AOC: "growing cauliflower is colonial, we should grow culturally significant plants like yucca"

According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all

Nope, not even remotely close. You swallowed a fake headline just because you wish it were true.

We did this a few days ago. Go learn how to read.

Pogoid----stop being a picky white ass. She DID say those who plant
cauliflower have a COLONIALIST mentality

I know of no definition in any language where "colonial" has anything to do with "race" or "white supremacy".

And no, that's not what she said anyway. The comment was bizarre but it does refer to planting yucca INSTEAD OF cauliflower. That would make cauliflower the preferred choice.

As I said ----- simple reading. It's a lost art.

Y'all really should be too embarrassed to even go out of the house at this point. You really should.
Liberals can see racism where is doesn't exist and not see it where it's obvious......because they are racist cretins

Mendacious hacks can make up racism where it doesn't exist and slap it in the headline .... because they are ethics-free vermin who count on the antisentient to not bother to read beyond that headline and thereby figure out it was contrived.

Fixed it for ya. Even used your hey looka me font.
My impression was that she feels many people of color are not familiar with Cauliflower and are simply more familiar with Yucca, therefore they have no interest in planting colonialist type foods. I think she underestimates people here.

I have no idea what it means but it damn sure has nothing to do with race, which wasn't even mentioned.

I don't know what's involved in yucca cultivation but cauliflower is not that easy. I wouldn't want the headache. Needs constant attention. But again, it would need the same attention regardless what my race was, so this headline is just bizzaro.
It's YUCA. Yucca with two c's is a cousin of yuca that we make supplements out of, but don't eat.
When I looked it up ('cuz I had no idea what it was) first thing I saw was "yuca (or cassava) ... do not confuse it with yucca. They are entirely different plants."
I know you like to get things right, Pogo.

I think you are being far too literal in your interpretation of what she said. She was definitely saying that a lot of folks of color aren't interested in community gardening because it's all these white cracker vegetables, not vegetables they're familiar with. Of course, if she had ever tried growing anything other than a philodendron, she would realize that none of these veggies she mentioned will grow in Zone 5 New York.

No idea. I know next to nothing about yucca and never even heard of yuca. I believe the text, whatever it means, says the former, but again it referred to disdain for growing it (whichever) instead of cauliflower. And for all I know yuc(c)a may be easier to grow in its climate -- cauliflower is pretty sensitive, but it certainly can be grown in New York. What she's saying, as far as can be verbally navigated at all in a stream-of-consciousness, is that it would be wrong to impose the idea of growing yucca and plantains instead of cauliflower --- not that New Yorkers should be growing them.

But again, exactly because it is such an inchoate stream of consciousness tweet, as opposed to a composed speech or op-ed that would be the normal medium of normal political discourse, it's all too easy for the sleazy to append a fake headline and go "look! white supremacy", knowing there are enough of the antisentient element who will read no further than the headline and swallow it whole, as the OP did. Because that way they make money from ad clicks.

I keep coming back to the maxim, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".
I agree with you that the headline is misleading, per usual around here.
The rest is a valiant effort, but I'm interpreting her stream of consciousness differently.
BTW, yuca does not grow north of Zone 8. New York is in Zone 5.

-- which would make it all the more inappropriate.
I think that's supposed to be the point. It's drawing a comparison by absurd analogy, because it wouldn't make sense.

It says "yucca" anyway, but same difference.
Meanwhile in China and East Asia they are building technology and more advance products. So if not yucca...phucca u!
According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all

I said to myself -- this is too damn moronic even for her. And then I read the rant..

She's got a big dictator complex with "being the boss" and all.. This is just fucking insane... Pretty sure she's gonna face a primary challenger...

Sad part is -- REPUBS and maybe just instigators that love this display of arrogance and ignorance will probably send in MILLIONS to keep her around...

Maybe she is the "karmic justice" for Trump flacaltenn
The more he mouths off and gets away with trolling "liberals on the left."
it produces the equal and opposite reaction in the universe.
And Cortez provided the balance for "whiteys on the right."

Without those two, the universe would not be able to contain all the BS.
But with both going at the same time, left and right, they cancel each other out!

OR -- it's also a cosmic possibility that it's a "matter" -- "anti-matter" reaction and we blow a big hole in the fabric of space-time... :ack-1:

Both AOC and Trump are arrogant and over-endowed with self-esteem.. The difference is -- AOC is totally unprepared for leadership or even using her Economics degree that SOMEHOW she got from Boston U... She's "SHOOK" by the revelation that seeds and water make plants in her "garden box" that she neglected for months. And she believes that "she is the boss now" which indicates she has NO CLUE about her job...

Well flacaltenn
For how long have I been preaching to Conservatives and Constitutionalists
that the whole point of the Constitution limiting govt power means the PEOPLE
are supposed to govern ourselves and DECIDE which policies we AUTHORIZE govt to enforce.

PERIOD. Both Trump and AOC PROVE why we have Constitutional laws
and limits preventing hijacking of the democratic process to mandate from the top down.

THIS IS WHY we have those principles to check govt against abuses and establishing "religion."

With Trump, AOC et al, it's clear the PEOPLE are supposed to make policy
based on what represents our interests and consent, and the GOVT is supposed to reflect
that will and consent of people. NOT GOVT dictating it FOR people.

Been arguing with Conservatives to practice what we preach.

And now with these "clowns" mouthing off left and right in media,
we have little choice but to take over the reins. Same with the 20+
Democrats mouthing off all manner of "unconstitutional campaign promises"
that all need herding and facilitation to weed out solutions from problems
they are complaining about with no clue as to what's really going to pass muster.

It's unreal that people think they are going to push policies the public doesn't
all AGREE on, just because they think they can get "majority rule" to FORCE it.

I can't believe I have to ARGUE with CONSTITUTIONALISTS
about stopping POLITICAL BELIEFS from being pushed through Govt
which to me is just an enforcement of the First Amendment as well
as Civil Rights policy against "Discrimination by Creed."

You'd think it would be CLEAR by now how NECESSARY LEGALLY
it is to STOP this nonsense of PREACHING AND PONTIFICATING

How is this NOT CLEARLY a violation of Constitutional principles
for individuals to take their personal or partisan BELIEFS and
try to make that LAW FOR EVERYONE.

That's what this is all coming down to flacaltenn

I hope I'm not alone in calling out the "Emperor for having
no clothes" -- that NONE of this preaching and pontification
is constitutional to impose through Govt because it's BELIEFS.

It's legal as FREE SPEECH to say whatever in hell or heaven you want.
You can endorse Christianity, you can endorse LGBT beliefs, and
preach and opinionate what Govt should or should not do.

But when it comes to your office, your duty is to uphold the Constitution
and all laws and regulations. So the Govt cannot be abused to either
against beliefs of others.

How this isn't straightforward and obvious, is beyond me.

I can only imagine it's like Jesus parading in front of his own
followers and disciples, and people don't think he's real.

I can point out what the First Amendment says, and people
just don't SEE how that applies to "political beliefs that are different."

Just like pointing to the SECOND Amendment and the history
and context behind it, and people don't see it and think it
means something else, even totally OPPOSITE than its meaning.

So weird flacaltenn

But I will keep trying to assemble even a SMALL TEAM of mixed
party members who see this argument for what it is.

If this nonsense keeps us, and even a small mixed team of people
from different parties is able to post a petition against establishing
political beliefs unconstitutionally through govt to commit Discrimination
by Creed, and maybe other people will start using THAT CARD to
negate all this nonsense.

My Constituitonalists friends are close to "giving up on America"
if so, maybe they'd let me post their statements and we could
sign a petition together asking to RECOGNIZE such Constitutional
beliefs and arguments as NOT TO BE VIOLATED BY GOVT

People don't have to agree with LGBT or transgender beliefs
to respect freedom not to have those banned. People don't have
to agree with Muslim or Christian beliefs to respect religious freedom
not to have those banned, penalized or discriminated against by Govt.


on all this FREE SPEECH. It's perfectly lawful use of media to mouth
off your beliefs in public. But not to conspire to abuse party and govt
to IMPOSE and ESTABLISH faith-based biases in belief that violate
the beliefs and creeds of others including CONSTITUTIONALISM.

Never thought I'd see the day we'd have to pass a public ordinance
protecting the rights and beliefs of CONSTITUTIONALISM from
discrimination. I thought it would just be a mass public education
campaign to TEACH people Constitutional laws, principles and process.

At this point FCT, to take Constitutional laws seriously, do we need
to SPECIFY them as BELIEFS, similar to how LGBT or TRANSGENDER
individuals were calling for " special rights " because they weren't being
recognized equally?

Do we need to call out CONSTITUTIONALISTS as a minority BELIEF
and start demanding equal protections and "special rights" ???

If Trump and AOC can mouth off in ridiculous extremes,

Making some INSANE sounding argument, and only when
an EXTREMIST MEME goes viral, will anyone finally take it seriously?

Is that the media game and card we'd have to play?
Willing to try anything to drive that point home!

Just when you think it couldn't get any crazier,
I'm willing to try an even crazier political media strategy!
the guys on 4 and 8 chan are friggin geniuses :113:
the newest symbol for white supremacists ...
THE hashtag
its a double h for heil hitler :113:



According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all

??? Thinker101 Pogo
If the issue being protested
is trying to "colonize" or "tell people how to run their own farms or gardens"
instead of sustainable development,
then shouldn't AOC work WITH people to develop their own community based plans
instead of trying to "dictate it by top down management from federal govt."

Isn't THAT an offshoot or echo of "colonialism"?
Her whole approach?

If her point is to build from grassroots up, then these sustainable cooperatives
should already be empowered to govern themselves.

NOT rely on "top down" govt from the federal level which is more like "colonialism."
"colonialist"----is---what I THINK Aoc said----in the form of COLONIALIST MENTALITY ------a preference for WHITE

Again ---- and I already told you this while you were going :lalala: ---- that still makes no sense, as cauliflower, at least the part we eat, is already white. Until it ages anyway. So how would planting yucca instead of cauliflower mean a "colonialist" mentality?

Y'all just don't read, that's what it is.

And that's only if we first accept that "colonialist" means something about "white supremacy", which we don't. But if we did it wouldn't work.

See where fake headlines take you?

My impression was that she feels many people of color are not familiar with Cauliflower and are simply more familiar with Yucca, therefore they have no interest in planting colonialist type foods. I think she underestimates people here.

I have no idea what it means but it damn sure has nothing to do with race, which wasn't even mentioned.

I don't know what's involved in yucca cultivation but cauliflower is not that easy. I wouldn't want the headache. Needs constant attention. But again, it would need the same attention regardless what my race was, so this headline is just bizzaro.
It's YUCA. Yucca with two c's is a cousin of yuca that we make supplements out of, but don't eat.
When I looked it up ('cuz I had no idea what it was) first thing I saw was "yuca (or cassava) ... do not confuse it with yucca. They are entirely different plants."
I know you like to get things right, Pogo.

I think you are being far too literal in your interpretation of what she said. She was definitely saying that a lot of folks of color aren't interested in community gardening because it's all these white cracker vegetables, not vegetables they're familiar with. Of course, if she had ever tried growing anything other than a philodendron, she would realize that none of these veggies she mentioned will grow in Zone 5 New York.
Crackers are vegetables?

Just kidding. Definitely a funny thread award winner for the USMB Oscars.

They were going to be called the Rhetorical Darwin Awards but inasmuch as the nominations make up about 80% of the threads in this joint, the idea was canned as inoperable. Also it would be 'racist'. Like, you know, pruning blackberries.
According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all
/——/ I’m convinced AOC is auditioning for a writer’s gig at the Onion.

It's not funny anymore. It's getting scary.. Like Idiocracy the movie -- scary...

Remember we all have equal freedom of speech and press, flacaltenn

We can all write a better scene or ending for this script or narrative.

Just make sure that if you are going to build tension,
then it leads to either an explosive apocalyptic end to all evil,
or it leads to the unsung underdog hero coming from nowhere to save the day.

Where is that one weak spot on the Death Star to blow up the source of oppression?

How can we use our own free speech and freedom of the press
to target the FLAW in this machine, and hit the target at the right angle.

It can take several tries or misses, but if we keep shooting at the
one CONTRADICTION in the argument, eventually the hits land.

Isn't the fatal flaw in this whole liberal propaganda pushing Socialist beliefs
on everyone else, that Socialism itself constitutes a BELIEF system.

And by the First Amendment Govt cannot be abused to ESTABLISH
or PROHIBIT such beliefs or biases.

If we go too far and PROHIBIT such believers from exercising their beliefs or speech,
that would VIOLATE the First Amendment as well.

So we cannot expect to INVOKE and ENFORCE this Amendment protecting
against ESTABLISHMENT if we violate it to cause PROHIBITION either.

To invoke the authority of law as expressed in the First Amendment,
we'd have to respect FREE SPEECH and FREE EXERCISE of these
Socialist or Liberal BELIEFS of the left, while also enforcing checks

In other words, back to the Death Star analogy, the argument we fly
can neither VEER too far to the left or to the right, but has to LAND
EXACTLY in the MIDDLE to hit the target. If we keep trying to blast
the whole Death Star, we don't hit the narrow target that can dismantle the whole station.
Isn't the whole idea of community gardens that they belong to the community?

Indeed, and that community shouldn't be forcing cultivation of yucca instead of cauliflower, was the point. Not that anyone actually would.

I know of no definition in any language where "colonial" has anything to do with "race" or "white supremacy".

And no, that's not what she said anyway. The comment was bizarre but it does refer to planting yucca INSTEAD OF cauliflower. That would make cauliflower the preferred choice.

As I said ----- simple reading. It's a lost art.

Read it again. This time realize you're reading the mind of a raving lunatic...

She infers ALL of that in that twitterstorm of challenged brain cells she's famous for...

Already DID read it again, because this thread is a rerun.

She cannot "infer". Only WE can infer, which several here have done, completely erroneously. Reading comp strikes again.

Also did a word search. There's no mention made of "race" in any way shape or form. Not anywhere.

Say it with me now ---- FAKE HEADLINE.

She refers to white communities, and environmental colonialism is an inherently eurocentric i.e. white criticism. Sure the headline and whole thrust of the thread are off kilter, but because she doesn't explicitly use the word "race" does not mean that race is not being discussed.

Actually yes that's exactly what it means. It's a fake headline. What's so hard to get about that?

If you take a treatise about syntactical evolution in the Polish language, you can't go "see? They're talking about Studebakers". Because they're not.

Let's face it --- all this is is yet-one-more emanation of a gaggle of parrots trained to squawk on cue at the tiniest details --- right down to tweets --- on one particular Congresscritter, hundreds and thousands of miles from their own district, obviously because she intimidates them and because they follow parrot-orders. We don't see this kind of scrutiny over Congresscritters from anywhere else, including posters' own districts. Next week we'll hear whining about which way she mounts a roll of toilet paper and how much she tips in a restaurant. It's kind of sad.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
uhhhh........... yyyyyyeah OK. Eloquent, or sump'm. :dunno:
According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all
Well, we need more racists in the world. I loves me some cauliflower.

You give me ideas norwegen

Maybe I should lobby to set up a debate or a date, either one,
between Ms. AOC and a Libertarian Lawyer I know who claims ALL VEGETABLES ARE EVIL.

We should be eating MEAT only, for sake of our digestive systems that can't
mix veggies with meat or the digestive processes slow down and cause more problems
than just eating meat alone.

This Libertarian claims that all the war over land and property was caused by
OVERUSE by agricultural production that "divided" crops grown in mass, which destroys the soil
and natural ecosystem, instead of just letting plants grow naturally which means diversity.

Maybe he and AOC could have it out online.

I could see a GoFundMe raiser to set up a hot date or debate.
And bet on these two horses to see which mouth on which horse can outrun the other!
Again ---- and I already told you this while you were going :lalala: ---- that still makes no sense, as cauliflower, at least the part we eat, is already white. Until it ages anyway. So how would planting yucca instead of cauliflower mean a "colonialist" mentality?

Y'all just don't read, that's what it is.

And that's only if we first accept that "colonialist" means something about "white supremacy", which we don't. But if we did it wouldn't work.

See where fake headlines take you?

My impression was that she feels many people of color are not familiar with Cauliflower and are simply more familiar with Yucca, therefore they have no interest in planting colonialist type foods. I think she underestimates people here.

I have no idea what it means but it damn sure has nothing to do with race, which wasn't even mentioned.

I don't know what's involved in yucca cultivation but cauliflower is not that easy. I wouldn't want the headache. Needs constant attention. But again, it would need the same attention regardless what my race was, so this headline is just bizzaro.
It's YUCA. Yucca with two c's is a cousin of yuca that we make supplements out of, but don't eat.
When I looked it up ('cuz I had no idea what it was) first thing I saw was "yuca (or cassava) ... do not confuse it with yucca. They are entirely different plants."
I know you like to get things right, Pogo.

I think you are being far too literal in your interpretation of what she said. She was definitely saying that a lot of folks of color aren't interested in community gardening because it's all these white cracker vegetables, not vegetables they're familiar with. Of course, if she had ever tried growing anything other than a philodendron, she would realize that none of these veggies she mentioned will grow in Zone 5 New York.
Crackers are vegetables?

Just kidding. Definitely a funny thread award winner for the USMB Oscars.

They were going to be called the Rhetorical Darwin Awards but inasmuch as the nominations make up about 80% of the threads in this joint, the idea was canned as inoperable. Also it would be 'racist'. Like, you know, pruning blackberries.

do they grow blackberries in community gardens?
According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all
Well, we need more racists in the world. I loves me some cauliflower.

You give me ideas norwegen

Maybe I should lobby to set up a debate or a date, either one,
between Ms. AOC and a Libertarian Lawyer I know who claims ALL VEGETABLES ARE EVIL.

We should be eating MEAT only, for sake of our digestive systems that can't
mix veggies with meat or the digestive processes slow down and cause more problems
than just eating meat alone.

This Libertarian claims that all the war over land and property was caused by
OVERUSE by agricultural production that "divided" crops grown in mass, which destroys the soil
and natural ecosystem, instead of just letting plants grow naturally which means diversity.

Maybe he and AOC could have it out online.

I could see a GoFundMe raiser to set up a hot date or debate.
And bet on these two horses to see which mouth on which horse can outrun the other!
Does this lawyer speak gibberish? If not, then the two could not debate due to the language barrier.
According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all
Well, we need more racists in the world. I loves me some cauliflower.

You give me ideas norwegen

Maybe I should lobby to set up a debate or a date, either one,
between Ms. AOC and a Libertarian Lawyer I know who claims ALL VEGETABLES ARE EVIL.

We should be eating MEAT only, for sake of our digestive systems that can't
mix veggies with meat or the digestive processes slow down and cause more problems
than just eating meat alone.

This Libertarian claims that all the war over land and property was caused by
OVERUSE by agricultural production that "divided" crops grown in mass, which destroys the soil
and natural ecosystem, instead of just letting plants grow naturally which means diversity.

Maybe he and AOC could have it out online.

I could see a GoFundMe raiser to set up a hot date or debate.
And bet on these two horses to see which mouth on which horse can outrun the other!
Does this lawyer speak gibberish? If not, then the two could not debate due to the language barrier.

No, he speaks purely secular language, plain terms a "cave man" could understand.

He does not understand any gibberish from either the left or the right, all that is nonsense
because such beliefs should be kept out of govt and let people govern themselves.

Meat good. Vegetables BAD for you.

The most he will preach and pontificate is about the science of digestion
that proves his points. He does not bother with anything that preaches otherwise.

But he is very patient and polite, because he believes in FREE SPEECH.
He will let anyone say anything they like out of respect for that.

As long as she is exercising her free speech, he's okay with that.
He already knows that people preach to their own choir and won't listen
to opposing arguments, so he's at peace with that, too, and used to it.
According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all
/——/ I’m convinced AOC is auditioning for a writer’s gig at the Onion.

Can these loons get any stranger?

Wow....that bitch is a whole bunch of stupid.... stuffed with moron and covered over with retard sauce..... then served on a ding bat platter.

I mean just.....WOW.

According to AOC, if you plant cauliflowers, you’re probably a closet white supremacist...who knew.

Ocasio Cortez: Planting cauliflower is racist, y'all
/——/ I’m convinced AOC is auditioning for a writer’s gig at the Onion.

Can these loons get any stranger?

Wow....that bitch is a whole bunch of stupid.... stuffed with moron and covered over with retard sauce..... then served on a ding bat platter.

I mean just.....WOW.


is that ^^^^ a recipe for Yucca?
My impression was that she feels many people of color are not familiar with Cauliflower and are simply more familiar with Yucca, therefore they have no interest in planting colonialist type foods. I think she underestimates people here.

I have no idea what it means but it damn sure has nothing to do with race, which wasn't even mentioned.

I don't know what's involved in yucca cultivation but cauliflower is not that easy. I wouldn't want the headache. Needs constant attention. But again, it would need the same attention regardless what my race was, so this headline is just bizzaro.
It's YUCA. Yucca with two c's is a cousin of yuca that we make supplements out of, but don't eat.
When I looked it up ('cuz I had no idea what it was) first thing I saw was "yuca (or cassava) ... do not confuse it with yucca. They are entirely different plants."
I know you like to get things right, Pogo.

I think you are being far too literal in your interpretation of what she said. She was definitely saying that a lot of folks of color aren't interested in community gardening because it's all these white cracker vegetables, not vegetables they're familiar with. Of course, if she had ever tried growing anything other than a philodendron, she would realize that none of these veggies she mentioned will grow in Zone 5 New York.

No idea. I know next to nothing about yucca and never even heard of yuca. I believe the text, whatever it means, says the former, but again it referred to disdain for growing it (whichever) instead of cauliflower. And for all I know yuc(c)a may be easier to grow in its climate -- cauliflower is pretty sensitive, but it certainly can be grown in New York. What she's saying, as far as can be verbally navigated at all in a stream-of-consciousness, is that it would be wrong to impose the idea of growing yucca and plantains instead of cauliflower --- not that New Yorkers should be growing them.

But again, exactly because it is such an inchoate stream of consciousness tweet, as opposed to a composed speech or op-ed that would be the normal medium of normal political discourse, it's all too easy for the sleazy to append a fake headline and go "look! white supremacy", knowing there are enough of the antisentient element who will read no further than the headline and swallow it whole, as the OP did. Because that way they make money from ad clicks.

I keep coming back to the maxim, "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".
I agree with you that the headline is misleading, per usual around here.
The rest is a valiant effort, but I'm interpreting her stream of consciousness differently.
BTW, yuca does not grow north of Zone 8. New York is in Zone 5.

-- which would make it all the more inappropriate.
I think that's supposed to be the point. It's drawing a comparison by absurd analogy, because it wouldn't make sense.

It says "yucca" anyway, but same difference.
There are people mixing up yucca plants with yuca (cassava), but I didn't think you would want to be one of those people spelling it wrong.
THIS IS YUCCA: Read the damned description
Yucca, Common (Yucca filamentosa), packet of 20 seeds

Family: Agave (Agavaceae)

Hardy to Zones 4 to 10.

(Adam’s Needle, Spanish Bayonet) Evergreen, fibrous-leaved monocot native to the American SE. Trunkless, palm-like, drought and cold resistant, with large spires of cream-colored flowers. The leaves can be used to make rope, the roots used to make soap. Plant prefers full sun and dryish, fast-draining soils. Sow seed in sandy mix in flats or pots. Plant 1/4 inch deep, tamp firmly, and keep evenly moist and warm until germination, which takes about a week. Work plants up in successively larger pots until they are sufficiently sized to survive the rigors of landscape or garden. Keep weeds back by weeding and then mulching around the plant with sand.

Packet of 20 seeds, Open-pollinated, Untreated, No GMO’s

This is YUCA (Cassava) and the chefs, including Martha Stewart, know how to spell it correctly.

  1. Place the yuca into a pan and fill with enough water to cover. Stir in salt. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, cover, and cook until tender, about 15 minutes. ...
  2. Meanwhile, place the olive oil, onion, garlic, and lemon juice into a pan. Cook over medium heat about 5 minutes.
Cuban-Style Yuca Recipe -

Cuban-Style Yuca Recipe

Yuca with Mojo Sauce Recipe & Video | Martha Stewart

Rating: 4.1 - ‎9 votes
Peel and halve the yuca roots. Place yuca in a large pot with 1 teaspoon salt and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes or until just tender.
thanks for the recipe------is there something STOPPING persons who use community gardens from planting that thingy? How does one HARVEST
the edible roots?-----seems to me that it is a big plant that must be destroyed
whole in order to make it food. Community gardens in my city need LOTS of
little plants---and plants from which a person can harvest bits at a time without
destroying half the garden
The people who ate cassava in my fourth grade social studies book----were the natives of the amazon valley. For the record----cassava does not seem a likely window box plant. Community gardens are an URBAN thing

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