AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

Both can be true....materially, the world has never been better. certainly have a point, too.

Trump has changed this country and this world in almost impossible ways for the better. Two years ago, Russia was trying to recreate the soviet union, China was trampling everybody with slave labor and espionage, the ME was on fire, N.Korea shooting missiles over Japan, Iran, flush in Obama cash on the verge of having nuclear weapons, and the cancer of socialism spreading through central and south America. All of that is old news thanks to 45.....I believe the world is tired of dictators and oppression and needed to be pointed in a new direction....Trump is doing that.

And this:
1. Obama told illegal aliens to go and vote, saying "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

2. After promising that Iran would never get nuclear weapons, Obama guaranteed them nukes.

The first is an attack on America, the second, on all of Western Civilization.
lol. You sound like my wife. PollyAnna.

Some people (like my wife) feel that it is best to ignore anything negative. By living under the illusion that everything is fine, they live in a bubble of happiness.

Like the ostrich. But ignoring reality and never actively dealing with the bad things is the spawn of catastrophes like the AOC and venezuela.

Edmund Burke said it best....
All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

A LOT of bad shit is happening. Pretending otherwise simply encourages it..

Good for you.....your negativity will eventually kill you and you don't seem to care. Trying to pick a fight with me is a good example of why you should listen to your wife more and your own black thoughts less....nobody wants to be around a bummer.
She's the most negative political figure in recent memory by any I said earlier, she'll be slinging drinks again in 2021.

I prefer this outcome.
And if she fades away after the elections, I'll owe you.

But, if at that point she prevails and continues to advance her agenda, maybe then you'll listen to me.
Amazon cooked her goose....she'll be back to bartending in 2021.

I wish that was true.
Do you have ANY idea how many idiot Americans think what she did was "good for America", ya know...fighting those E- vile corporations and all.

If you think "common sense" will still protect America, sadly, you're in for a rude awakening.
We've become an idiocracy. Maybe in tiny protected bubbles where you live people still have common sense so you get the illusion you're safe...but in the population centers like big cities where all the voters are, it's a totally different reality.
I don't think what she did was good for America. She's only done one relevant thing. She shot down the posterboy for term limits and chair of the Democratic caucus, Joe Crowley.

What she did was great for America.
Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
Hell, 40 years ago I asked the same question about bringing children into this world. I don't think it's limited to this generation only. It's a legit question to be asked by anyone who wants to have children.
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’

Given the raifications of climate change, I consider it a very valid question.

But I also assume moronic conservatives will just scream "death panels"
Good for you.....your negativity will eventually kill you and you don't seem to care. Trying to pick a fight with me is a good example of why you should listen to your wife more and your own black thoughts less....nobody wants to be around a bummer.

"My negativity"?

I just deal in reality. You may be comfortable today, but in Venezuela, North Korea and across the world MILLIONS are suffering while you enjoy the "happiness bubble".

All I'm saying is deal with reality, and SEE reality, otherwise you cannot possibly CHANGE reality and make things better.

As I said, there are good things happening....and there are bad things happening. Ignoring the realities leaves dealing with the realities to those brave enough to put themselves in the line of fire....and is not fair. But such is life.
I wish that was true.
Do you have ANY idea how many idiot Americans think what she did was "good for America", ya know...fighting those E- vile corporations and all.

Billboards in the Bronx pissing on her for chasing away 2,500 jobs....and it will be the leftist commissars who primary her to keep from losing the House....I don't see her surviving that.
25,000 jobs, not to mention all the peripheral jobs and income that would have been generated.
I was wondering what time we would get our daily AOC thread today.

Right-wing media has you rubes trained so well. Dance, puppets.

See you tomorrow. Same time?
25,000 jobs, not to mention all the peripheral jobs and income that would have been generated.

WillPower says don't look at it that way, that's negative....

Look at it positively....New York lost Amazon, so people somewhere else more deserving might get those economic benefits.

And you know, I can see WP's point. Let's hope it's a Red state.
Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
I blame it on their being brainwashed into fucking useless idiots.

State control of less, drive less, be less warm, have fewer things...

All tyrants encourage their people to austerity and poverty, while they themselves enjoy the good life.

Fuck communism and fuck the people who defend and facilitate it. This bitch should be thrown in jail, and so should all the other criminals in office, who are openly flouting our constitution.
I don’t hear anybody calling for state control over means of production. Saying that makes you sound brainwashed
"My negativity"?

I just deal in reality. You may be comfortable today, but in Venezuela, North Korea and across the world MILLIONS are suffering while you enjoy the "happiness bubble".

All I'm saying is deal with reality, and SEE reality, otherwise you cannot possibly CHANGE reality and make things better.

As I said, there are good things happening....and there are bad things happening. Ignoring the realities leaves dealing with the realities to those brave enough to put themselves in the line of fire....and is not fair. But such is life.

Every bummer I've ever run into said the same thing...."I deal in reality" with a dismissive wave of the hand like that's the end of the discussion. All depends on what you want to dwell on....I don't dwell on anything so I'm free of predetermined outcomes. Evil will always be with us and try to overcome starts with believing evil can't be tamed so you need a positive attitude to believe it can and fight it. My second day in-country Vietnam, a door-gunner told me none of us was getting out alive and yet here I am and he didn't make it's all a matter of attitude.
25,000 jobs, not to mention all the peripheral jobs and income that would have been generated.

WillPower says don't look at it that way, that's negative....

Look at it positively....New York lost Amazon, so people somewhere else more deserving might get those economic benefits.

And you know, I can see WP's point. Let's hope it's a Red state.
True enough, NYC's loss will be somewhere else's gain. Hopefully a more deserving population. Of course, the contention is that only large cities like NYC will have the requisite population of skilled workers. I say, put AHQ2 in Podunk, USA and the workers will find their way, if they are interested in the work.
True enough, NYC's loss will be somewhere else's gain. Hopefully a more deserving population. Of course, the contention is that only large cities like NYC will have the requisite population of skilled workers. I say, put AHQ2 in Podunk, USA and the workers will find their way, if they are interested in the work.

I heard they're looking at Atlanta.....RED state, large workforce potential, the capital of the new south and nowhere near as expensive as operating in the congested and poorly run Big Apple.
True enough, NYC's loss will be somewhere else's gain. Hopefully a more deserving population. Of course, the contention is that only large cities like NYC will have the requisite population of skilled workers. I say, put AHQ2 in Podunk, USA and the workers will find their way, if they are interested in the work.

I heard they're looking at Atlanta.....RED state, large workforce potential, the capital of the new south and nowhere near as expensive as operating in the congested and poorly run Big Apple.
Probably not nearly the taxes, either. I have family living in Atlanta, they seem to like it plenty.
The South shall rise again!
Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
I blame it on their being brainwashed into fucking useless idiots.

State control of less, drive less, be less warm, have fewer things...

All tyrants encourage their people to austerity and poverty, while they themselves enjoy the good life.

Fuck communism and fuck the people who defend and facilitate it. This bitch should be thrown in jail, and so should all the other criminals in office, who are openly flouting our constitution.
I don’t hear anybody calling for state control over means of production. Saying that makes you sound brainwashed
I'm sorry you're stupid. What do you think it's called when the state dictates what you may, and may not, produce, use, or sell? What is it called when the state determines how MUCH you may produce, create, sell, or have?

Think hard.
The answer is simple. If we don't build a wall, just sterilize all the Illegal Aliens she wants to import in to The US so was can save The Planet.
She's currently the most frequently publicized person across nearly all media, news and otherwise.

One thing she's got in spades is fame and exposure. Bernie never had that. Kids in screwals across America are even cheering "The new Green Deal" I hear.

You can laugh, but as dumb as she is, there's an even larger base of morons eager to see her rise to the top.

2020 will be interesting (no, I didn't say she would run for Prez in 2020, you dodo)...but let's watch her supporters rise and what the imbecile Left Communist base achieves.

Especially since more and more equally moronic Right Wingers are boycotting the election process and not even voting.

Just an opinion, but I think we're no longer "on the brink"...we fell over the cliff already. Too late.
Both Stalin and Hitler were extremely popular in their countries.
I heard they're looking at Atlanta.....RED state, large workforce potential, the capital of the new south and nowhere near as expensive as operating in the congested and poorly run Big Apple.

Georgia has become the South's "Illinois".

Blue, but for the rural folks away from the Big "A"
Came razor close to getting a True Blue governor back in November.
Dodging that bullet again in 2022 will be a miracle for both Georgia AND Florida.

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