AOC Claims the reason for Impeachment Inquiry Is For Reason: Getting Rid of Trump. Clear Sedition!

What punishment should participating Democrat representatives receive?

  • 1. Immediate dismissal from the House and never any Federal service for life due to fraud.

    Votes: 9 81.8%
  • 2. Those who voted for fraudulent inquiry must refund to taxpayers all paychecks since voting.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • 3. Withdrawal of all retirement and medical benefits for life and all privileges for fraud

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • 4. Immediate expropriation of computer information whether on government or personal computers.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • 5. Repayment to taxpayers money spent on all fraud impeachment reports including Miller Report.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • 6. Restitution of lawyer fees for all who were sued from info gleaned in the reports based on fraud

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • 7. Damages to everyone falsely imprisoned by Democrat mischief and false allegations

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • 8. Lost wages restored by the DNC to people who lost their jobs over phony impeachment probes.

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • 9. 20 years hard time with no possibility of parole for all participating DNC House members

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • 10. 40 years hard time for false Impeachment by Dem chairmen, speaker, who led false impeachment

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • 11. 50 years hard time for voting precinct Dem chairpersons who elected these House monsters

    Votes: 8 72.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
This is not Russia. It's almost like you can't understand why a political opposition is not being murdered by the government like they do in the fatherland.

Fuck off asswipe. Overthrowing the government is not simple opposition
This impeachment is all based on hate and lies and thats why it is failing. There is no actual crime.

It was all planned from the beginning, timed for the election. But something happened on the way to the impeachment: Muller did not indict, and the shocked Dems had nothing to proceed with. So at the last minute "collusion" was dropped as the reason and a phone call is now the new "crime".

Its a sentence is search of a crime, its all hate and lies, and intelligent people understand it.
I didn't mean cruel and unusual. I meant, make them pay for their mistakes because they have been arrogant in their snubbery and meanness to the President of the United States who has done the job he was called to do--raising free men up to be able to compete with a world market. So far, President Trump is the only one in Washington who has truly sacrificed to get blacks welcomed into the good wages they deserve when they give their all to do a job as much as others. Things must be fair in a free country.
Quit trying to act like an American with American values of justice. You're talking about jailing people on trumped up political crimes like they do in Russia. might as well go full blown authoritarian and murder everyone who dares oppose King Don. Authoritarianism only has one real final solution to resistance movements.
You are a liar. She's talking about putting criminals away.
There has to be a law against something before people can be called criminals. At least that is the way it is in a nation subject to the rule of law. I guess you liked what Erdogan did in Turkey? Classic. Fake a coup attempt and then just start locking people up on bullshit charges.You just know Trump has asked if he could do the same here.
Really? Since when has that stopped you scum and the democrats? All your traitor lying ass knows is what the media feeds you. Other than that you and the rest of your ilk here know zip.
I am a student of the history of authoritarians. If you do not fight them with the law in the beginning there will be no law that can touch them before long. Listen to your president make the case he is above the law. He is going to try to make the supreme court say so. Can't wait to hear the pretzel logic of that decision.
Nancy Pelosi is about as authoritarian as you can get, and so is the snide traitor Adam Schiff who decided to hide all his bad stuff from the public in the basement where he feels safe from people in the public his party is screwing. Jerold Nadler thought he was pulling a fast one to trade his job off to Adam Schiff to take the onus of false witness off himself to make it seem to the American people that President Trump is outnumbered. Betraying the people of the United States of America is an insidious crime. It needs to be examined by the highest court in the land and these false perpetrators of prevarication against our President should not be tolerated for another millisecond, because AOC did not misspeak. She provided the hidden agenda that is behind this brazen attempt to destroy this nation, and it's too bad she didn't initially let the cat out of the bag.
And Goddamn the democrat crime family.
Well, if we discipline them with stiff jail terms, they have an opportunity to reconcile their lost souls to the Lord God once they get used to the fact America doesn't care for corruption of leadership nor lies at the highest levels of government.

Their terms would best be served in solitary confinement for the purpose of having to face their crimes against Christ's nation of people, and to convince God, who disdains the murder of the unborn, that they are sorry for focusing on bad things for the nation by using fraud to get rid of inconvenient obstacles to their rush to Satan's kingdom.

Stiff jail terms for violating what criminal code, specifically?

And what makes you think America has ever done all that much to root out corruption in government?
Thank you for asking that question, Montrovant. American men rooted out the British after realizing that they would never be represented in court. It cost many patriots in this nation to lose all their worldly possessions to earn basic human rights of being heard when problems were imminent. Some lost family members, and some families were destroyed in the crossfire. Still General Washington plunged ahead, leading his often barefoot young soldiers to a camp where they would be safe long enough to recuperate and work out getting shoes and boots and warm clothing to sustain them in the bitter winters of war. And he prayed to our loving God for success in earning independence by beating the Brits and loyalists to the crown of Charles III in a way that all the states he represented would be governed with the gentle kindness of leadership that had the interests of the common man at heart. He prayed, he led his soldiers in prayer, and occasionally, a local resident would hear those prayers and understand how deeply their fellow Americans needed a change in more stewardly care for the people so far from the arrogant dignitaries who considered Americans dirt under their feet and unworthy of any kind of favor from the courts of Charles III.

They won it.

Today, we have a Congress in which the first thing the Speaker did was to declare herself the most important woman in the world with all the power she planned to exercise against all the alleged bad Americans out there who stood in the way of her planned humorless squelching of America's new Executive Branch, and she was deeply hating that her own party did not win. She placed all that hatred on the man who won the election, and disrespected him in every imaginable way with all her power of withholding even humanitarian aid to immigrants on the Southern border as they were interviewed case by case to determine by the Border Patrol if they really were political dissidents threatened by hateful government, or if they just wanted a few years of freeloading off the American taxpayer. Pelosi declared the border an open border, in spite of rumors that the school systems in the vicinity of the border were paralyzed by government requirements that immigrants were to be honored in schools by seeing to it they were equally prepared to go to work following graduation from Middle School, which gave these schools, often in poor districts, the task of taking a fifth grader who could neither read nor write nor understand the English language just two years to take them from such a state to be readied with the equivalent of six years of learning the 3 Rs--reading, writing, and arithmetic--on a level they could waltz right into a junior high school setting and have the same test score equivalency as average American-born students who already were well-versed in the English language when they entered kindergarten or first grade. Teachers had to take crash courses during their summer vacations in language, latino culture, and techniques for making latinos as advanced as people who already had years of grade schooling and were denied challenges while their teacher had to put people from foreign backgrounds ahead of the children of American children.

The general response from Nancy Pelosi was negative to all requests for help along the border, plus, in order to humiliate and get even with the duly elected President of the United States for beating Hillary Clinton in a reasonably fair election in which he had the electoral vote victory.

The Democrats declared incivilities of the worst kind against this free nation's elected leadership, and as they declined help to border areas of the United States, the Democrats rejected the Americans along the border's rights, and denied funding for the human rights of those awaiting a verdict of whether they got to stay or not to stay as green card carriers in the USA.

Nancy Pelosi went against the people's choice through the college of electors system set up to give small states a voice. Like Charles III, Pelosi refused to listen to the people's President, and she led the angry mob that now runs the Congress to oppose, harass, and remove power from the Executive Branch merely because she was looking in the mirror at her face instead of looking to see other Americans who needed representation for schools on the border, needed to keep the drugs away from border cities, where hundreds of people were dying each month from impure fentanyl that was brought from China through the Mexican drug cartel monopoly to make life ever so much more difficult for Americans on the border.

That wreaks of powermongering on the part of Nancy Pelosi, who saw to it her constituents could take a poke at the President when she cratered to the far leftist newbies with an axe to grind with white men in power. Nancy used her authority to decimate Republican leaders, her fellow congressmen and women who happened to support their conservative American voters to give them that blessed individual freedoms they have, and to force American border students to have the liability of schooling with foreign students who assured their schools would never have enough to go around for everybody.

That was a high bar for border states already not too prosperous due to desert conditions along the border between Mexico and the United States that hardly prospered farming or small acreage cattle raising.

I think that the federal government has suffered from varying degrees of corruption from its inception. I'm also confident that corruption in government today is not limited to just one of the major political parties. :dunno:
Pulling a coup on a duly elected President is the crime of treason, brought forth by traitors. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez' video (see the OP) Matches up to the level of treason. Most cultures merely sentence traitors to death, and some to a torturous public death. These Democrats have been sneaky, and Alexandria's unwitting expose was made, probably because she didn't know that pulling a coup on a duly elected President is the crime of treason, and we need to deal with it so this never happens to another President for three years and going on four years.

I'm tired of being called bad names for calling treason treason, and those who perform treason, traitors. I am telling the truth, and I believe it has reached an apex and the people performing multiple calumnies on this President need to either take the consequences or resign and lawyer up.

You have a low bar for what constitutes treason, as well as an odd definition of coup. Of course, that seems pretty common lately.

As far as I know, the Constitutional definition of treason is in no way reached by having an impeachment hearing. If you think otherwise, I'd be happy to hear how article 3 covers impeachment.
AOC told the public she forgot about keeping this seditious detail secret from the public!!!!!

Where's the Attorney General? The Supreme Court?

I think the Democrats have a lot to explain to the Supreme Court that their illegal use of the Constitutional Impeachment should be allowed.

Um.. nope. Trump broke the law... this isn't complicated.
Your view of America is either citizens conform to your nonsense or die. When the resistance is totalitarian in opposition to the Constitution, there may well be only one real final solution.

No threat from me, but the choice is yours.
I take all such statements from the right as a threat because that is what they are.

Only a threat to your dangerous and nonsensical worldview.

Cool it with the political purge talk or people might get the idea that freedom is not safe in republican hands.

Cancer cannot be left in the body. It must be burned out, or cut out.

What fate awaits your movement you will bring upon yourselves.
Hilter, Stalin, Mao and a host of others used to talk just like that. Cancer, disease, the enemy within. Millions have died for thinking the "dear leader" should be accountable to the people they rule. This is an argument the right must lose or else the American experiment is over and a failure.


You're a very confused person.
No I'm not. Quit being brain washed and listen to what you are saying. The coming year will leave no doubt in anyone's mind that the right wants an absolute monarch to burn out the cancer as you say. Political chemotherapy is the prescription offered by a long line of monsters.

More confused than I thought, even.
AOC told the public she forgot about keeping this seditious detail secret from the public!!!!!

Where's the Attorney General? The Supreme Court?

I think the Democrats have a lot to explain to the Supreme Court that their illegal use of the Constitutional Impeachment should be allowed.

Um.. nope. Trump broke the law... this isn't complicated.
Hmm that's funny, all of Schiff's star witnesses said he didn't.
Sentence them to a weekly Bhut jolokia enema, for life.
The pepper punishment.
I didn't mean cruel and unusual. I meant, make them pay for their mistakes because they have been arrogant in their snubbery and meanness to the President of the United States who has done the job he was called to do--raising free men up to be able to compete with a world market. So far, President Trump is the only one in Washington who has truly sacrificed to get blacks welcomed into the good wages they deserve when they give their all to do a job as much as others. Things must be fair in a free country.
Quit trying to act like an American with American values of justice. You're talking about jailing people on trumped up political crimes like they do in Russia. might as well go full blown authoritarian and murder everyone who dares oppose King Don. Authoritarianism only has one real final solution to resistance movements.
Cough Kavanaugh cough
This is America, and I have blood relatives that I know of on 3 continents. It goes without saying that all humans have common ancestors, referred to in the Bible as Adam and Eve, who were created from the elements of the earth in the image of God following his preparation of creating a world of diversity for us to live and move and have our being in. I don't know where you get this "acting like" what I already am. And I am a native citizen of America and I have one vote, just like you do.
I believe you are talking to occupied, not me.
Your view of America is either citizens conform to your nonsense or die. When the resistance is totalitarian in opposition to the Constitution, there may well be only one real final solution.

No threat from me, but the choice is yours.
I take all such statements from the right as a threat because that is what they are.

Only a threat to your dangerous and nonsensical worldview.

Cool it with the political purge talk or people might get the idea that freedom is not safe in republican hands.

Cancer cannot be left in the body. It must be burned out, or cut out.

What fate awaits your movement you will bring upon yourselves.
Hilter, Stalin, Mao and a host of others used to talk just like that. Cancer, disease, the enemy within. Millions have died for thinking the "dear leader" should be accountable to the people they rule. This is an argument the right must lose or else the American experiment is over and a failure.


You're a very confused person.
No I'm not. Quit being brain washed and listen to what you are saying. The coming year will leave no doubt in anyone's mind that the right wants an absolute monarch to burn out the cancer as you say. Political chemotherapy is the prescription offered by a long line of monsters.
it seems like you are a bit brainwashed yourself...just sayin.....
AOC told the public she forgot about keeping this seditious detail secret from the public!!!!!

Where's the Attorney General? The Supreme Court?

I think the Democrats have a lot to explain to the Supreme Court that their illegal use of the Constitutional Impeachment should be allowed.

Um.. nope. Trump broke the law... this isn't complicated.
No, Trump did not break the law. This isn't complicated. The Demonrats who keep going after Trump on false narratives jump from false narrative to false narrative to the next false narrative. It seems the only way we can get rid of the false narrative is to use dynamite that is stronger than the false narratives. And because the false narratives have gone nuclear, to get rid of them is going to take nuclear dynamite.
On the other hand, we could just send the liars and false prophets of the DNC spin room committee (whatever name they call themselves now, the last name was 'the war room.')

It's time to cut the crap and just start putting the false narrative individuals in individual cells, away from people who don't lie about President Trump for a very lavish living thanks to the corruption of having a bottomless treasury with sugar daddy Soros to the communist/socialist/Democrats.
What will be the punishment for what Pelosi allowed?

Democrats losing the House in 2020 while Trump win again...

Even Obama had told them to cut their shit out, but alas Cortez is the new leader of the insane bunch...

Nothing else will happen, well except Trump reminding them daily he won every time they thought they had him beat!
What will be the punishment for what Pelosi allowed?

Democrats losing the House in 2020 while Trump win again...

Even Obama had told them to cut their shit out, but alas Cortez is the new leader of the insane bunch...

Nothing else will happen, well except Trump reminding them daily he won every time they thought they had him beat!
There are ways to deal criminals out of government. One such was James Traficant. His own party, though, took him out.
Good chat with President Trump. He's a winner.

He says the fake news providers may be uninvited from coming to the White House in the near future.
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AOC told the public she forgot about keeping this seditious detail secret from the public!!!!!

Where's the Attorney General? The Supreme Court?

I think the Democrats have a lot to explain to the Supreme Court that their illegal use of the Constitutional Impeachment should be allowed.

Um.. nope. Trump broke the law... this isn't complicated.
No, Trump did not break the law. This isn't complicated. The Demonrats who keep going after Trump on false narratives jump from false narrative to false narrative to the next false narrative. It seems the only way we can get rid of the false narrative is to use dynamite that is stronger than the false narratives. And because the false narratives have gone nuclear, to get rid of them is going to take nuclear dynamite.
On the other hand, we could just send the liars and false prophets of the DNC spin room committee (whatever name they call themselves now, the last name was 'the war room.')

It's time to cut the crap and just start putting the false narrative individuals in individual cells, away from people who don't lie about President Trump for a very lavish living thanks to the corruption of having a bottomless treasury with sugar daddy Soros to the communist/socialist/Democrats.

Impeachment does not require the breaking of any laws, at least as I understand it.
This is not Russia. It's almost like you can't understand why a political opposition is not being murdered by the government like they do in the fatherland.
In America, the people should be able to get their money back from frauds. Every person who voted against President Trump well knew he was innocent. We also do not think we owe them protection for life for their criminal use of the Constitution to (1) get the elected leader of the nation out of office based on fraud and crime. (2) People who steal from the people to win an election must never be allowed to "serve" in any position of authority again, for life. (3) They knew this was a rotten thing to do to a sitting President, and we the people are not amused with their criminal acts, their calumny against innocent people including President Donald J. Trump. (4) Callous lying and waste of taxpayer money on excessive House salaries with their political chairs used to commit heinous crimes and destroy the reputation of the President, members of his cabinet, inspiring kooks to shoot down Republican Congressmen and harass Republican White House staffers with screaming, threats, calumny, and public embarrassment. MikeTX, please add to this list. I've not had sleep for several nights in a row as false charge after false charge against the President have been leveled. I never want to see people like these Democrats using their chairs to destroy the executive branch again for life.

God save America. God save honest people. God save the Constitution, And God save the President from these heinous predators.
And Goddamn the democrat crime family.
Well, if we discipline them with stiff jail terms, they have an opportunity to reconcile their lost souls to the Lord God once they get used to the fact America doesn't care for corruption of leadership nor lies at the highest levels of government.

Their terms would best be served in solitary confinement for the purpose of having to face their crimes against Christ's nation of people, and to convince God, who disdains the murder of the unborn, that they are sorry for focusing on bad things for the nation by using fraud to get rid of inconvenient obstacles to their rush to Satan's kingdom.

Don't worry, the criminals in the government are being rooted out. Even if Trump isn't removed from office, both Congress and the Senate are being empowered by the courts to continue oversight, and uncover the abuses. All of Trump's stonewalling attempts have been tossed by the courts.

Pompeo, Mulvaney, Guliani, Sondland, Volker, Morrison and Barr could be joining Stone, Manafort and Flynn with matchinng orange jump suits.

The staff of the office of budget and management have come forward with still more instances of the Trump Administration illegally withholding foreign aid at the direction of Mulvaney and the President. This is highly illegal as Congress controls the power of the purse.

The corrupt criminals won't be allowed to get away with it.
Why is everyone up in a Tizzy ? Relax.

It's perfectly normal for Tyrants and Statist Boot Lickers to ignore laws, use corrupt people in power to grab more power and spit on your rights......
Why the surprise?

The only surprise is the utter willingness of their supposed opposition to do absolutely nothing about it.
The Founding Fathers would be disgusted and in disbelief, as they roll in their graves.

Leftists are America's enemies....but modern Right wingers are not the defenders of the Constitution that the Founders had hoped for..

The do nuffin Right is every bit as guilty as the corrupt Left
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Here go the republicans again complaining about the criminality of the democrats but who are the guys going to prison? Most always, the republicans no matter how much they pretend to be the good guys and the party of law and order. This has been going on constantly since Nixon in the 70's Look at this tub of lard in the white house with more and more of his 'associates' going to prison. Then we got he himself facing an impeachment. Hey, we've got another republican congressman going on trial soon in San Diego,California, duncan hunter. He'll be on trial for stealing money to have a better life style. F'n republicans just can't have a run of honesty no matter what .
Why is everyone up in a Tizzy ? Relax.

It's perfectly normal for Tyrants and Statist Boot Lickers to ignore laws, use corrupt people in power to grab more power and spit on your rights......
Why the surprise?

The only surprise is the utter willingness of their supposed opposition to do absolutely nothing about it.
The Founding Fathers would be disgusted and in disbelief, as they roll in their graves.

Leftists are America's enemies....but modern Right wingers are not the defenders of the Constitution that the Founders had hoped for..

The do nuffin Right is every bit as guilty as the corrupt Left

You say leftists are America's enemies. Link?

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