AP & CNN Lied, Claimed GOP Blocked Schumer Abortion Bill That Was Defeated 51-49


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Some things never change, like how pathelogical liars lie.

After being exposed as liars you would think the propaganda-pushing media - especially CNN - would have learned by now....

...but, as mentioned, liars lie. It's what they do.

Some things never change, like how pathelogical liars lie.

After being exposed as liars you would think the propaganda-pushing media - especially CNN - would have learned by now....

...but, as mentioned, liars lie. It's what they do.

The DemoKKKrats control congress. Anything they can't pass is because of bipartisan opposition. The corporate media knows their readers are too stupid to do that simple math, so they tell these lies.
These are the same people who tell us their historically low trust rate & people calling them fake news is dangerous to the country.
No matter how much they are caught lying a certain segment of the population is going to hang on their every word & spread ignorance like it's gospel truth.
We have a quite a few on here
Unless he thinks he can be nominated for President by the Dems, Manchin will turn Independent or GOP after the upcoming election.

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