Anyone who disputes this .. have lost touch with reality...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How can anyone dispute these facts.

Exxon Valdez carried nearly 1,264,155 barrels in one tanker in one mile.

The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, when Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker bound for Long Beach, California struck Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef and spilled 260,000 to 750,000 barrels (41,000 to 119,000 m3) of crude oil. It is considered to be one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters. The Valdez spill was the largest ever in U.S. waters until the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, in terms of volume released. However, Prince William Sound's remote location, accessible only by helicopter, plane, and boat, made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response.
The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field, eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline, and 11,000 square miles (28,000 km2) of ocean.
Exxon Valdez oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A train carried about 40,000 barrels in 73 cars in one mile.

Keystone pipeline will carry over 1,179 miles 830,000 barrels in 24 hours or in one mile: 703 barrels of oil.

One tanker accident puts at risk 1.2 million barrels in the ocean probably worst weather situation.

One train totally derailed puts in one mile 40,000 barrels.

One mile of pipeline having a leak in ALL of the ONE mile will spill 703 barrels.

Now for all you Keystone critics..i.e. people out of touch with reality...
Dispute the above facts...
Facts and rationality never got in the way of a Liberal or an environmentalist.

Keystone is the hot-button topic du jour. They are having a field day with it and the only way to defeat it is to appeal to emotional irrational fears. c'mon, there has only been 6 studies in 4 years...we need another 3 or 4 studies down till the right answer comes along
What people seem to be objecting to with the pipeline isn't the resulting spills or efficiency but rather that doing it is signaling we're not doing alt fuels instead.

Simple math I assume. We're doing the pipeline because trying to replace however much fuel it'll bring into the economy with alt fuels the pipeline's is more efficient. Creates more jobs, is easier to get approve in Congress, etc.

Get the oil now with the pipeline, or fight over alt fuels and get nothing. It's not perfect, but it's more practical than asking Americans to slow down, drive less, buy more efficient vehicles, and otherwise make...GULP, personal sacrifices. :) Plus, getting oil from Canada via the pipeline is preferable to getting it from the mideast countries.
Canada is GOING to ship 1 million barrels a day.. regardless of pipeline or tanker.

Simple question for everyone..
Do we want another Exxon Valdez AND get nothing but EXPENSE in cleaning up a gigantic mess again
or do we want to gain revenue and REDUCE the gigantic mess expense!

That simple.
Anyone against Keystone is NOT an environmentalist!
NO environmentalist would WANT thousands of miles of ocean despoiled by a million barrel tanker accident if it could go over a pipeline risking less then 700 barrels in a mile!
703 barrels = 38,665 gallons.

In reality that's about 4.5% of what spilled from this pipeline.

Kalamazoo River oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On Sunday, July 25, 2010, at about 5:58 p.m. EDT, a 40-foot pipe segment in Line 6B, located approximately 0.6 of a mile downstream of the Marshall, Michigan pump station, ruptured.[1] The rupture in the Enbridge Energy pipeline caused a 877,000 US gallons (3,320 m3) spill of diluted bitumen also called tar sands or heavy crude oil originating from Canada (Alberta and Saskatchewan) into Talmadge Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan, which flows into the Kalamazoo River.
703 barrels = 38,665 gallons.

In reality that's about 4.5% of what spilled from this pipeline.

Kalamazoo River oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On Sunday, July 25, 2010, at about 5:58 p.m. EDT, a 40-foot pipe segment in Line 6B, located approximately 0.6 of a mile downstream of the Marshall, Michigan pump station, ruptured.[1] The rupture in the Enbridge Energy pipeline caused a 877,000 US gallons (3,320 m3) spill of diluted bitumen also called tar sands or heavy crude oil originating from Canada (Alberta and Saskatchewan) into Talmadge Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan, which flows into the Kalamazoo River.

Yup... and..25,200,000 gallons from
The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, when Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker bound for Long Beach, California struck Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef and spilled 260,000 to 750,000 barrels (41,000 to 119,000 m3) of crude oil. It is considered to be one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters. The Valdez spill was the largest ever in U.S. waters until the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, in terms of volume released. However, Prince William Sound's remote location, accessible only by helicopter, plane, and boat, made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response.
The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field, eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline, and 11,000 square miles (28,000 km2) of ocean.
Exxon Valdez oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SO??? Which is worse 25 million gallons or 38,000 gallons???
You can't possibly equate Kalamazoo river with 11,000 miles of ocean???
Since 2006 these largest pipeline spills a total of 1,373,000 barrels.. an average per year of less then 200,000 per year..

One oil tanker carry 1 million barrels traveling 1,000s of miles potentially devastating 11,000 SQ MILES of Ocean...

September 29: The Tesoro Logistics LP pipeline spill was the biggest leak in North Dakota since
1 million barrels of salt water brine, a byproduct of oil production, leaked from a well site in 2006.

March 29: Exxon Mobil's Mayflower pipeline ruptured in a suburban neighborhood in Arkansas, forcing residents from homes. It spilled some 5,000 to 7,000 barrels of heavy crude from Canada.

June 2012: Enbridge Inc shut its 345,000 barrels per day Athabasca pipeline after 1,400 barrels of oil spilled in Northeast Alberta. The line was quickly restarted after the company bypassed a pump station.

July, 2011: Exxon Mobil's Silvertip pipeline leaked 1,500 barrels of crude into the Yellowstone River after heavy flooding in the region.

July 25, 2010: Enbridge Inc's 41-year-old 6B pipeline ruptured in Michigan, leaking 19,500 barrels of crude, of which about 8,500 spilled into the Kalamazoo River. The accident on the pipeline owned by the Calgary-based company was the largest onland oil spill in U.S. history and environmentalists complained it left lasting damage to the river. Regulators kept the line shut for more than eight weeks. The accident was one of three outages that summer for Enbridge, raising questions about the safety of pumping Canadian crude through the United States.
Factbox: Recent North American oil pipeline spills | Reuters
703 barrels = 38,665 gallons.

In reality that's about 4.5% of what spilled from this pipeline.

Kalamazoo River oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On Sunday, July 25, 2010, at about 5:58 p.m. EDT, a 40-foot pipe segment in Line 6B, located approximately 0.6 of a mile downstream of the Marshall, Michigan pump station, ruptured.[1] The rupture in the Enbridge Energy pipeline caused a 877,000 US gallons (3,320 m3) spill of diluted bitumen also called tar sands or heavy crude oil originating from Canada (Alberta and Saskatchewan) into Talmadge Creek in Calhoun County, Michigan, which flows into the Kalamazoo River.

Yup... and..25,200,000 gallons from
The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred in Prince William Sound, Alaska, on March 24, 1989, when Exxon Valdez, an oil tanker bound for Long Beach, California struck Prince William Sound's Bligh Reef and spilled 260,000 to 750,000 barrels (41,000 to 119,000 m3) of crude oil. It is considered to be one of the most devastating human-caused environmental disasters. The Valdez spill was the largest ever in U.S. waters until the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, in terms of volume released. However, Prince William Sound's remote location, accessible only by helicopter, plane, and boat, made government and industry response efforts difficult and severely taxed existing plans for response.
The region is a habitat for salmon, sea otters, seals and seabirds. The oil, originally extracted at the Prudhoe Bay oil field, eventually covered 1,300 miles (2,100 km) of coastline, and 11,000 square miles (28,000 km2) of ocean.
Exxon Valdez oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SO??? Which is worse 25 million gallons or 38,000 gallons???
You can't possibly equate Kalamazoo river with 11,000 miles of ocean???

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How do we know, in the long run, these oil spills don't help the environment?
Anyone who is against the pipeline shouldn't be on a computer.
I mean how hypocritical can you get?
The environmental damage in the making/using/disposal of electronics is HUUUGE.
Planet haters.
I would just for once see if there can be a 100% agreement about ANYTHING!
Even this dumb question of which has the greater environmental impact:
1 million barrels traveling on the open ocean one mile in a tanker
or 703 barrels traveling one mile in a pipe?

There shouldn't be any disagreement but obviously the people that don't agree again are not in touch with reality!!!
Facts and rationality never got in the way of a Liberal or an environmentalist.

Keystone is the hot-button topic du jour. They are having a field day with it and the only way to defeat it is to appeal to emotional irrational fears.

you know, h… i'd say that it's kind of bizarre for the right to not give a flying whatever about our environment.

so maybe before you dismiss everyone who hasn't been sucked in by multi-national corporations, the discussion should at least be had.

i think that's the problem with the right… the totally dismissive way anything that's socially responsible is treated.
I keep asking and all I get is deafening silence. Where were all the enviro whackos when Keystone I, Keystone II and all the rest of these pipelines were built?

Keystone III is just a political bullshit dog and pony show.


If you include smaller regional pipelines, it becomes clear that the ground underneath our feet is saturated with pipelines:

Facts and rationality never got in the way of a Liberal or an environmentalist.

Keystone is the hot-button topic du jour. They are having a field day with it and the only way to defeat it is to appeal to emotional irrational fears.

you know, h… i'd say that it's kind of bizarre for the right to not give a flying whatever about our environment.

so maybe before you dismiss everyone who hasn't been sucked in by multi-national corporations, the discussion should at least be had.

i think that's the problem with the right… the totally dismissive way anything that's socially responsible is treated.

I've been fighting true conservationist fights for decades. And yes. I'm a conservative. My specialty is fighting intensive hog farming and fighting for water purity.

I have no use for political bullshit on the environment. And I'm sorry, most of the enviro whackos don't have a clue about true conservation and preservation of the environment.

All they do is spew bullshit and hold signs and think they are doing the planet a favor as they sit at their keyboards blathering on and order a pizza and think they're freaking champs for putting the pizza box in the "paper" recycling bin.

Now to your post. First thing you do is make a blanket statement and insult the right for not caring about the environment.

Then you complain we're all sucked in by multi corporations. Talk about blanket freaking statements.

And then for good measure you insult all conservatives again with your last sentence.

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Facts and rationality never got in the way of a Liberal or an environmentalist.

Keystone is the hot-button topic du jour. They are having a field day with it and the only way to defeat it is to appeal to emotional irrational fears.

you know, h… i'd say that it's kind of bizarre for the right to not give a flying whatever about our environment.

so maybe before you dismiss everyone who hasn't been sucked in by multi-national corporations, the discussion should at least be had.

i think that's the problem with the right… the totally dismissive way anything that's socially responsible is treated.

I sit on a petroleum industry-funded board and we spend about $100,000/year by partnering with our state's Department of Natural Resources in identifying abandoned drilling and production facilities throughout the state. We take it upon ourselves to pay for the clean up and remediation of these "brownfields".

Our next project we are working on is partnering with soil and water conservation districts toward the remediation of similarly brine-damaged sites. We've gone through about $50,000 just in the planning stages. It will ultimately end up being a million dollar project. I, and my peers, do give a flying whatever.
How do we know, in the long run, these oil spills don't help the environment?

Ahhhh, the question that begged to be asked. How, indeed, do we know? I wouldnt go so far as to consider whether it helps the environment, but certainly the overly zealous liberals and enviro-cock-slurpers thought and prognosticated the end of civilization as we know it in both the Valdez and Horizon accidents. Never let a potential crisis go to waste.
Facts and rationality never got in the way of a Liberal or an environmentalist.

Keystone is the hot-button topic du jour. They are having a field day with it and the only way to defeat it is to appeal to emotional irrational fears.

you know, h… i'd say that it's kind of bizarre for the right to not give a flying whatever about our environment.

so maybe before you dismiss everyone who hasn't been sucked in by multi-national corporations, the discussion should at least be had.

i think that's the problem with the right… the totally dismissive way anything that's socially responsible is treated.

Can you refute his argument or can't you.

Otherwise Shut Up.

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