AOC says that all illegal immigrants should get free housing....You have to pay for yours, but

Man you guys think more of AOC than us Democrats. We never even think about her, but she is living rent free in your heads.
Raise your hand if you want Americans to pay for the healthcare and welfare of any foreign national that makes it to America...

Don't let Democrats lie to you and claim they don't support this. If you believe them you're an idiot.
These stupid thieving Liberals think it is their right to make you work to pay their bills.

There is a word for that. Slavery.
Man you guys think more of AOC than us Democrats. We never even think about her, but she is living rent free in your heads.

You “never” think of her but she is the face of your party? Hmmmmm
Man you guys think more of AOC than us Democrats. We never even think about her, but she is living rent free in your heads.

We are still perplexed over foreigners playing a role in the workings of our nation. We will pay dearly for deviating from our framers intent...I guarantee it.
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they get a lot of crap--like in state tuition !!!!!!!!!!!!
.......they are fking over American kids!!! these school administrators need to be hanged upside down
Man you guys think more of AOC than us Democrats. We never even think about her, but she is living rent free in your heads.
She's an actress that answered a casting call

Its pure entertainment

Someone smoke signal lizzie Warren so she can add it to tHe free medical for mexico, central ,and south america

The free medical for illegals alone will play real well in television ads and at the debates next year with God Emperor

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