AOC: "Like, Don't Have Kids, Ya Know?"

I'm sorry you're stupid. What do you think it's called when the state dictates what you may, and may not, produce, use, or sell? What is it called when the state determines how MUCH you may produce, create, sell, or have?

Think hard.

We need you around more often, KG. :eusa_angel:
Georgia has become the South's "Illinois".

Blue, but for the rural folks away from the Big "A"
Came razor close to getting a True Blue governor back in November.
Dodging that bullet again in 2022 will be a miracle for both Georgia AND Florida.

Again with the doom and gloom....both states had massive voter fraud that was discovered and stopped and both are solid RED. I don't care where Amazon goes...they can go out of business for all I care...they are closing down malls by the hundreds and will have a strangle-hold on retail if Target, Wally and a few others don't get woke.
Every bummer I've ever run into said the same thing...."I deal in reality" with a dismissive wave of the hand like that's the end of the discussion. All depends on what you want to dwell on....I don't dwell on anything so I'm free of predetermined outcomes. Evil will always be with us and try to overcome starts with believing evil can't be tamed so you need a positive attitude to believe it can and fight it. My second day in-country Vietnam, a door-gunner told me none of us was getting out alive and yet here I am and he didn't make it's all a matter of attitude.

There's some truth to the power of positive thinking. I agree.
Perhaps when I escape from the Blue swamp I'm stuck in presently I'll see my way to a bit more positive energy.
As a Christian, your belief in evil is understandable.
I've been telling the very same crowd the same thing for years. If you're dumb enough to listen to Occasional Cortex, you should be sterilized.

Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
people are going to worry. it's what we do.

if the future of mankind scares you to the point where you don't want to breed, good. we got enough of those mindsets already. :)
Again with the doom and gloom....both states had massive voter fraud that was discovered and stopped and both are solid RED. I don't care where Amazon goes...they can go out of business for all I care...they are closing down malls by the hundreds and will have a strangle-hold on retail if Target, Wally and a few others don't get woke.

Massive? Drama Queen.

What are you talking about?
Show your evidence of the "Massive" voter fraud or stop making stuff up.
This is what I meant by people like you who are PollyAnnas.

There was "some" voter fraud but IIRC, it did not significantly affect the outcome in either election.

What part of what I said was not 100% accurate?
Are you even aware of how close both elections were?
What makes a state Red or Blue? I think it's election RESULTS.
Massive? Drama Queen.

What are you talking about?
Show your evidence of the "Massive" voter fraud or stop making stuff up.
This is what I meant by people like you who are PollyAnnas.

There was "some" voter fraud but IIRC, it did not significantly affect the outcome in either election.

What part of what I said was not 100% accurate?
Are you even aware of how close both elections were?
What makes a state Red or Blue? I think it's election RESULTS.

Okay, that's enough out of your sorry ass, boy.....go bother somebody else with your garbage attitude and grasp of "reality".
Every bummer I've ever run into said the same thing...."I deal in reality" with a dismissive wave of the hand like that's the end of the discussion. All depends on what you want to dwell on....I don't dwell on anything so I'm free of predetermined outcomes. Evil will always be with us and try to overcome starts with believing evil can't be tamed so you need a positive attitude to believe it can and fight it. My second day in-country Vietnam, a door-gunner told me none of us was getting out alive and yet here I am and he didn't make it's all a matter of attitude.

With no disrespect meant to all the honorable vets who served.......

Now I understand......
You take "happy pills" daily for your PTSD.....

Now it all makes sense.
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Okay, that's enough out of your sorry ass, boy.....go bother somebody else with your garbage attitude and grasp of "reality".

Oh, I can shut up now, by YOUR decree?
You're sounding like a Snowflake all of a sudden.

You claim to have served.....did you serve so you could silence others?
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You're a piece of shit and a waste of my time, loser.

You sound like BlackFlag and all those other hateful, egotistical, profane Lefty Snowflakes now.
Go take your meds son. They're apparently wearing off. lol
For half a second you almost had me fooled with your "happy ass" talk.

Just needed to pull you out a bit. it worked. ;)
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’

Meh, the lazy right eye is to off putting and you can count her ribs. I doubt she would survive carrying a child.
Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
I blame it on their being brainwashed into fucking useless idiots.

State control of less, drive less, be less warm, have fewer things...

All tyrants encourage their people to austerity and poverty, while they themselves enjoy the good life.

Fuck communism and fuck the people who defend and facilitate it. This bitch should be thrown in jail, and so should all the other criminals in office, who are openly flouting our constitution.
I don’t hear anybody calling for state control over means of production. Saying that makes you sound brainwashed
I'm sorry you're stupid. What do you think it's called when the state dictates what you may, and may not, produce, use, or sell? What is it called when the state determines how MUCH you may produce, create, sell, or have?

Think hard.
That’s socialism, who is calling for that besides a group of wingnuts? Show me the proposal
As if anybody would want to have kids with this donkey-faced moron: :disbelief:

“Our planet is going to face disaster if we don’t turn this ship around,” she said, as she chopped sweet potatoes. “And so it’s basically like, there is a scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult and it does lead, I think young people, to have a legitimate question. Ya know, should—is it okay to still have children?”


Ocasio-Cortez says there is a ‘legitimate question’ that needs to be asked: ‘Is it okay to still have children?’
al gore reincarnated?
Like AOC or not, it is true that many young people are anxious about bringing children into this world. Blame it on fear mongering, or environmental uncertainty, or debt cliffs, or whatever else is out there making people worried about the future.
nonsense. continued nonsense and more nonsense. you leftists are fking idiots and a half.
this stupid fucker aint exactly no GD prize ... especially without his makeup.


Looks aside (cause neither were born beauties), one works to save a works to destroy a nation and usher in Communism disguised as Socialism).....
so I'll take ugly with good intent for the win Alec
this stupid fucker aint exactly no GD prize ... especially without his makeup.


Looks aside (cause neither were born beauties), one works to save a works to destroy a nation and usher in Communism disguised as Socialism).....
so I'll take ugly with good intent for the win Alec

not Trump - he works to salute commie Koreans, and kiss Russian GKB ass.

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