AOC Is A Communist

It should be obvious to anyone that Stalin was not at all an idealist, not only because he did bad things, but because ALL the actual idealists, like communists, socialists, Anarchists, etc., opposed him and were killed by him.
Yes! Of course, genocidal maniacs aren't "idealistic".
After Covid virus Gain of Function, what's the next crisis you sick fucks are going to put the world through?
Oh, that's right. the collapse of the US Dollar by default, as PLANNED!
Another CRISIS to enact EMERGENCY MEASURES as the Federal Government is Out OF Control!!!
Never mind the WEAPONIZATION of the FBI, CIA, et al against political opponents; which is defacto against the will of The People!
The Durham report comes out today outlining the maleficence of the SWAMP in their pursuit of Trump.
What's to become of it? NOTHING!
The two-tiered "justice system" in this country has been solidly precedented.

Rome wasn't built in a day, nor did it fall in one...
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Social Security really isn't Socialism unless they're taking the money I put in and distributing it to losers who didn't. If it works the way it's supposed to … I contribute in my younger years, then receive MY money back in my later years. That's not Socialism.

That (investing your early pay ins, so that you can later get more pay outs), is exactly socialism.
Socialism is where people agree on building a government regulated business to do something we want done.
Public libraries are socialism.

Redistribution of wealth is not socialism, since no one wants or supports that.

The closest thing is that we do not want dynasties, where only the children of the wealthy elite can afford the education or production facilities necessary for survival. We want everyone to have the same equal opportunities to start with.
That (investing your early pay ins, so that you can later get more pay outs), is exactly socialism.
Socialism is where people agree on building a government regulated business to do something we want done.
Public libraries are socialism.

Redistribution of wealth is not socialism, since no one wants or supports that.

The closest thing is that we do not want dynasties, where only the children of the wealthy elite can afford the education or production facilities necessary for survival. We want everyone to have the same equal opportunities to start with.
You couldn't have a more fitting avatar.
Yah, Social Security is socialism, and it works fine.
Social Security ensures we won't have the elderly turning into homeless and destitute.

Robinhood is not taking from the rich and giving to the poor.
Robinhood was fighting against illegal and immoral feudal lords who claimed they owned the peons, their land, and anything they produced.

I don't get a pension either, but people who had money taken out of their paychecks for their pension, deserve getting those pensions.
Yes, only the money they put in, not mine too. Dummass.
That (investing your early pay ins, so that you can later get more pay outs), is exactly socialism.
Socialism is where people agree on building a government regulated business to do something we want done.
Public libraries are socialism.

Redistribution of wealth is not socialism, since no one wants or supports that.

The closest thing is that we do not want dynasties, where only the children of the wealthy elite can afford the education or production facilities necessary for survival. We want everyone to have the same equal opportunities to start with.
Socialism is taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots. Putting money away for a later day is called saving and planning.
Yes! Of course, genocidal maniacs aren't "idealistic".
After Covid virus Gain of Function, what's the next crisis you sick fucks are going to put the world through?
Oh, that's right. the collapse of the US Dollar by default, as PLANNED!
Another CRISIS to enact EMERGENCY MEASURES as the Federal Government is Out OF Control!!!
Never mind the WEAPONIZATION of the FBI, CIA, et al against political opponents; which is defacto against the will of The People!
The Durham report comes out today outlining the maleficence of the SWAMP in their pursuit of Trump.
What's to become of it? NOTHING!
The two-tiered "justice system" in this country has been solidly precedented.

Rome wasn't built in a day, nor did it fall in one...

I am far left, progressive, liberal, but I agree Trump did nothing wrong really, and both impeachments, search of Mar-a-lago, etc., were all illegal.
The only thing Trump did that annoyed me was RoeVsWade, but otherwise he was much less of a bloody war hawk then the supposed dems.
Yes, only the money they put in, not mine too. Dummass.

The way federal pensions work is just like Social Security.
The money put in gets invested in the national debt bonds, which you would have had to pay interest on regardless of who they sold the bonds to.
So they are NOT taking your money too, except from the fact all federal workers are paid originally from our taxes.
I am far left, progressive, liberal, but I agree Trump did nothing wrong really, and both impeachments, search of Mar-a-lago, etc., were all illegal.
The only thing Trump did that annoyed me was RoeVsWade, but otherwise he was much less of a bloody war hawk then the supposed dems.
Atta' boy! Way to go!
Perhaps you'll grow up soon!
Abortion was tossed to the States, as it should.
Our nation is being torn apart by much more IMPORTANT factors.
Your acceptance of Communism is not helping.
Socialism is taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots. Putting money away for a later day is called saving and planning.
Socialism has NOTHING at all remotely to do with redistribution of wealth.
Socialism is just where you allow people to pool their resources, through government, in order to start some sort of venture, like police, fire departments, public transit system, canals, locks, seaways, public utilities, museums, coliseums, fair grounds, etc.
Socialism also allows for investment of public money into the means of production, like cars, oil, department stores, etc., but we don't let that happen because that would conflict with private enterprise.
But in theory it is not illegal.
Atta' boy! Way to go!
Perhaps you'll grow up soon!
Abortion was tossed to the States, as it should.
Our nation is being torn apart by much more IMPORTANT factors.
Your acceptance of Communism is not helping.

States have no authority over the private medical choices by women.
Since abortion is vastly safer than child birth, it has to up to them and ONLY up to them.
States have no standing at all.
The 14th amendment puts the feds over the states when it comes to individual rights.

If you are against communism, then you do not know what it is.
For example, the people who join the armed forces, are entirely communist.
The live communally and collectively and are exactly implementing communism except that with communism they would all have to vote instead of having mandates from the Pentagon.
States have no authority over the private medical choices by women.
Since abortion is vastly safer than child birth, it has to up to them and ONLY up to them.
States have no standing at all.
The 14th amendment puts the feds over the states when it comes to individual rights.

If you are against communism, then you do not know what it is.
For example, the people who join the armed forces, are entirely communist.
The live communally and collectively and are exactly implementing communism except that with communism they would all have to vote instead of having mandates from the Pentagon.
You're beyond hope.
Good luck, buddy.
Don't say "we the people." Communists are not people.
Communists are for a dictator ship that owns all business and industry and there aren't any in the United States, they are only in China and North Korea Vietnam and Cuba with a gun to their heads, Super Duper.... Every socialist party ever has been for always Democratic fair capitalism with a good safety net. Turns out it's basically the final end point. democracy not communism. You have the English/ Savage capitalist brainwash on socialism....
The way federal pensions work is just like Social Security.
The money put in gets invested in the national debt bonds, which you would have had to pay interest on regardless of who they sold the bonds to.
So they are NOT taking your money too, except from the fact all federal workers are paid originally from our taxes.
Naw, they got you conned
You don’t seem to understand that greed for power and money is not limited to the people, in fact, it is more prevalent amoung those in government.
How many billionaires and trillionaires are in government?
Not many.

The vast majority are in the private sector, where greed and power flourishes.
Forgive me if I don’t believe that putting more power in their hands to control my movement, my health and where I live is a good idea. Honestly, only the very naive fall for such Utopian ideals.

No one is controlling your movement, your health, and where you live.
I know AOC is proven to be an associate of someone very heavily into communism. Apples don't fall far from the tree.

Everyone actually is a strong communist in practice, but just is too brainwashed to admit it.
For example not a single family uses the profit motive, and all are communist at home.
AOC is a Democratic Socialist who believes Government should do more for We the People
Like treating us like babies and protecting us from ourselves whether we want it or not, maybe even going so far as to tell us what we want.

What it all translates to is making people dependent on the government which puts the government in control of We the People.

Nope. I like taking care of myself, thanks.

You did not say anything so I don't get your point, but my point is that insurance companies triple the cost of health care, deliberately, while gaining nothing for us, and preventing many from getting any health care access at all. They make us prepay, so then we lose all ability to argue about cost or quality. They deliberately pad procedures, over charge, stretch hospital stays, etc.
And at the same time, quality has dropped so badly that over 250,000 a year now are murdered by medical malpractice. That is 5 times worse then all the firearm deaths.
Researchers from Johns Hopkins Hospital published the results of a comprehensive study on medical errors. This study estimated that medical errors result in 250,000 deaths each year. This estimate ranks medical malpractice as the third leading cause of death in the United States behind heart disease and cancer.

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