AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

We should be thankful that AOC is not reproducing.
However the birth rate decline of the West means that the backwards Islamist will eventually infect all of humanity.
Is that what Liberals want?
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’

Obviously not descended from Democrats else she'd have been aborted and wouldn't pass on those outsize choppers to some unfortunate future generation. But, then, we'd never have been able to see her comedy routines.

Small loss, posit I.
We should be thankful that AOC is not reproducing.
However the birth rate decline of the West means that the backwards Islamist will eventually infect all of humanity.
Is that what Liberals want?


Back around 1000 years ago, Christianity was just getting a good foot hold on Islam and overtaking Islam.
So it's not the first time the world has been Muslim dominated. In fact the Crusades began around 1095 or so IIRC.

Outside of running around with their tiny nuggies swinging in public for all to see and dykes kissing dykes, and gender swapping, and die-versity, I don't think most liberals have a clue what they "want".

So they jump on ANY bandwagon promising to go in their general direction. Problem is, they are oblivious to the dead end for which they are merrily headed.
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As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’

Your thread title: AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

Her actual quote: "Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”

So why do you have to lie?

Funny how she scares this shit out of stupid white trash so badly that you have to lie.
Your thread title: AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

Her actual quote: "Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”

So why do you have to lie?

Funny how she scares this shit out of stupid white trash so badly that you have to lie.

That's somekinda spin, dipshit. :spinner:
F TRUMP and his communist loving base.
AOC doesnt salute communist sob's either.

I call "TDS" on you and this one.

The guy on the right in the green is your hero. I don't believe for one second that you don't fully believe he deserves Trump's salute.

Nuh uh. Not for a second.
Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
I blame it on their being brainwashed into fucking useless idiots.

State control of less, drive less, be less warm, have fewer things...

All tyrants encourage their people to austerity and poverty, while they themselves enjoy the good life.

Fuck communism and fuck the people who defend and facilitate it. This bitch should be thrown in jail, and so should all the other criminals in office, who are openly flouting our constitution.
I don’t hear anybody calling for state control over means of production. Saying that makes you sound brainwashed
I'm sorry you're stupid. What do you think it's called when the state dictates what you may, and may not, produce, use, or sell? What is it called when the state determines how MUCH you may produce, create, sell, or have?

Think hard.
That’s socialism, who is calling for that besides a group of wingnuts? Show me the proposal

You have leftist dissonance.
Your thread title: AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

Her actual quote: "Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”

So why do you have to lie?

Funny how she scares this shit out of stupid white trash so badly that you have to lie.

That's somekinda spin, dipshit. :spinner:

Answer the question, dipshit.
Why do you have to lie about what she said?
Hey troll...this is still my thread and you ain't welcome in flush yourself and enjoy the sewer you crawled out of.

The new kid on the block calling me a "troll". :lame2:

"I ain't welcome" ?
Every time you open your mouth, you sound more and more like a hard core lefty Snowflake.
S' can't take anyone not agreeing with ya Snowflake ?

Lemme see ya "kick me out"......tuff guy

Now why don't ya man up and answer the man's question above?
This is why it is so important to encourage leftists to abort their children beyond the point of leftist extinction.

Seems hard to believe there are any Leftists today as much as they worship at the altar of Planned Parenthood.
If their numbers are still growing even with all those abortions, imagine how many unwanted pregnancies liberals are generating.

Dude, you wife wants you to get the fuck off the internet and warm up dinner....SpaghettiOs.

Fly over style.
Your thread title: AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

Her actual quote: "Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”

So why do you have to lie?

Funny how she scares this shit out of stupid white trash so badly that you have to lie.

That's somekinda spin, dipshit. :spinner:

Answer the question, dipshit.
Why do you have to lie about what she said?

lying is second nature to RW dipshits - fits their dumb as a rock image.
The new kid on the block calling me a "troll". :lame2:

"I ain't welcome" ?
Every time you open your mouth, you sound more and more like a hard core lefty Snowflake.
S' can't take anyone not agreeing with ya Snowflake ?

Lemme see ya "kick me out"......tuff guy

Hey me how brave you are....start your own thread and let's see who shows up. You and I both know you're a dead-ender, crummy house, crummy neighborhood, crummy car, crummy you come here to harass folks who you'd have to stand on a ladder to kiss our asses. Want to talk about PTSD? take a look in the mirror....that's your life you're looking at, punk.
lying is second nature to RW dipshits - fits their dumb as a rock image.

Hey Sissy...picked out the pellet gun you're gonna shoot Trump with or have you changed the plan to a slingshot or maybe a lawn dart?

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