Anyone surprised Democrats whose violent rhetoric incited assassination attempt on Scalise & GOP now supporting domestic terrorist attacks across US?

No one should be.

This is who they have always been...this is who they are...

You don't reason with a mad dog. You trap it, capture it, lobotomize it then put it down. Nature is doing it for us as the Left go from stupid-crazy, to dangerous-mad, to self-imploding nihilistic destruction. Nature has issued a reset.
'Democrat Party' = 'Domestic Enemy'

Jim Crowe
Arming/financing/supporting terrorists
Arming Mexican Drug Cartels
Aiding Al Qaeda take over Libya
Aiding Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt
Illegally spying on Americans
Using IRS against Americans
Illegally spying on reporters / the media
Illegally spying on US Senators
Illegally spying on USSC Justices
FISA Court abuses
Violating the Constitution
Violating the Rule of Law
Trampling Civil Rights
Trampling Constitutional Rights
Attempted coups
Admitted politically partisan Impeachment
Collaborating/collusion with Russia, China
Collaborating with/aiding Iran, Venezuela
Paying thugs to beat/bloody US voters
Siding w/US enemies & their funded armies
Siding w/Aiding domestic terrorists
Betraying/abandoning American citizens...
...whether in Benghazi, Portland, Baltimore...

...and all for personal / party power, profit, and control..

And how many threats to Democrats receive

Way to attempt to spin, snowflake.

'receiving threats' is no where near inciting assassination attempts on political opponents....

'receiving threats' is not the same as aiding domestic terrorists who are looting, burning, assaulting, destroying, murdering...foreign funded domestic terrorists.

'receiving / making threats' is not the same thing as PAYING thugs to beat and bloody opposition party supporters for rejecting their agenda, ideology, and criminal candidates...

Fail, snowflake.
And how many threats to Democrats receive

Way to attempt to spin, snowflake.

'receiving threats' is no where near inciting assassination attempts on political opponents....

'receiving threats' is not the same as aiding domestic terrorists who are looting, burning, assaulting, destroying, murdering...foreign funded domestic terrorists.

'receiving / making threats' is not the same thing as PAYING thugs to beat and bloody opposition party supporters for rejecting their agenda, ideology, and criminal candidates...

Fail, snowflake.

Oh there have been plenty assassination's attempts on the Democrats politicians and even activists. Dr. Fauci and his family for example.
Also the democrat politicians have spoke up about the looting, etc.
How easily they forget that in 2018 suspicious parcels containing pipe bombs were sent to former President Barack Obama, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, ex-CIA Director John Brennan. MaxineWaters, and billionaire financier George Soros,

The packages had a return address of the office of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who led the Democratic National Committee, the party's executive body.

Actions do speak louder than words under the Trump administration
And how many threats to Democrats receive

Way to attempt to spin, snowflake.

'receiving threats' is no where near inciting assassination attempts on political opponents....

'receiving threats' is not the same as aiding domestic terrorists who are looting, burning, assaulting, destroying, murdering...foreign funded domestic terrorists.

'receiving / making threats' is not the same thing as PAYING thugs to beat and bloody opposition party supporters for rejecting their agenda, ideology, and criminal candidates...

Fail, snowflake.

Oh there have been plenty assassination's attempts on the Democrats politicians and even activists. Dr. Fauci and his family for example.
Also the democrat politicians have spoke up about the looting, etc.
2nd failed attempt to divert from how Democrats have incited an actual assassination attempt against fellow politicians ... and how Liberal politicians are protecting, aiding, and abetting domestic terrorists who are burning American cities to the ground, are murdering CHILDREN in the streets, who are releasing from jail immediately attempted murderers trying to kill cops, rapist and murderers...

...and let's not forget how 6 seperate Democrat politicians murdered American citizens knowingly, intentionally: After acknowledging the elderly are the most likely to die from COVID-19, Cuomo then ordered infected patients be placed in nursing homes - HE murdered between 8,000 - 10,000 Americans & is still walking around free.

In 2016 it was proven that a US Presidential candidate and their team PAID CRIMINALS TO BEAT AND BLOODY AMERICAN VOTERS who rejected their agenda, ideology, and candidate.

After a Republican was gunned down in a park because Democrats' violent rhetoric incited some snowflake to attempt to assassinate Republicans, the Democrats said they would did not last the WEEKEND.

Fail, snowflake.

Wanna go for 3?
How easily they forget that in 2018 suspicious parcels containing pipe bombs were sent to former President Barack Obama, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, ex-CIA Director John Brennan. MaxineWaters, and billionaire financier George Soros,

The packages had a return address of the office of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who led the Democratic National Committee, the party's executive body.

Actions do speak louder than words under the Trump administration
Democrats in Washington openly called for snowflakes to follow, harass, and 'attack' Republicans in public. They released (DOXed) the Republican politicians, endangering their families and staffs.

Please show me where GOP politicians called for their followers to use pipe bombs, etc...

More importantly, post the link to where the GOP are aiding foreign-funded domestic terrorists like Democrats are and where a single GOP politician is personally responsible for murdering over 8,000 Americans like Cuomo is...

Keep grasping for straws and using those 'whattabout' excuses / arguments, snowflake.
No one should be.

This is who they have always been...this is who they are...

Too many damned guns
/—-/ Your Antifa heroes have plenty of weapons other than guns. They use sharpened pvc pipes, metal spikes, fireworks, lasers to the eyes, power tools and now acid thrown in the face. Try reading the news.
And how many threats to Democrats receive

Way to attempt to spin, snowflake.

'receiving threats' is no where near inciting assassination attempts on political opponents....

'receiving threats' is not the same as aiding domestic terrorists who are looting, burning, assaulting, destroying, murdering...foreign funded domestic terrorists.

'receiving / making threats' is not the same thing as PAYING thugs to beat and bloody opposition party supporters for rejecting their agenda, ideology, and criminal candidates...

Fail, snowflake.

Oh there have been plenty assassination's attempts on the Democrats politicians and even activists. Dr. Fauci and his family for example.
Also the democrat politicians have spoke up about the looting, etc.
So you are saying Fauci is a Dimwinger activist?
And how many threats to Democrats receive

Way to attempt to spin, snowflake.

'receiving threats' is no where near inciting assassination attempts on political opponents....

'receiving threats' is not the same as aiding domestic terrorists who are looting, burning, assaulting, destroying, murdering...foreign funded domestic terrorists.

'receiving / making threats' is not the same thing as PAYING thugs to beat and bloody opposition party supporters for rejecting their agenda, ideology, and criminal candidates...

Fail, snowflake.

Oh there have been plenty assassination's attempts on the Democrats politicians and even activists. Dr. Fauci and his family for example.
Also the democrat politicians have spoke up about the looting, etc.
Also the democrat politicians have spoke up about the looting, etc.

Yeah, here is what Nazi Pelousy said..............

How easily they forget that in 2018 suspicious parcels containing pipe bombs were sent to former President Barack Obama, ex-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Eric Holder, ex-CIA Director John Brennan. MaxineWaters, and billionaire financier George Soros,

The packages had a return address of the office of Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who led the Democratic National Committee, the party's executive body.

Actions do speak louder than words under the Trump administration
One nutjob who was arrested and prosecuted.

I assume you want the same fate for your fellow Dimwinger hoards who riot and loot, right?
Nothing new, really. Leftism can only expand its numbers in two ways:

1. Indoctrinating people too unsophisticated to question the indoctrination -- i.e., "education".

2. Forcing people to go along by threat of violence.

Rational people don't choose leftism.

I suppose the American Revolution was irrational too? I mean violent leftists attacking the legal government of the Colonies, seeking to overthrow the King.

Nothing in the history of the United States if America has been accomplished without violence. Your history is awash in blood. The Revolutionary War. The Indian Wars. The Civil War. The Spanish American War. The Civil Rights Movement.

I guess Americans are not rational people.
"whose violent rhetoric incited assassination attempt on Scalise"

yet all he said was "It is time for us, as Democrats, to be as tough as they are, to be as dedicated as they are, to be as committed as they are," Holder told a crowd of campaign volunteers and candidates. "Michelle always says -- I love her; she and my wife are like, really tight, which always scares me and Barack -- but Michelle always says, 'When they go low, we go high.' No. When they go low, we kick 'em."

I would not consider that violent rhetoric but it is dangerous in the political arena
now fox and friends seems to take this as violent rhetoric

Is he suggesting that we kick them in the shins or kick them in the butt.
No, if you take the whole content meaning instead of spinets, then it is obvious that he was comparing ways to deal with disagreements

Some say if they get dirty , don't get dirty with them and stay above it. Take the high road.

He just saying that if they get dirty, well it time to get in the dirt. with them

To take what he said literally that he want demo's to kick repubs is childish. To say he wants to get violent when there is no proof of it is misleading.

The pipe bomber was a Trump supporter

Sayoc has been housed at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan since he was brought to New York after his 26 October arrest. He had been living in a van plastered with Trump stickers and images of Trump opponents with crosshairs over their faces.

Trump says a lot of negative things for the sole purpose of getting his base fired up. Those on the edge of sanity will take it literally and do acts of violence.

The war of words in politics. Should those people take responsibility for the words they use? Those living on the edge will take it to the next level. So why can't we all play nice. Do you believe Trump can play nice?
No one should be.

This is who they have always been...this is who they are...

Too many damned guns
/—-/ Your Antifa heroes have plenty of weapons other than guns. They use sharpened pvc pipes, metal spikes, fireworks, lasers to the eyes, power tools and now acid thrown in the face. Try reading the news.

Where are these reports of violent attacks by anti-fa with pvc pipes, metal spikes and fireworks? The most violent thing they've done is punch Richard Spencer in the face, and throw a milkshake on some asshole who falsely claimed it was fully of cement. And if anyone deserves to be punched in the face, it's Richard Spencer.

Where are the reports of anti-fa sending people to the hospital or killing them? Why haven't there been any charges? There was a Bugaloo Boi charged with shooting an anarchist in one of the riots, but no charges against anyone from Anit-fa.

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