AOC: 'We came close to half of the House nearly dying' during riots

America wishes.
She called for riots, she got them.
And that was just a warmup.
Joe’s going to have an interesting day Jan 20.

AOC called for riots?
We went from a Republic to a Democracy with a transition for our currency backed by gold and silver to a nothing but from a tree. It works from the beginning so nice. Then politicians can't help themselves. To keep themselves in power. Giving up the goodies for all. Well for not all.
These people are dangerous and WILL be rooted out of decent society.

How will you be able to tell?
It will be very easy to find you guys. All I have to ask someone is was the election rigged? If they say yes, they're an idiot. And I have a feeling most of you USMB Republicans are idiots.

Do you think the election was rigged Papa? 5 states stolen? Republicans were in on it? Pence knows this and still gave it to Biden because he's a globalist too? Mitch is in on it too?

And there you go again, you just bitched in another thread about lumping people together and then you continue to do the same. The election wasn't "rigged", you are just a partisan hack that can't think for yourself and believe what you are told. I am tired of your hypocrisy.
What a drama queen...

Really? What were the people attempting to commit a coup going to do with zip ties?
View attachment 441199

Let me ask you stand your ground mother fuckers. Based on stand your ground if rioters stormed your work with zip ties and were coming at you would you have a right to shoot those mother fuckers dead?


zip ties are deadly.

The ONLY response to them is deadly force.

View attachment 441212

Really? So trying to kidnap a governor and now congressmen, all perfectly legal and normal with you?

I'll never look at you Republicans the same again. Fucking nazis.

Vote for better canidates then
Impossible for us to pick a candidate you would approve of. If we nominate a moderate Democrat like the Clinton's, Kerry, Gore, Biden or Obama, you claim they are radical socialists. You don't even understand the Republican party has brainwashed you and you're basically a cult member.

So now the Republicans have control over film , radio , television, the school system?

The only ones brain washed is you.
Make all the films you want.
Radio? Yes, Republicans control the radio. Who's our version of Rush on the radio? What channel can I find this person?
You can't control the schools because it's against the rules to teach anti science and pro bible bullshit. You can't be a science teacher and a creationalist too.

The media completely stopped being liberal when this happened

The Act was claimed to foster competition. Instead, it continued the historic industry consolidation reducing the number of major media companies from around 50 in 1983 to 10 in 1996

So 10 corporations purchased 90% of the media and they sensor it. They only seem liberal to piss you off. They're liberal when it comes to gays not corporations.

Not true dumb dumb, lots of progressive hate talk radio but it isn't that popular so it stays on low wattage stations. Rhodes is really good at her hate radio, she advocated shooting Bush. Air America has had financial trouble but produce shows for Franken, Maddow and others. The issue is progressive radio never caught on.

What a drama queen...

Really? What were the people attempting to commit a coup going to do with zip ties?
View attachment 441199

Let me ask you stand your ground mother fuckers. Based on stand your ground if rioters stormed your work with zip ties and were coming at you would you have a right to shoot those mother fuckers dead?


zip ties are deadly.

The ONLY response to them is deadly force.

View attachment 441212

Really? So trying to kidnap a governor and now congressmen, all perfectly legal and normal with you?

I'll never look at you Republicans the same again. Fucking nazis.

Vote for better canidates then
We could say the same for you. Trump was such a flawed candidate with all his corruption and history of fraud/theft/lawsuits/ties with the mob/hiring illegals/racism/cheating on his wife.
No new wars and Trump kept most all his campaign promises, that = success
All, huh? Remind me in which year did we have GDP growth as high as 6% while he was president?
What a drama queen...

Really? What were the people attempting to commit a coup going to do with zip ties?
View attachment 441199

Let me ask you stand your ground mother fuckers. Based on stand your ground if rioters stormed your work with zip ties and were coming at you would you have a right to shoot those mother fuckers dead?


zip ties are deadly.

The ONLY response to them is deadly force.

View attachment 441212

Really? So trying to kidnap a governor and now congressmen, all perfectly legal and normal with you?

I'll never look at you Republicans the same again. Fucking nazis.

Vote for better canidates then
Impossible for us to pick a candidate you would approve of. If we nominate a moderate Democrat like the Clinton's, Kerry, Gore, Biden or Obama, you claim they are radical socialists. You don't even understand the Republican party has brainwashed you and you're basically a cult member.

So now the Republicans have control over film , radio , television, the school system?

The only ones brain washed is you.
Make all the films you want.
Radio? Yes, Republicans control the radio. Who's our version of Rush on the radio? What channel can I find this person?
You can't control the schools because it's against the rules to teach anti science and pro bible bullshit. You can't be a science teacher and a creationalist too.

The media completely stopped being liberal when this happened

The Act was claimed to foster competition. Instead, it continued the historic industry consolidation reducing the number of major media companies from around 50 in 1983 to 10 in 1996

So 10 corporations purchased 90% of the media and they sensor it. They only seem liberal to piss you off. They're liberal when it comes to gays not corporations.
What a drama queen...

Really? What were the people attempting to commit a coup going to do with zip ties?
View attachment 441199

Let me ask you stand your ground mother fuckers. Based on stand your ground if rioters stormed your work with zip ties and were coming at you would you have a right to shoot those mother fuckers dead?


zip ties are deadly.

The ONLY response to them is deadly force.

View attachment 441212

Really? So trying to kidnap a governor and now congressmen, all perfectly legal and normal with you?

I'll never look at you Republicans the same again. Fucking nazis.

Vote for better canidates then
Impossible for us to pick a candidate you would approve of. If we nominate a moderate Democrat like the Clinton's, Kerry, Gore, Biden or Obama, you claim they are radical socialists. You don't even understand the Republican party has brainwashed you and you're basically a cult member.

So now the Republicans have control over film , radio , television, the school system?

The only ones brain washed is you.
Make all the films you want.
Radio? Yes, Republicans control the radio. Who's our version of Rush on the radio? What channel can I find this person?
You can't control the schools because it's against the rules to teach anti science and pro bible bullshit. You can't be a science teacher and a creationalist too.

The media completely stopped being liberal when this happened

The Act was claimed to foster competition. Instead, it continued the historic industry consolidation reducing the number of major media companies from around 50 in 1983 to 10 in 1996

So 10 corporations purchased 90% of the media and they sensor it. They only seem liberal to piss you off. They're liberal when it comes to gays not corporations.
The left has the entire FM dial of devil music songs, see your being brainwashed by music and you don't even know it, and that's besides goober and buttman in the morning
Howard Stern was staunchly against Trump. 34 million subscribers.
These people are dangerous and WILL be rooted out of decent society.

How will you be able to tell?
It will be very easy to find you guys. All I have to ask someone is was the election rigged? If they say yes, they're an idiot. And I have a feeling most of you USMB Republicans are idiots.

Do you think the election was rigged Papa? 5 states stolen? Republicans were in on it? Pence knows this and still gave it to Biden because he's a globalist too? Mitch is in on it too?

And there you go again, you just bitched in another thread about lumping people together and then you continue to do the same. The election wasn't "rigged", you are just a partisan hack that can't think for yourself and believe what you are told. I am tired of your hypocrisy.

Now where is the proof that the DC police were in on the coup. go ahead, I'll wait.
I lost all respect for you bro. You think the election was stolen? I thought you were smarter than that.

CNN reported that police at the Capitol building were caught off guard and didn’t expect people to breach a series of fences leading up to the building.

But questions are being raised on social media about how seriously some police officers took the incident, given vision that has emerged.

A clip posted on TikTok from the scene shows police removing barriers to allow the rioters to continue towards the Capitol steps.
Interesting choice of words. All those people who were caught in the left wing generated riots and looting that she supported were "nearly killed". We are all "nearly dying".
They were protests. It's legal to protest. It's not legal to do what Trump supporters did last week.

Rioting is now legal?
No. Police will arrest when you riot. That's why that woman was shot at the capitol. If BLM rioters were attacking police they would have been shot too.
What a drama queen...

Really? What were the people attempting to commit a coup going to do with zip ties?
View attachment 441199

Let me ask you stand your ground mother fuckers. Based on stand your ground if rioters stormed your work with zip ties and were coming at you would you have a right to shoot those mother fuckers dead?


zip ties are deadly.

The ONLY response to them is deadly force.

View attachment 441212

Really? So trying to kidnap a governor and now congressmen, all perfectly legal and normal with you?

I'll never look at you Republicans the same again. Fucking nazis.

Vote for better canidates then
We could say the same for you. Trump was such a flawed candidate with all his corruption and history of fraud/theft/lawsuits/ties with the mob/hiring illegals/racism/cheating on his wife.
No new wars and Trump kept most all his campaign promises, that = success

And Trump absolutely trashed Obama for not having over 4% growth.

“We’re going to go a lot higher,” Trump said, referring to the report that showed a 4.1 percent rise in gross domestic product during the second quarter. This was July 2018

During a speech on the White House South Lawn, he predicted that the country was on track for its highest annual growth rate in over 13 years.

“As the trade deals come in one by one, we’re going to go a lot higher than these numbers, and these are great numbers,” he said.

And don't blame Corona. In 2019 Trump had 2.3% growth. Candidate Trump would have said President Trump was a failure. It was Trump's trade war with China that slowed down growth.
These people are dangerous and WILL be rooted out of decent society.

How will you be able to tell?
It will be very easy to find you guys. All I have to ask someone is was the election rigged? If they say yes, they're an idiot. And I have a feeling most of you USMB Republicans are idiots.

Do you think the election was rigged Papa? 5 states stolen? Republicans were in on it? Pence knows this and still gave it to Biden because he's a globalist too? Mitch is in on it too?

And there you go again, you just bitched in another thread about lumping people together and then you continue to do the same. The election wasn't "rigged", you are just a partisan hack that can't think for yourself and believe what you are told. I am tired of your hypocrisy.

Now where is the proof that the DC police were in on the coup. go ahead, I'll wait.
I lost all respect for you bro. You think the election was stolen? I thought you were smarter than that.

CNN reported that police at the Capitol building were caught off guard and didn’t expect people to breach a series of fences leading up to the building.

But questions are being raised on social media about how seriously some police officers took the incident, given vision that has emerged.

A clip posted on TikTok from the scene shows police removing barriers to allow the rioters to continue towards the Capitol steps.

You can't read? First off you accused me of thinking the election was rigged and now you don't read my response, scroll back up and reread.

I don't subscribe to Tiktok and it isn't a real news source, neither is youtube, twitter or facebook , haven't you learned shit over the last few months about these sources and what is real? Give me real news source and none of this garbage social media BS.
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Capitol ‘rioter who wanted to shoot Nancy Pelosi’s noggin’ arrested

Cleveland Grover Meredith Jr wrote multiple text messages that said he wanted to shoot or run over Ms Pelosi, the House speaker, on Wednesday as Donald Trump’s supporters stormed Congress, according to documents seen by CNN.

The alleged rioter, who has been charged with writing threats and possessing a firearm and ammunition, is said to have written in a text that he wanted to put “a bullet in [Nancy Pelosi’s] noggin on Live TV”.
Interesting choice of words. All those people who were caught in the left wing generated riots and looting that she supported were "nearly killed". We are all "nearly dying".
They were protests. It's legal to protest. It's not legal to do what Trump supporters did last week.

Rioting is now legal?
No. Police will arrest when you riot. That's why that woman was shot at the capitol. If BLM rioters were attacking police they would have been shot too.

Real media outlets reported riots in Portland and Seattle, if you don't think that setting fires to buildings, shooting people, looting, beating people up isn't rioting then you are too dumb to reason with.

Just one city: Police: More than 500 arrests since May at Portland protests.
America wishes.
She called for riots, she got them.
And that was just a warmup.
Joe’s going to have an interesting day Jan 20.

AOC called for riots?

Or a fucking Nazi liar.

Which are you?

you need the context.

"Once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized and marginalized, then you create — once someone doesn't have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot. And it doesn't have to be that way."


"Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear?"
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
America wishes.
She called for riots, she got them.
And that was just a warmup.
Joe’s going to have an interesting day Jan 20.

AOC called for riots?

Or a fucking Nazi liar.

Which are you?

you need the context.

"Once you have a group that is marginalized and marginalized and marginalized, then you create — once someone doesn't have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot. And it doesn't have to be that way."


"Certain conditions continue to exist in our society which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear?"
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
^^^^^ not incitement----a comment on
social ethics
Interesting choice of words. All those people who were caught in the left wing generated riots and looting that she supported were "nearly killed". We are all "nearly dying".
They were protests. It's legal to protest. It's not legal to do what Trump supporters did last week.

Rioting is now legal?
No. Police will arrest when you riot. That's why that woman was shot at the capitol. If BLM rioters were attacking police they would have been shot too.

Real media outlets reported riots in Portland and Seattle, if you don't think that setting fires to buildings, shooting people, looting, beating people up isn't rioting then you are too dumb to reason with.

Just one city: Police: More than 500 arrests since May at Portland protests.
Yes and people were arrested.

Stop comparing what happened last week to BLM protests. What happened last week is such a stain on our country. BLM is a result of treating blacks worse than you treat blacks. Look at how they met peaceful BLM protesters with tear gas and guns. They didn't treat the white Trump supporters that way. In fact some of the cops removed barriers and let them in. Those cops need to be fired. They've been drinking the coolaid too.
Interesting choice of words. All those people who were caught in the left wing generated riots and looting that she supported were "nearly killed". We are all "nearly dying".
They were protests. It's legal to protest. It's not legal to do what Trump supporters did last week.

Rioting is now legal?
No. Police will arrest when you riot. That's why that woman was shot at the capitol. If BLM rioters were attacking police they would have been shot too.

Real media outlets reported riots in Portland and Seattle, if you don't think that setting fires to buildings, shooting people, looting, beating people up isn't rioting then you are too dumb to reason with.

Just one city: Police: More than 500 arrests since May at Portland protests.
Yes and people were arrested.

Stop comparing what happened last week to BLM protests. What happened last week is such a stain on our country. BLM is a result of treating blacks worse than you treat blacks. Look at how they met peaceful BLM protesters with tear gas and guns. They didn't treat the white Trump supporters that way. In fact some of the cops removed barriers and let them in. Those cops need to be fired. They've been drinking the coolaid too.

How dense are you? I didn't compare you did! You have been lying a lot about me and it is getting annoying and then when I prove you lied, you ignore it and try another one. I am sick of your hypocrisy and out and out lies, so either prove the what you post of shut the fuck up. You stupid potheads are just morons.

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