AOC to file Articles of Impeachment against the non-Democrat Supreme Court Justices.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
AOC is the poster child for dumb liberals

This is a possible solution to the issue, that can avoid the need to rewrite the Constitution completely.

But do enough Americans understand what has happened and the reason why the action on behalf of the president needed to be delayed for over 350 years?
Welp, the Democrat's favorite drama queen AOC has gone full retard. She now intends to file Impeachment Articles against the 6 non Democrat Supreme Court judges for making a sane decision on LIMITED Presidential immunity. This is just getting more ridiculous with each passing day, November can't come soon enough.



Lib-pigs didn't get what they wanted so they try to pitch a fit.

This is going to make for some great comedy routines.

She is just grandstanding for the media. She doesn't have the balls to do it. Congress is back in session on Monday the 8th we will see if she gets anything done at all. What has she done for her constituents in NY 14th?
Welp, the Democrat's favorite drama queen AOC has gone full retard. She now intends to file Impeachment Articles against the 6 non Democrat Supreme Court judges for making a sane decision on LIMITED Presidential immunity. This is just getting more ridiculous with each passing day, November can't come soon enough.

Not surprised by this. Demafasict have no respect for the rule of law, separation of powers, or the constitution.

This, like the political prosecution of trump, is a last ditched effort to maintain power. Throughout history leftist have prosecuted political f rivals and attacked the courts. This is right out of the national socialist playbook
They are demonizing the court.. we already saw an assassination attempt on Kavanaugh…

But yes, AOC is a child throwing a temper tantrum here
They talk about not respecting the DOJ and other institutions. They are trying to tear this institution down. Why can't people see through this crap?
They talk about not respecting the DOJ and other institutions. They are trying to tear this institution down. Why can't people see through this crap?
Not one democrat condemned the assassination attempt on Kav for at least 2 weeks afterward.

That is essentially giving approval.

In fact, Merrick Garland refused to stop protestors from protesting at their homes after the assassination attempt, even though it was illegal to do so.

They wanted them all to die.
Welp, the Democrat's favorite drama queen AOC has gone full retard. She now intends to file Impeachment Articles against the 6 non Democrat Supreme Court judges

Good luck with that. She is going to impeach 2/3rds of the entire SC now! :laughing0301: The comedy keeps getting better and better! Just more of the usual leftwing kabuki theater designed to protect the leftard's delusions of their party that their failure to get Trump isn't because THEY were way wrong, but because of some insidious plot of evil blocking them designed to steal the country!
Welp, the Democrat's favorite drama queen AOC has gone full retard. She now intends to file Impeachment Articles against the 6 non Democrat Supreme Court judges for making a sane decision on LIMITED Presidential immunity. This is just getting more ridiculous with each passing day, November can't come soon enough.

She represents the truth of what the actual Democrat Party is now, a political body that seeks to be a one-party only dictatorial government and its goal of ending our Constitutional Republic. In short, they are traitors.
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How that dingbat ever got to where she is is beyond me.

I've never seen her get any attention for being sane, rational, or insightful. Every single time she has any attention on her it's because of some really dumb ass or crazy nonsense or lie coming out of her mouth. She doesn't do anything, she has no value or purpose

It's a shame because she could at least be attractive but her personality is so horrendous I can't even see her as anything more than an irrating and cackling bitch.

Her mother should have hit her on the head and sold the milk.
Welp, the Democrat's favorite drama queen AOC has gone full retard. She now intends to file Impeachment Articles against the 6 non Democrat Supreme Court judges for making a sane decision on LIMITED Presidential immunity. This is just getting more ridiculous with each passing day, November can't come soon enough.

Well played AOC --- wretch though she is -- for joining in the fun Fake story .
With everything pre scripted and rehearsed it is fun to see an injection of the unexpected and splendidly insane .
She represents the truth of what the actual Democrat Party is now, a political body that seeks to be a one-party only dictatorial government and its goal of ending our Constitutional Republic. In short, they are traitors.
Is there ANY ASPECT of America that they have not attacked or undermined? The border is a shambles, we have 20 million unknown foreigners loose in our country, terrorist sleeper cells just waiting for the green light from their leaders, 200 people a day are dying from Fentanyl, they attack the SCOTUS, they corrupt the DOJ, they take political prisoners, I mean WTF people!?!?!?!?!

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