AOC Is A Communist

Like treating us like babies and protecting us from ourselves whether we want it or not, maybe even going so far as to tell us what we want.

What it all translates to is making people dependent on the government which puts the government in control of We the People.

Nope. I like taking care of myself, thanks.

You are writing as if government under socialism or communism is not us, and that is wrong.
Under socialism or communism, the government is us and only does what we want it to do.
Nothing more.
You are writing as if government under socialism or communism is not us, and that is wrong.
Under socialism or communism, the government is us and only does what we want it to do.
Nothing more.
Holy Utopian hallucinations, Batman.
You are writing as if government under socialism or communism is not us, and that is wrong.
Under socialism or communism, the government is us and only does what we want it to do.
Nothing more.
Wrong and MASSIVELY ignorant

Socialism and communism are viscious and tyrannical dictatorships both in theory and practive

the dictatorship of the proletariate means despotims and tyranny and NOTHING ELSE

Which is precisely how every nation following the philosophy of Marx ends up
Yah, Social Security is socialism, and it works fine.
Social Security ensures we won't have the elderly turning into homeless and destitute.

Robinhood is not taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
Robinhood was fighting against illegal and immoral feudal lords who claimed they owned the peons, their land, and anything they produced.

I don't get a pension either, but people who had money taken out of their paychecks for their pension, deserve getting those pensions.
It is not socialism and it is failing

It has NEVER succeeded in preventing homelesness or destitution

Robinhood was a fucking theif who robbed from anyone and kept it
It should be obvious to anyone that Stalin was not at all an idealist, not only because he did bad things, but because ALL the actual idealists, like communists, socialists, Anarchists, etc., opposed him and were killed by him.

He was an idealist who killed some who opposed him and ruled as a communisty over otrher coommunists
Read any history books. They all explain how the industrial revolution shut down all the cottage industries, creating abusive industrial lords.
Marx was just one of the first to notice the problem and attempt a fix.
Unions and labor laws turn out to be better fixes than the vague bureaucracy Marx imagined.
The insutrial revoolution increased the wealth and standard of living for most people

Cottage industries thrived during and after the industrial revolutions

Marx was a grifter and proven FOOL
Socialism has NOTHING at all remotely to do with redistribution of wealth.
Socialism is just where you allow people to pool their resources, through government, in order to start some sort of venture, like police, fire departments, public transit system, canals, locks, seaways, public utilities, museums, coliseums, fair grounds, etc.
Socialism also allows for investment of public money into the means of production, like cars, oil, department stores, etc., but we don't let that happen because that would conflict with private enterprise.
But in theory it is not illegal.

You are ignorant and stupid'

Socialism si strictly and always about redistribution and abolishement of private property AND investment

You know nothing of this subject you uneducated DOLT
Everyone actually is a strong communist in practice, but just is too brainwashed to admit it.
For example not a single family uses the profit motive, and all are communist at home.

Families are volunatry communism is not

The only communists are slaves and their rulers
States have no authority over the private medical choices by women.
Since abortion is vastly safer than child birth, it has to up to them and ONLY up to them.
States have no standing at all.
The 14th amendment puts the feds over the states when it comes to individual rights.

If you are against communism, then you do not know what it is.
For example, the people who join the armed forces, are entirely communist.
The live communally and collectively and are exactly implementing communism except that with communism they would all have to vote instead of having mandates from the Pentagon.
People who join the armed forces are NOT communists but the inmates in prison ARE

Communism is never and has never been about cooperation or communal living. i]it is always about slavery and tyranny
LOL. If it smells like a duck, acts like a duck, and look likes a duck. For God sakes man, her very close aid is a Communist. How can you be so blind?

I know.

March 3 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.

“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.
Since when did you communists start believing in legitimate trials with a jury?
When you have a guy that sets himself up, how can you blame anyone for taking their shot? It’s not like he tried to make friends. No one to blame, but himself. It’s got to be a big come down for the guy that claims credit for anything good and denies responsibility for anything bad.

BTW, when did the Republicans abandon their “personal responsibility “ shtick?
No they are not paid 'to not work' they are subsidized BECAUSE THEY CAN'T WORK
but there are jobs for them. Why are you ignoring that? Those lazy fks don't want to work. Get the line straight would you.
When you have a guy that sets himself up, how can you blame anyone for taking their shot? It’s not like he tried to make friends. No one to blame, but himself. It’s got to be a big come down for the guy that claims credit for anything good and denies responsibility for anything bad.

BTW, when did the Republicans abandon their “personal responsibility “ shtick?
after the demofks did.
So you say, but as we know, MAGA hypocrisy knows no bounds.
you said republicans. didn't you? Need me to post it for you? Don't see squat about Making america great.

BTW, when did the Republicans abandon their “personal responsibility “ shtick?

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