AP: Secret Iran ‘Side Deal’ Allows Tehran To Accelerate Nuclear Development

The cheeto administration in the mike pompeo's confirmation hearing stated that Iran had halted its nuclear program. They were not required to destroy their centrifuges, but to be subject to verification they were not use.

Trump didn't want to abandon the deal. He waited 16 months and tried to get the world community to join us to work with Iran to improve the deal. It's a BAD deal. It paved the way for Iran to build a nuclear arsenal, which we should oppose.
We all know Iran had never stopped nuking up...phony Obama treaty or not they will never stop until we stop them...anyone that thinks the Iranians are truthful and have peaceful intentions is a fucking moron or is getting paid to look the other way...
Europe wants Iranian money that's all...Trump wants to protect America...Obama and Kerry wanted a legacy...

And how do you "know" this?

Wait, you just guessed, right?
you do not know that....and YOU KNOW you don't know it, because you are not in a position to know it, so WHY LIE???
I know it because I'm not a gullible moron...they want to dominate the middle east...they will never give up their nukes until we force them to militarily or economically and its better to do that now than later when they have nukes...a piece of paper will never dissuade Iran dummy...they laugh at you and Obama...

Fucking Obama. His actions could possibly result in the end of the world as we know. Giving nuclear capabilities to those loons. I can't even imagine what those idiots who were in charge of this little plan were thinking, or it's likely that they were NOT thinking at all. SMH.
Jackass leftists and their jackass ideas really piss me off! They are naive and stupid. There are too many people in this world, and way too many stupid ones.
You think Iran is a thorn in the side of the world now? Just way until they feel like "big boys" because they have nukes! Geezzus we are all screwed. Lol.
We all know Iran had never stopped nuking up...phony Obama treaty or not they will never stop until we stop them...anyone that thinks the Iranians are truthful and have peaceful intentions is a fucking moron or is getting paid to look the other way...
Europe wants Iranian money that's all...Trump wants to protect America...Obama and Kerry wanted a legacy...
you do not know that....and YOU KNOW you don't know it, because you are not in a position to know it, so WHY LIE???
We also know that care4all believes in the tooth fairy
sure ya do, you've been here a whopping 2 weeks! :lol:


The Comprehensive Nuclear Agreement signed by Iran and the P5+1 in July 2015 provides for “continuous” monitoring of the Fordow facility. According to President Obama, nuclear inspectors will be granted access to Fordow “where necessary, when necessary.” :lol:

The Russian S-300 missile system, the final portions of which were delivered to Iran in mid-July 2016, was moved to the Fordow nuclear facility during the last week of August 2016. This move, seemingly to protect and defend Fordow, raised eyebrows in the international community about the true goings-on at the site.

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the original non proliferation agreement was made in 1970, it's worked for almost 1/2 century

It's been revisited by most potus's along the way

BUT, always in step with our euro sigantories

Along comes Trump, shots from the hip, and threatens the US standing alone>>>

6 questions about the Iran deal you were too embarrassed to ask

Explain why this is a good thing?


It has not. There have been multiple instances where Iran was found to have broken agreements, cheated on agreements, or just plain ignored them altogether. What in the world makes you think this country is interested in garnering our "approval?"
Obama’s little back door for his Terrorist comrades.

It says that as of January 2027 – 11 years after the deal was implemented – Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuges with thousands of advanced machines.

Associated Press News

That would not have happened. But now...they have a 100 Billion dollars freed from being frozen and can now say F You to the world and start back their Nuke Program.
Soooo......walking away from a deal which allowed Iran to enrich their uranium and work on their nuclear program in the secret bowels of mountain-topped nuclear facilities the agreement would not allow inspectors into makes it easier / faster for the Iranians to work on their program than if we stayed in it and continued to allow them to do it?

And again, Iran is pushing ahead full-speed to acquire missile technology...like the North Koreans did. We just supposed to ignore that is going on while snowflakes refuse to acknowledge that is going on?

You think Iran is working on acquiring missile technology to send satellites up in the atmosphere? REALLY?!
- Maybe that's why Barry let North Korea get missiles - because he believed that's what THEY were going to do...
Obama’s little back door for his Terrorist comrades.

It says that as of January 2027 – 11 years after the deal was implemented – Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuges with thousands of advanced machines.

Associated Press News

That would not have happened. But now...they have a 100 Billion dollars freed from being frozen and can now say F You to the world and start back their Nuke Program.
And exactly why would that have not happened?

Besides Iran promising to send neighboring nations up in a mushroom cloud, what other motivations do they have?
Soooo......walking away from a deal which allowed Iran to enrich their uranium and work on their nuclear program in the secret bowels of mountain-topped nuclear facilities the agreement would not allow inspectors into makes it easier / faster for the Iranians to work on their program than if we stayed in it and continued to allow them to do it?

And again, Iran is pushing ahead full-speed to acquire missile technology...like the North Koreans did. We just supposed to ignore that is going on while snowflakes refuse to acknowledge that is going on?

You think Iran is working on acquiring missile technology to send satellites up in the atmosphere? REALLY?!
- Maybe that's why Barry let North Korea get missiles - because he believed that's what THEY were going to do...
We saw what the Clinton appeasement provided in North Korea and the leftards want to repeat it.
Definition of insanity obtained.
Obama’s little back door for his Terrorist comrades.

It says that as of January 2027 – 11 years after the deal was implemented – Iran can start replacing its mainstay centrifuges with thousands of advanced machines.

Associated Press News

That would not have happened. But now...they have a 100 Billion dollars freed from being frozen and can now say F You to the world and start back their Nuke Program.
And exactly why would that have not happened?

Besides Iran promising to send neighboring nations up in a mushroom cloud, what other motivations do they have?
And WHO freed up that hundred billion to a terrorist nation who was already violating the temporary rules while Barry was negotiating for the 'permanent' agreement?
We saw what the Clinton appeasement provided in North Korea and the leftards want to repeat it. Definition of insanity obtained.
Rinse and repeat.....but remember, Liberals demand to be judged on their INTENT, not their RESULTS. :p
Soooo......walking away from a deal which allowed Iran to enrich their uranium and work on their nuclear program in the secret bowels of mountain-topped nuclear facilities the agreement would not allow inspectors into makes it easier / faster for the Iranians to work on their program than if we stayed in it and continued to allow them to do it?

And again, Iran is pushing ahead full-speed to acquire missile technology...like the North Koreans did. We just supposed to ignore that is going on while snowflakes refuse to acknowledge that is going on?

You think Iran is working on acquiring missile technology to send satellites up in the atmosphere? REALLY?!
- Maybe that's why Barry let North Korea get missiles - because he believed that's what THEY were going to do...

Did anyone other than sean handity find those WMD in Iraq yet?

Seems this road has been traveled before.

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