
Nor can you trust him to investigate Bribery, Extortion and Money Laundering at The Clinton Foundation

The reason is pretty obvious: Sessions is involved in a lot of shit that he doesn't want known.
And trying to keep the traitors in DC from spilling it all is hard.

Is this conversation part of the thread or profiles in ignorance?

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