AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

That would be the lying cheating thieving brainwashing greedy idiot give away to the rich GOP.... The only party in the world that denies global warming and progressive taxation and universal Health Care, and opportunity at this point. DO know that Maduro is not "GOP", and that Leftist made him emperor and one of the most selfish human beings to walk the

What about the Obamas? $100,000,000 isn't rich? Why do they need so much money?
What about Zuckerberg? Gates? and several million Leftist rappers and b-ball stars....All RICH....All Leftists...why don't they spread their wealth around? Hmmmm.

Come to think of it, the LEFT stands to lose a hell of a lot if their "New Green Deal" ever gets traction. Think about that before you kneel.
When I hear something from her now it reminds of the saying the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Yep, flash in the pan.....the same people who built her up will rip her apart when they decide they've seen enough of her.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

They aren't going to kill it, they don't give a shit. They are sell outs to whoever pays the most.
taking advice about kids from a woman who thinks we eat hamburger 3 times a day and who wants to stop cow farts may not be considered smart
When I hear something from her now it reminds of the saying the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Yep, flash in the pan.....the same people who built her up will rip her apart when they decide they've seen enough of her.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

They aren't going to kill it, they don't give a shit. They are sell outs to whoever pays the most.

I believe they are going to suffer a the case I just noted, the old guard and the upstarts, pulling the party insupportably to the Left.

Did you see this?


Shocking, I say!!!!

Bernie Sanders said something which clearly makes him ineligible to run as a Democrat.

Bernie Sanders as he launches 2020 campaign:
“We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age.” …

No intersectional victimology doctrine for Bernie??????

Bernie just broke every rule of Progressive, Liberal, Democrat ideology!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He can't possibly run as a Democrat......even if he is an out-of-the-closet Marxist.

Move over may be primaried by Bernie!!!!!!

The Democrats may just be hoist by their own petards.
AOC has other problems. Screwing with the Amazon deal pissed off Cuomo. You know, the governor and the head of the Democrat Party in New York. If he backs a primary opponent against her, she's done. Add in pissing off her constituents by chasing away those jobs and revenue and it adds up to one and done.

Whose constituents are claiming to know something about?
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’
She can go right ahead! In fact ALL leftists should follow her lead! NO MORE KIDS FOR YOU LEFTISTS! I have 4 and I am pretty sure we are done but in fact whites need MORE kids not less.

Sure 4 kids tomove to a Liberal city and thrive.

Got ya.
the most important factor in declining birth rates is urbanization. why? on a farm, a child in a investment, an extra pair of hands to milk the cow. in the city, a child is a liability, an extra mouth to feed. urban housing is more expensive, where children are less valuable.
She's an idiot. I almost feel like I owe Sarah Palin an apology for demonizing her mental fitness
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’
She can go right ahead! In fact ALL leftists should follow her lead! NO MORE KIDS FOR YOU LEFTISTS! I have 4 and I am pretty sure we are done but in fact whites need MORE kids not less.

Sure 4 kids tomove to a Liberal city and thrive.

Got ya.
What? Need some English spoken here
WTF was Donkey Face Cortez doing with the sweet potato in that empty kitchen? First of all you do not use a carrot peeler on a sweet potato. In fact like with a regular potato most nutrients are in the skin and you generally should just wash it. But what meal was that retarded, illiterate, ugly mutant making exactly? And if you were ever a bartender you would say time for some Pinot Noir, not some "wine." Again folks, nobody knows where the numbskull came from, nobody was friends with her, there are really no pics or vids, and suddenly there Donkey Face Cortez is. Somebody has to be researching who the fuck this apparent actor actually is. Also, people really need to focus in on how the Congresswoman really cannot speak English above that of a kinder gardener. Is that part of the act?
AOC's policies are like listening to an Alex Jones conspiracy program a few years ago.
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’
/——/ AOC is NY’s answer to the Valley Girl
Alot less young people are focusing on their careers rather than having kids. Some think it's a negative trend. They are off base on this, however. And less abortions is a great thing.
WTF was Donkey Face Cortez doing with the sweet potato in that empty kitchen? First of all you do not use a carrot peeler on a sweet potato. In fact like with a regular potato most nutrients are in the skin and you generally should just wash it. But what meal was that retarded, illiterate, ugly mutant making exactly? And if you were ever a bartender you would say time for some Pinot Noir, not some "wine." Again folks, nobody knows where the numbskull came from, nobody was friends with her, there are really no pics or vids, and suddenly there Donkey Face Cortez is. Somebody has to be researching who the fuck this apparent actor actually is. Also, people really need to focus in on how the Congresswoman really cannot speak English above that of a kinder gardener. Is that part of the act?

This ironic post from a white goof would wholeheartedly supported dimwit sara palin.
The voice is almost child-like...reedy, thin, way too high for a 29 year old woman....I can't stand the sight of her but the sound of her speaking is worse. :102:
Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.

It's real simple. If one is that fearful, then don't have kids!
Otherwise if they do, they'll spawn little neurotic rugrats like the ones that showed up in Sen. Feinsteins office the other day.
When I hear something from her now it reminds of the saying the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Yep, flash in the pan.....the same people who built her up will rip her apart when they decide they've seen enough of her.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

"...the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...."

"House Democrats exploded in recriminations Thursday over moderates bucking the party, with liberal Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatening to put those voting with Republicans “on a list” for a primary challenge. In a closed-door session, a frustrated Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) lashed out at about two dozen moderates and pressured them to get on board.

“We are either a team or we’re not, and we have to make that decision,” Pelosi said, according to two people present but not authorized to discuss the remarks publicly.

But Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the unquestioned media superstar of the freshman class, upped the ante, admonishing the moderates and indicating she would help liberal activists unseat them in the 2020 election. Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, said she told her colleagues that Democrats who side with Republicans “are putting themselves on a list.”
Fury: Liberals and Moderates Rage at Each Other at Closed-Door Meeting of House Democrats

Seems the Democrats are reprising a motto from an earlier version of their party:

"You vil learn to obey orders!!!!"
When I hear something from her now it reminds of the saying the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Yep, flash in the pan.....the same people who built her up will rip her apart when they decide they've seen enough of her.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

"...the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...."

"House Democrats exploded in recriminations Thursday over moderates bucking the party, with liberal Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez threatening to put those voting with Republicans “on a list” for a primary challenge. In a closed-door session, a frustrated Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) lashed out at about two dozen moderates and pressured them to get on board.

“We are either a team or we’re not, and we have to make that decision,” Pelosi said, according to two people present but not authorized to discuss the remarks publicly.

But Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), the unquestioned media superstar of the freshman class, upped the ante, admonishing the moderates and indicating she would help liberal activists unseat them in the 2020 election. Corbin Trent, a spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez, said she told her colleagues that Democrats who side with Republicans “are putting themselves on a list.”
Fury: Liberals and Moderates Rage at Each Other at Closed-Door Meeting of House Democrats

Seems the Democrats are reprising a motto from an earlier version of their party:

"You vil learn to obey orders!!!!"

Why are you worried about a 30 year old freshman in the House? She’s a mouthpiece, you don’t need to be afraid.

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