AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.
You are too stupid to see that we are mocking her, just like we do your stupid ass.

dogs playing poker 1.jpg
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.
Yeah the comedy space. Thanks for that. Care to join her? Plenty of room
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.

You contradicted yourself:abgg2q.jpg:

That and you're a hypocrite with TDS.

but yall cant figure out what we told u about MSM yet...........
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.
They are also using the space in their heads to purchase more guns and ammo sales are at record levels. They know what you are.
She says stupid shit all the time because she loves to hear herself talk too much. It wouldn't be that bad if she had some logic or common sense but that's not the case.
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.

Laughing at and ridiculing that fuckwit is not the same as living in our heads. I'll bet you already knew that....

Her favorability in her own district (14th) is 21%. And your Dear Leaders are trying to shitcan that district. LOL

No... we will not stop laughing at that primitive ape.

The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.
They are also using the space in their heads to purchase more guns and ammo sales are at record levels. They know what you are.

By all means, feel free to purchase as many guns and as much ammo as you'd like. This is after all a free country. But consider this. Those with the guns, will most likely end up turning them on each other. Again, I'm sure she thanks all the righties for the free advertising space in their brains.
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.

Laughing at and ridiculing that fuckwit is not the same as living in our heads. I'll bet you already knew that....

Her favorability in her own district (14th) is 21%. And your Dear Leaders are trying to shitcan that district. LOL

No... we will not stop laughing at that primitive ape.


Proof positive that righties make the best suckers when it comes to charging rent. They'll let you get away rent free. :)
It's hard to find something current on her poll numbers that isn't skewed so far right, I start seeing images of Sean Hannity.
Ocasio-Cortez Will Be Tough to Beat. Why Are 11 People Trying?
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.
When you end up living in a shithole country ruled by these idiot democrats you’re cheering for keep this in mind. You deserve those conditions.
The spokesperson of the Left is going to win the Trump 2020 Top Campaigner Award.

AOC Advises People to Eat at Home Just Days After Calling People ‘Racists’ for Eating at Home

But she is taking up space in right wingers heads rent free. Every single time one of you righties gets their panties in a twist over something a Congresswoman (who probably doesn't even represent your district) says, I grin from ear to ear. Why? Not just because I know it pisses most of you off, but also whether you like it or not, she (and others like her) are young enough that they'll be making policy for the country while the boomers slowly fade into political obscurity. Inevitability.

I don't see most of the media concerning themselves over what this young woman says. Just the right wingers...and it's because they're scared to death of her.
Tell me more about Trump.

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