AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
I blame it on their being brainwashed into fucking useless idiots.

State control of less, drive less, be less warm, have fewer things...

All tyrants encourage their people to austerity and poverty, while they themselves enjoy the good life.

Fuck communism and fuck the people who defend and facilitate it. This bitch should be thrown in jail, and so should all the other criminals in office, who are openly flouting our constitution.
I don’t hear anybody calling for state control over means of production. Saying that makes you sound brainwashed
I'm sorry you're stupid. What do you think it's called when the state dictates what you may, and may not, produce, use, or sell? What is it called when the state determines how MUCH you may produce, create, sell, or have?

Think hard.
That’s socialism, who is calling for that besides a group of wingnuts? Show me the proposal

You have leftist dissonance.
How so?


Is this the pic she used on the Craigslist ads for lonely single men/women...after-hours tricks?


Notice the flared realizing she farted a little turd into her undies. :badgrin:
Honestly, she asks a good question, years ago my wife and I had to decide if bringing children into this world was practical. We decided yes, she hasn't decided. The idea that we should limit children wasn't brought up.
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’
She can go right ahead! In fact ALL leftists should follow her lead! NO MORE KIDS FOR YOU LEFTISTS! I have 4 and I am pretty sure we are done but in fact whites need MORE kids not less.
Honestly, she asks a good question, years ago my wife and I had to decide if bringing children into this world was practical. We decided yes, she hasn't decided. The idea that we should limit children wasn't brought up.

Oh, she's decided alright...and like a typical leftist, if she doesn't want it, doesn't like it, nobody should. They operate on the theory if they're against it....guns, carbon energy, meat, military spending, then the country doesn't need's a combination of idiocy and elitism.
When I hear something from her now it reminds of the saying the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Yep, flash in the pan.....the same people who built her up will rip her apart when they decide they've seen enough of her.
Yep, flash in the pan.....the same people who built her up will rip her apart when they decide they've seen enough of her.

One can hope.
But don't discount the large and growing number of leftist mental cases who've been groomed to believe Socialism is the way forward.
Most young school children think highly of her....

Their idiot teachers having taught them to hate America and all.

America's core metrics are changing rapidly. What saved the day 50 years ago isn't gonna exist in 10 years.
AOC has other problems. Screwing with the Amazon deal pissed off Cuomo. You know, the governor and the head of the Democrat Party in New York. If he backs a primary opponent against her, she's done. Add in pissing off her constituents by chasing away those jobs and revenue and it adds up to one and done.
same thing - kinda clashes with those blue bags under his eyes ..

You've got a severe case of TDS.
Have you made a post this month that didn't mention your fantasy orange man?

Seriously......can't you talk about ANYTHING other than TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP ??

you and the rest of trump ass lickers have a severe case of "commie lovin' prick" -- CLP
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Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
That would be the lying cheating thieving brainwashing greedy idiot give away to the rich GOP.... The only party in the world that denies global warming and progressive taxation and universal Health Care, and opportunity at this point.
Honestly, she asks a good question, years ago my wife and I had to decide if bringing children into this world was practical. We decided yes, she hasn't decided. The idea that we should limit children wasn't brought up.

Well.....did you or didn't you??????
you and the rest of trump ass lickers have a severe case of "commie lovin' prick" -- CLP

Poor thing. Must be awful being you :itsok:

Truth is, I've stated many times that I'm not Trumps biggest fan, and in fact with him being a New York Democrat turncoat, I'm not sure I ever will be.
That said, IF....he gets a wall built and does things to help the US economy and people, then I'm fine with him.

If Obama had helped America instead of proving to be an enemy of the people and a Bace Raitor, I could have liked him too.

You're blinded by your hatred. What a shame.
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When I hear something from her now it reminds of the saying the flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

Yep, flash in the pan.....the same people who built her up will rip her apart when they decide they've seen enough of her.

Pelosi certainly has seen enough of this dunce.

Today, Feinstein put the kids mouthing her drivel in their place....

I believe the Democrat Party has created a Frankenstein...and will have to find a way to kill him.

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