AOC condemns the LEOs

The analyst group Public Citizen counted 991 people killed by police in the U.S. last year. They tweeted that there were only 18 days where the police did not kill someone in 2020.

And we wonder why we are such a violent country. It starts at the top.
How many interactions with the public do the police have with citizens on a daily bases?
10-12million a year so say 25,000 a day throughout the country
The pigs are the strong arm of the state and they have immunity(stupidly) to kill who they want and then they wonder why they get little to no respect because the cops are jut as much of killers as the thugs in gangs. They steal our money and resources and you people kiss their asses only because you support their oppression and criminality.
The controversial racist demagogue AOC is fanning the flames of hate again.
This time she is exploiting the Daunte Wright incident to help incite more Democrat violence.(cities burning)
AOC said 'Daunte Wright's killing was not a random, disconnected 'accident'
Wright had a warrant for the illegal possession of a gun.
Maybe AOC has changed her mind on gun control.

AOC joins fellow Squad member Rashida Tlaib's calls for the police to be abolished | Daily Mail Online
AOC is lucky the cops are too corrupt to arrest Cogress for treason.

What is Cogress and you need to look up the definition of treason?
The analyst group Public Citizen counted 991 people killed by police in the U.S. last year. They tweeted that there were only 18 days where the police did not kill someone in 2020.

And we wonder why we are such a violent country. It starts at the top.
How many interactions with the public do the police have with citizens on a daily bases?
10-12million a year so say 25,000 a day throughout the country
so it’s hardly some sort of epidemic and the violence really isn’t coming from the police who are called to respond to calls
The analyst group Public Citizen counted 991 people killed by police in the U.S. last year. They tweeted that there were only 18 days where the police did not kill someone in 2020.

And we wonder why we are such a violent country. It starts at the top.
How many interactions with the public do the police have with citizens on a daily bases?

Quite a few which would make one wonder how many times they violated the rights of someone that never led to their deaths.
so death is quite rare. your claim the violence starts with them seems to quickly fallen apart
The analyst group Public Citizen counted 991 people killed by police in the U.S. last year. They tweeted that there were only 18 days where the police did not kill someone in 2020.

And we wonder why we are such a violent country. It starts at the top.
How many interactions with the public do the police have with citizens on a daily bases?

Quite a few which would make one wonder how many times they violated the rights of someone that never led to their deaths.
so death is quite rare. your claim the violence starts with them seems to quickly fallen apart

Just because every instance of violence and a violation of people's civil rights do not end in death does not mean it doesn't need addressed.
AOC says "Tlaib isn't going to out stupid me"
You are obviously intimidated by strong women.

No, I mock idiot women and if you think that whack job is a strong woman you must be sissified
No, they are strong. smart women, not idiots like you. You do not even know your nationality.

They’re complete morons and demagogues. They were just crying about “January 6th”, talking about how they almost died. If they almost died who saved them? That’s right the police. Now they want to end the police? Yeah this idiots are trying to out woke each other while pouring gasoline on a fire. Fuck them.
The analyst group Public Citizen counted 991 people killed by police in the U.S. last year. They tweeted that there were only 18 days where the police did not kill someone in 2020.

And we wonder why we are such a violent country. It starts at the top.
How many interactions with the public do the police have with citizens on a daily bases?
10-12million a year so say 25,000 a day throughout the country
so it’s hardly some sort of epidemic and the violence really isn’t coming from the police who are called to respond to calls
Never has been just the ignorant propaganda media doing what they do best to mindless drones.
The analyst group Public Citizen counted 991 people killed by police in the U.S. last year. They tweeted that there were only 18 days where the police did not kill someone in 2020.

And we wonder why we are such a violent country. It starts at the top.
Actually the bottom is where almost all the violence takes place.
The analyst group Public Citizen counted 991 people killed by police in the U.S. last year. They tweeted that there were only 18 days where the police did not kill someone in 2020.

And we wonder why we are such a violent country. It starts at the top.
How many interactions with the public do the police have with citizens on a daily bases?

Quite a few which would make one wonder how many times they violated the rights of someone that never led to their deaths.
so death is quite rare. your claim the violence starts with them seems to quickly fallen apart

Just because every instance of violence and a violation of people's civil rights do not end in death does not mean it doesn't need addressed.
I don't disagree....and people, including the Govt violate people's rights daily...that's why we have a Court system to address those issues.

But I thought we were discussing police shootings.
AOC says "Tlaib isn't going to out stupid me"
You are obviously intimidated by strong women.

No, they are strong. smart women, not idiots like you. You do not even know your nationality.

Your police act like Latin American death squads and they do it with your support.

Do the Death Squads yell "I'm gonna taz ya! Tazer, tazer, tazer! Oh Shit! I shot him!"


I mean I guess she could have been acting for the camera, but that's NFL.

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