Anyone on Effexor

That is interesting, I also take lamictal for the anxiety part, just started it though.

Coyote, whenever I saw a patient with significant depression with anxiety I always knew it was endogenous. I would ask this question: "So tell me which first degree biological relative in your family has depression as well?"

They would how look at me surprised and say something like, "My mother, how did you know?"

Depression with significant prolonged anxiety is always biochemical, not situational. In other words, it is brain chemistry, period. I respect anyone who takes control of the situation and addresses the problem. It is no different than any other medical issue.

Lamital is an anti-convulsant, (i.e. a seizure medication). It works completely differently than an antidepressant. Anxiety or OCD can be a trigger for later developing depression. Control the anxiety will often significantly help control the depression.

I could talk for hours about this, but if you are interested Google the Kindling Theory of Bipolar and Maj Depression. Both disorders mimic seizure disorder which is why doctors started using anti-convulsants to treat Bipolar and severe anxiety.

Again, I respect and applaud the positive steps you are taking to address a potentially serious medical problem.
Does Benzos help

Benzodiazepines work on the neurotransmitter GABA. This is the exact neurotransmitter affected by alcohol. That is why benzos can be so addictive. GABA is a disinhibiting neurotransmitter and usually induces a calming effect in the brain. But it is very temporary. After the medication wears off, just like alcohol, you're right back to square one.

Benzos address the symptoms, not the underlying brain chemistry problem. For short term use or for severe panic attacks fine, but I do not recommend long term use. Better a med that addresses the fundamental brain chemistry problems.
I am going to lower my Clonzapam from 2 mg to 1 mg
In 4 weeks ..I am going to quit along with lexapro and switch to Effexor
My main problems in order ..ocd, anxiety then depression

Does lamital help ocd

I wish you were my doc

I have not seen it used solely for OCD. That would be off label. So honestly, I cannot answer your question. Luvox is an SSRI that is the first line go to for OCD. But a lot of people have sexual side effects from it (i.e. no sex drive).

Anafranil is an old school antidepressant that can be used for OCD. I have seen it help people. That is potentially another option.
Been on C for 10 yrs
Yikes 😳

I am not judging at all. :) For severe anxiety sometimes benzos are all that will work. If you are taking it for that reason and you and your doctor agree, it's all good. I personally would strive to find something that hopefully can directly address the brain chemistry issue.
You think Effexor is best for me for ocd and anxiety

I would not dare interfere with the relationship between you and your doc. I will say effexor is a very good medication. I have seen it help many people with the combination of anxiety and depression. I have not generally seen it proscribed for OCD, but logically in my mind it should help.
Some studies show C can cause dementia

Most dementia is vascular in origin. See lacunar infarct. Possibly benzos can contribute to some forms of dementia, but I am not the person to ask. :)

My guess is prolonged heavy use of benzos like alcohol can contribute to dementia like symptoms as you age. As far as you brain is concerned, benzos and alcohol are nearly identical.
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Coyote, whenever I saw a patient with significant depression with anxiety I always knew it was endogenous. I would ask this question: "So tell me which first degree biological relative in your family has depression as well?"

They would how look at me surprised and say something like, "My mother, how did you know?"

Depression with significant prolonged anxiety is always biochemical, not situational. In other words, it is brain chemistry, period. I respect anyone who takes control of the situation and addresses the problem. It is no different than any other medical issue.

Lamital is an anti-convulsant, (i.e. a seizure medication). It works completely differently than an antidepressant. Anxiety or OCD can be a trigger for later developing depression. Control the anxiety will often significantly help control the depression.

I could talk for hours about this, but if you are interested Google the Kindling Theory of Bipolar and Maj Depression. Both disorders mimic seizure disorder which is why doctors started using anti-convulsants to treat Bipolar and severe anxiety.

Again, I respect and applaud the positive steps you are taking to address a potentially serious medical problem.
Depression does run in my family as well anxiety, substance abuse and my brother has schizophrenia. I suspect it is all related.

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