Anything Else About Benghazi Is Strictly Political

Every American has long since formed an opinion and to keep harping on it is Right Wing insanity! Everybody there knew the danger but they volunteered anyway. They were drawing hazardous duty pay.

Hillary appeared before a senate committee and answered continuous questions for eleven hours.


Don't you wish!

The planes for the rescue and counter attack were on the runways and ready to go. That was following the direct order of the Secretary of Defense, Leon Pennetta to head for Benghazi. Lame Duck President Barack Hussein Obama complied with the request.

A meeting was held at 7:30 P.M. where the senior cabinet member was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Neither President Clinton or Leon Pennetta were present at that meeting. Why?

During that meeting, the discussion centered around...what would be the best image to portray to the Libyans. That's right, the IMAGE. During that time, the soldiers on board the planes were ordered to CHANGE CLOTHES FOUR TIMES. Who issued those orders? Imagine, our finest FIGHTING LOMEN, ready to jump into an ongoing terrorist attack, psyching themselves up to maybe die to rescue others and their repeated orders...CHANGE CLOTHES.

Finally, SOMEONE issues a stand down order? Who was it that overrode the direct order of the Secretary of Defense AND the Commander in Chief?

Who had the authority? Or rather, who TOOK the authority?

Still, LOTS of questions remain unanswered and there's not much chance of anyone answering those questions in our lifetime. Treachery and treason.
It was godamn political when it fucking happened

Never bitch....

Exactly how I feel about the clusterfugg that was 9-11-2001 under the Bush Regime.
We will never forget!!

As you well know, President William Jefferson Clinton erected a wall of silence between each of the 16 or 17 intelligence agencies so they were NOT able to communicate. The IDEA was admirable. To prevent security leaks through different agencies having access to top secret information. That was also the fatal error.

The agency who learned that Muslim's were taking flight lessons, and not particularly interested in landing or taking off, were NOT allowed to communicate that information to the agency that learned that al Qaeda was planning to use aircraft to launch a terrorist attack. Yet another agency that picked up increased "chatter" concerning an attack, could not communicate that to the other agencies and on, and on and on.

There was NO LEGAL WAY for them to connect the dots. It was done in the interest of security. Someone in one agency, would not find out what was known in another.

After President George Bush brought down the Gorelick Wall of Silence.... the pre-Patriot Act "wall" prevented foreign intelligence and criminal investigative communities from collaborating. ... the wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker.

The wall was originally erected by Jamie Gorelick to hide contributions to Clinton's presidential campaign from foreign sources...over $1.2 million was hidden by straw donors....but in turn it also prevented the sharing of foreign and domestic intelligence.

Bush assigned Stanley McChrystal as the commander of Joint Special Operation Command from 2003-2008...Under McChrystal JSOC had a dramatic change in worldwide intelligence....he successfully combined military, domestic and international intelligence to form a worldwide sharing of intelligence data.....and Obama continues JSCO...they were responsible for Bin Laden's demise.

Legislation put forth by President George Walker Bush, and a new oversight agency created after the attack, remedied this fatal error and gathers intelligence from all agencies. How many fatal Islamic Terrorist attacks...until President Barack Hussein Obama, did we have?
Every American has long since formed an opinion and to keep harping on it is Right Wing insanity! Everybody there knew the danger but they volunteered anyway. They were drawing hazardous duty pay.

Hillary appeared before a senate committee and answered continuous questions for eleven hours.

. Get over it eh ? Did Obama & company do what he accused Bush of doing in Iraq called regime change, in which was to liberate Lybia from Kadafi ? Then after that they claimed success in Lybia right ? Then it quickly fell apart, and Americans were killed in a supposed safe liberated country right ? Then Rice, and company began lying to try and cover it all up as if it was America's fault that the Americans were attacked and died there over a video ? How sick is that situation ?

I'll bet you arse holes were really upset when Reagan pulled all our marines out of Lebanon after the Hezbullah killed 293 of them with a suicide truck bomb.

Listen up, you stupid old piece of shit that believes that FDR was the "bomb"? Troops in foreign lands do nothing but serve the interests of the multi-national corporations and that practice continues to this day. Reagan, Bush, Carter, Clinton , Obama....nothing but fucking puppets. BTW, if I ever get the chance, I am going to take a shit on the grave of FDR........the greatest traitor in American none.

They have a special forum for you guys, the followers of RENSE and other fantasy worlds.
Every American has long since formed an opinion and to keep harping on it is Right Wing insanity! Everybody there knew the danger but they volunteered anyway. They were drawing hazardous duty pay.

Hillary appeared before a senate committee and answered continuous questions for eleven hours.


Why is the whore still withholding documents? Not to mention all the documents she destroyed from her unsecured server. Huma turned over work related emails that Clinton claimed were personal. Then there is the Sid problem.

Some of Clinton's Libya emails said to be withheld from Benghazi Committee
Hillary appeared before a senate committee and answered continuous questions for eleven hours.
Six Men fought for thirteen hours to try and save the lives of all those at the diplomatic compound and the CIA annex while getting no help from their government. So forgive me if I don't find answering questions even for eleven hours all that fucking impressive.
I'll bet you arse holes were really upset when Reagan pulled all our marines out of Lebanon after the Hezbullah killed 293 of them with a suicide truck bomb.

Curious. What would you have done? Fyi, we just gave Iran $1.3 billion dollars of tax payer money. Iran attacked the Marines. Why did Obama give them a bonus for being one of the biggest sponsors of terrorism in the world?
Every American has long since formed an opinion and to keep harping on it is Right Wing insanity! Everybody there knew the danger but they volunteered anyway. They were drawing hazardous duty pay.

Hillary appeared before a senate committee and answered continuous questions for eleven hours.

. Get over it eh ? Did Obama & company do what he accused Bush of doing in Iraq called regime change, in which was to liberate Lybia from Kadafi ? Then after that they claimed success in Lybia right ? Then it quickly fell apart, and Americans were killed in a supposed safe liberated country right ? Then Rice, and company began lying to try and cover it all up as if it was America's fault that the Americans were attacked and died there over a video ? How sick is that situation ?

I'll bet you arse holes were really upset when Reagan pulled all our marines out of Lebanon after the Hezbullah killed 293 of them with a suicide truck bomb.

Listen up, you stupid old piece of shit that believes that FDR was the "bomb"? Troops in foreign lands do nothing but serve the interests of the multi-national corporations and that practice continues to this day. Reagan, Bush, Carter, Clinton , Obama....nothing but fucking puppets. BTW, if I ever get the chance, I am going to take a shit on the grave of FDR........the greatest traitor in American none.

They have a special forum for you guys, the followers of RENSE and other fantasy worlds.
Every American has long since formed an opinion and to keep harping on it is Right Wing insanity! Everybody there knew the danger but they volunteered anyway. They were drawing hazardous duty pay.

Hillary appeared before a senate committee and answered continuous questions for eleven hours.

. Get over it eh ? Did Obama & company do what he accused Bush of doing in Iraq called regime change, in which was to liberate Lybia from Kadafi ? Then after that they claimed success in Lybia right ? Then it quickly fell apart, and Americans were killed in a supposed safe liberated country right ? Then Rice, and company began lying to try and cover it all up as if it was America's fault that the Americans were attacked and died there over a video ? How sick is that situation ?

I'll bet you arse holes were really upset when Reagan pulled all our marines out of Lebanon after the Hezbullah killed 293 of them with a suicide truck bomb.

Listen up, you stupid old piece of shit that believes that FDR was the "bomb"? Troops in foreign lands do nothing but serve the interests of the multi-national corporations and that practice continues to this day. Reagan, Bush, Carter, Clinton , Obama....nothing but fucking puppets. BTW, if I ever get the chance, I am going to take a shit on the grave of FDR........the greatest traitor in American none.

They have a special forum for you guys, the followers of RENSE and other fantasy worlds.

I know a lot of things, Markle.....I do this every fucking day.... 365 days a year, 10 to 12 hours a day and have done so for the last 4 years. I soak up information like a sponge and discern it with proper vetting. I have an excellent handle on how things really work.
Hillary appeared before a senate committee and answered continuous questions for eleven hours.
Six Men fought for thirteen hours to try and save the lives of all those at the diplomatic compound and the CIA annex while getting no help from their government. So forgive me if I don't find answering questions even for eleven hours all that fucking impressive.

Yep, you nailed that one....knocked it out of the park and the ball has yet to land.....

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