AP Cowards bow in fear to Terrorists


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
The world rightly condemned Sony Pictures open cowardice in the face of threats of violence by North Korea, will the same condemnation be levied at the cowards of the Associate Press?

In the wake of the terrorist attack on the French Satire publication, Charlie Hebdo, the AP quickly moved to prove they are more cowardly that Sony when they pissed their collective panties and surrendered to the Islamic barbarians.

"None of the images distributed by AP showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images," AP spokesman Paul Colford told Buzzfeed.

Other news outlets, including the New York Daily News and The Telegraph, have blurred out images of the cartoon in photos published on their websites Wednesday. TPM has also reprinted the images, but has kept them as they were originally published.

CNN also decided not to show the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, according to a memo obtained by Politico.}

Associated Press Removes Photos Of Provocative Charlie Hebdo Cartoon

The cowardly fucks of the AP own the rights and publish the anti-Christian photo "Piss Christ."

Funny. The AP never hesitates to run offensive stuff that American groups dont approve of.
The world rightly condemned Sony Pictures open cowardice in the face of threats of violence by North Korea, will the same condemnation be levied at the cowards of the Associate Press?

In the wake of the terrorist attack on the French Satire publication, Charlie Hebdo, the AP quickly moved to prove they are more cowardly that Sony when they pissed their collective panties and surrendered to the Islamic barbarians.

"None of the images distributed by AP showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images," AP spokesman Paul Colford told Buzzfeed.

Other news outlets, including the New York Daily News and The Telegraph, have blurred out images of the cartoon in photos published on their websites Wednesday. TPM has also reprinted the images, but has kept them as they were originally published.

CNN also decided not to show the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, according to a memo obtained by Politico.}

Associated Press Removes Photos Of Provocative Charlie Hebdo Cartoon

The cowardly fucks of the AP own the rights and publish the anti-Christian photo "Piss Christ."

AP has people in places where their lives are at risk. They have a responsibility to protect those people. This is nothing new. International organizations - including our State Department - have for decades had to walk the same tightrope.
AP has people in places where their lives are at risk. They have a responsibility to protect those people. This is nothing new. International organizations - including our State Department - have for decades had to walk the same tightrope.

If they are too cowardly to report the news, they need to get out of the business.
AP has people in places where their lives are at risk. They have a responsibility to protect those people. This is nothing new. International organizations - including our State Department - have for decades had to walk the same tightrope.

If they are too cowardly to report the news, they need to get out of the business.

And then there will be no news from those places. We are sophisticated enough to read the sub-context. I know you are.
AP has people in places where their lives are at risk. They have a responsibility to protect those people. This is nothing new. International organizations - including our State Department - have for decades had to walk the same tightrope.

If they are too cowardly to report the news, they need to get out of the business.
They did report it - but i understand. Words are hard for you, you need pictures
While I understand the concerns people have over the safety of their employees if they run these pictures we also have to consider the message we send these murderous terrorist assholes by not doing so. If you let a group know they can get you to do as they demand through violence or threats of violence it's logical to think they will continue with these type of attacks.
The world rightly condemned Sony Pictures open cowardice in the face of threats of violence by North Korea, will the same condemnation be levied at the cowards of the Associate Press?

In the wake of the terrorist attack on the French Satire publication, Charlie Hebdo, the AP quickly moved to prove they are more cowardly that Sony when they pissed their collective panties and surrendered to the Islamic barbarians.

"None of the images distributed by AP showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images," AP spokesman Paul Colford told Buzzfeed.

Other news outlets, including the New York Daily News and The Telegraph, have blurred out images of the cartoon in photos published on their websites Wednesday. TPM has also reprinted the images, but has kept them as they were originally published.

CNN also decided not to show the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, according to a memo obtained by Politico.}

Associated Press Removes Photos Of Provocative Charlie Hebdo Cartoon

The cowardly fucks of the AP own the rights and publish the anti-Christian photo "Piss Christ."


Did Piss Christ piss you off?
The world rightly condemned Sony Pictures open cowardice in the face of threats of violence by North Korea, will the same condemnation be levied at the cowards of the Associate Press?

In the wake of the terrorist attack on the French Satire publication, Charlie Hebdo, the AP quickly moved to prove they are more cowardly that Sony when they pissed their collective panties and surrendered to the Islamic barbarians.

"None of the images distributed by AP showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images," AP spokesman Paul Colford told Buzzfeed.

Other news outlets, including the New York Daily News and The Telegraph, have blurred out images of the cartoon in photos published on their websites Wednesday. TPM has also reprinted the images, but has kept them as they were originally published.

CNN also decided not to show the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, according to a memo obtained by Politico.}

Associated Press Removes Photos Of Provocative Charlie Hebdo Cartoon

The cowardly fucks of the AP own the rights and publish the anti-Christian photo "Piss Christ."

Did Piss Christ piss you off?

Is pissed off supposed to justify the riots, threats and violence which seem to follow every perceived slight?
The world rightly condemned Sony Pictures open cowardice in the face of threats of violence by North Korea, will the same condemnation be levied at the cowards of the Associate Press?

In the wake of the terrorist attack on the French Satire publication, Charlie Hebdo, the AP quickly moved to prove they are more cowardly that Sony when they pissed their collective panties and surrendered to the Islamic barbarians.

"None of the images distributed by AP showed cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad. It’s been our policy for years that we refrain from moving deliberately provocative images," AP spokesman Paul Colford told Buzzfeed.

Other news outlets, including the New York Daily News and The Telegraph, have blurred out images of the cartoon in photos published on their websites Wednesday. TPM has also reprinted the images, but has kept them as they were originally published.

CNN also decided not to show the cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad, according to a memo obtained by Politico.}

Associated Press Removes Photos Of Provocative Charlie Hebdo Cartoon

The cowardly fucks of the AP own the rights and publish the anti-Christian photo "Piss Christ."

AP has people in places where their lives are at risk. They have a responsibility to protect those people. This is nothing new. International organizations - including our State Department - have for decades had to walk the same tightrope.
Tell that to those poor fuckers at the Benghazi embassy.
Limiting the expression of free speech in cartoons just to appease the maniacal Muslims is tantamount to agreeing that their way of life is acceptable. Their intent to kill all non-believers will NOT go away just because we refrain from ridiculing the false prophet in cartoons.

Mohammed was a piece of pig shit pedophile that has literally destroyed the lives of millions of girls and women within the grasp of his hideously insane religious dogma.
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