Anyone surprised Democrats whose violent rhetoric incited assassination attempt on Scalise & GOP now supporting domestic terrorist attacks across US?

No one should be.

This is who they have always been...this is who they are...

Too many damned guns
/—-/ Your Antifa heroes have plenty of weapons other than guns. They use sharpened pvc pipes, metal spikes, fireworks, lasers to the eyes, power tools and now acid thrown in the face. Try reading the news.

Where are these reports of violent attacks by anti-fa with pvc pipes, metal spikes and fireworks? The most violent thing they've done is punch Richard Spencer in the face, and throw a milkshake on some asshole who falsely claimed it was fully of cement. And if anyone deserves to be punched in the face, it's Richard Spencer.

Where are the reports of anti-fa sending people to the hospital or killing them? Why haven't there been any charges? There was a Bugaloo Boi charged with shooting an anarchist in one of the riots, but no charges against anyone from Anit-fa.
/——/ “Authorities said rocks, bottles, fireworks and mortars were thrown at officers as they attempted to clear the area over the course of several hours stretching into Saturday night. One officer was hospitalized with a leg injury caused by an explosive.” Police in both Portland and Seattle declared riots last night. It didn't help

Criminals used metal spikes to target the vehicles of federal law enforcement agents dispatched to Portland in the latest effort by violent protesters to damage federal property, according to a top Trump administration official.
Portland rioters used metal spikes to target federal vehicles: CBP leader

The rioters then moved in what police described as “a platoon-like fashion” toward the statue, using the protest banners as cover. The PVC pipe was then removed from the banners and sharpened into weapons to be used against police officers. Rioters distributed “weapons” — projectiles such as rocks, frozen cans, and frozen water bottles — throughout the crowd. They also restocked the weapons throughout the confrontation with police, distributing them from shopping carts.
Nothing new, really. Leftism can only expand its numbers in two ways:

1. Indoctrinating people too unsophisticated to question the indoctrination -- i.e., "education".

2. Forcing people to go along by threat of violence.

Rational people don't choose leftism.

I suppose the American Revolution was irrational too? I mean violent leftists attacking the legal government of the Colonies, seeking to overthrow the King.

Nothing in the history of the United States if America has been accomplished without violence. Your history is awash in blood. The Revolutionary War. The Indian Wars. The Civil War. The Spanish American War. The Civil Rights Movement.

I guess Americans are not rational people.
I see the English language confuses you.

The Founding Fathers were not leftists. They were the exact opposite: They were classical liberals...small government conservatives. The Crown was oppressive big government. The FF fought for liberty. Today's leftists fight for more oppressive government.

I'd ask you not to make this stupid mistake again, but I'm not at all confident you won't.

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