Iran Admits Obama's Deal Was A Fraud. So What Does This Make Obama And Kerry? Traitors Or Fools?

Again...the head of the CIA just yesterday said that Iran was STILL in compliance with the nuclear agreement that WE walked out on

Seems iron clad...

"At the moment technically they are in compliance" with they Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Haspel told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

"I think the most recent information is the Iranians are considering taking steps that would lessen their adherence to JCPOA as they seek to pressure the European to come through with the investment and trade benefits that Iran hoped to gain from the deal," she said.

"They are making some preparations that would increase their ability to take a step back if they make that decision," she noted.

"But we do see them debating amongst themselves as they failed to realize the economic benefits that they hoped for from the deal."
Wait didn't intelligent heads just testify Iran had not broke the Iran deal? Looks like TRUMP is right again...
Ssnowflakes continue to sing the praises of the ignorant, incompetent traitorous Intel they continue to be proven as false and stupid as Hillary snowflakes are...

Again...the head of the CIA just yesterday said that Iran was STILL in compliance with the nuclear agreement that WE walked out on

Seems iron clad...

"At the moment technically they are in compliance" with they Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Haspel told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

"I think the most recent information is the Iranians are considering taking steps that would lessen their adherence to JCPOA as they seek to pressure the European to come through with the investment and trade benefits that Iran hoped to gain from the deal," she said.

"They are making some preparations that would increase their ability to take a step back if they make that decision," she noted.

"But we do see them debating amongst themselves as they failed to realize the economic benefits that they hoped for from the deal."
Considering the fact that WE walked away from the deal...the fact that Iran is STILL in compliance says a lot
Wait didn't intelligent heads just testify Iran had not broke the Iran deal? Looks like TRUMP is right again...
Ssnowflakes continue to sing the praises of the ignorant, incompetent traitorous Intel they continue to be proven as false and stupid as Hillary snowflakes are...


Right people need to keep in mind the intel Communities recommendation to past presidents is why NK has nukes and was testing them threatening the US. So I'm not sure why people are so quick to trust the recommendations and judgement of these same people.
Wait didn't intelligent heads just testify Iran had not broke the Iran deal? Looks like TRUMP is right again...
Ssnowflakes continue to sing the praises of the ignorant, incompetent traitorous Intel they continue to be proven as false and stupid as Hillary snowflakes are...


Ah yes, of course the Russian troll wants the Iran deal kiboshed. Anything that you're in favour of harms the USA.
We all knew it was a farce. Including Obama supporters.
No one believed the hype and smoke and mirrors, but yet his supporters and the media was overjoyed to prop up the lie.
Right rightwinger ?
Right people need to keep in mind the intel Communities recommendation to past presidents is why NK has nukes and was testing them threatening the US. So I'm not sure why people are so quick to trust the recommendations and judgement of these same people.
The Intel Communities and their leaders being praised and who we are being told knows more that the President and is more trustworthy than the President includes:


"Monday’s Tribune carried a story about former director of national intelligence James Clapper claiming in the headline that “U.S. checks, balances ‘under assault’ by White House.”

This would be the same
James Clapper who testified before Congress in March 2013 and replied, “No, sir,” when asked whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans. Three months later, documents leaked by NSA contractor Edward Snowden showed that the NSA was, in fact, collecting such information. In other words, Mr. Clapper lied.

So why should I believe Mr. Clapper now when he flat-out lied to the world about a matter of great importance four years ago?

James Clapper lied four years ago. Why should I believe him now?

Clapper was caught undeniably committing Perjury under oath before Congress TWICE...and protected both times by Obama and Democrats.


Brennan and his criminal agency illegally spied o, US citizens, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices...and US Presidential Candidates. He was busted multiple times for Perjury / Lying - he was spared from Indictment / Prison due to an illegal deal made between Democrats and the GOP that required Brennan to appear before Congress to admit he had broken the law, apologize, and promise to be a good boy and not do it again.

"Brennan’s embarrassing apology comes as the CIA is bracing for the long-awaited release of a committee report that is said to be sharply critical of the agency, finding that it exaggerated the effectiveness of interrogation measures and repeatedly misled members of Congress and the executive branch."

The FBI:
- FBI Dir Comey: FIRED, proven to have committed perjury, obstruction, leaked classified info...

- Deputy Director McCabe: FIRED, Recommended for Indictment

- Agt Strzok, #1 Counter-Intel agent in the US: FIRED

- Agt Paige: FIRED

- FBI Spcl Counsel Baker: FIRED, Under investigation

Evidence shows the FBI, CIA, and NIA collaborated to author illegal, misleading Intel Community Assessments and Reports based on the Russian-authored debunked dossier Hillary bought from a Trump-hating foreign spy working for the FBI and the Russians.

And snowflakes and Democrats keep pointing to these proven traitors and liars as 'evidence' that Trump should not be President.

Wait didn't intelligent heads just testify Iran had not broke the Iran deal? Looks like TRUMP is right again...
Ssnowflakes continue to sing the praises of the ignorant, incompetent traitorous Intel they continue to be proven as false and stupid as Hillary snowflakes are...


Ah yes, of course the Russian troll wants the Iran deal kiboshed. Anything that you're in favour of harms the USA.
Ah yes, of course the Russian troll wants the Iran deal kiboshed. Anything that you're in favour of harms the USA.
I love how you keep embarrassing yourself by attempting to keep the Fake News 'Russian' angle - that Democrats and Mueller all abandoned a year ago - alive. :p


We have this thing called the United States Constitution, and in this document there is something called the 'Separation of Powers Act' which clearly defines the powers, roles, &responsibilities of the 3 branches of our government. I

It tells the President, for example, what he can and can't do. Obama, a self-professed Constitutional Scholar, was aware of this document and even acknowledged it and the limitations it placed on a President's ability to act alone to make things happen. He was aware of it and acknowledged it....he just did not always obey it.

"Responding in October 2010 to demands that he implement immigration reforms unilaterally, Obama declared, "I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself." In March 2011, he said that with "respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case." In May 2011, he acknowledged that he couldn't "just bypass Congress and change the (immigration) law myself. ... That's not how a democracy works."



....which brings us back to your beloved other Obama Constitutional Violation - the Iran 'Treaty'.

The Constitution is clear that only Congress can negotiate and ratify a treaty. Obama, again, did not give a damn what the Constitution said.

While Iran's military practiced executing bombing attacks against mock US aircraft carriers, while Iran's leader led public chants of 'Death To America', and while Iranian Generals were openly mocking Obama as being WEAK and so DESPERATE to get this deal signed that he would agree to anything, Barry sat at the table with Iran and did just that.

Without the Constitutional authority to negotiate a Treaty, Obama negotiated his own PERSONAL deal with Iran, A deal that was NON-BINDING DEAL to the United States Govt, again since Obama had no authority to negotiate a Treaty on behalf of the US. It was only good between Barry and Iran.

Barry gave them everything they wanted / asked for, even while it was being reported they were already violating the Temp agreements put in place until the final deal was agreed upon and signed. Barry was SO DESPERATE to get Iran to sign this deal that he refused to ask for the release of US hostages because he cowardly thought they might walk away from the table if he did so.

Once his personal Un-Constitutional Treaty was completed and signed, Barry raced to the UN to have it ratified by THE WORLD without ever letting the US Govt read it 1st.

Oh yeah, undeniably such action was / is UN-CONSTITUTIONAL.

Obama violated the Constitution, racing his own personal Treaty to the UN to get it ratified before Congress could even read it with the intent of having the other UN Nations signing it, making it 'world policy' and putting pressure on the US Congress to sign it, making it legally binding.

John Kerry and the Liberal Extremists were giddy at the Constitutional Violation Obama had pulled off and how they were strong-arming Congress into going along with it:

“If Congress were to veto the deal, Congress — the United States of America — would be in noncompliance with this (U.N.) agreement and contrary to all of the other countries in the world. I don’t think that’s going to happen,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters Tuesday."

All of your butt-hurt emotion, hatred, lies, and spin can NOT erase the truth / the documented FACTS!

Finally after Osama Obama gave billions to Iran we discover that the whole deal was Bull Shit. The Mullahs in Iran are openly admitting it now.

January 30, 2019
Iran admits it lied to Obama's Iran deal interlocutors
By Hassan Mahmoudi
Remember the Iran deal?

Suddenly, the truth about the whole sham is coming out.

On Jan. 22, 2019, Ali Akbar Salehi, the nuclear chief of the Iranian theocracy, acknowledged that Iran had fooled the 5+1 and IAEA group of foreign ministers – these were U.S. and European foreign ministers who negotiated the Iran deal – into signing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA. That was the deal President Obama signed with other leaders and touted to the U.S. public. President Trump scrapped it.

In an unprecedented confession, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the mullah regime's Atomic Agency, acknowledged that the mullahs had lied in nuclear negotiations with the five world powers at the Arak nuclear site and had in fact hidden some of the banned equipment.

"As for the tubes we had, the tubes through which the fuel passes, we had bought similar tubes before, but I couldn't declare them at the time. Only one person in Iran knew this," he said on Jan. 22 in an interview with the 4th Channel of State Television, IRIB, about uranium enrichment tubes that were blocked by cement in the presence of IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) inspectors.

"Only the highest authority of the regime [Ali Khamenei] was aware of this and no one else[.] ... His Holiness [Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei] had said that you should be careful with these people, they are not trustworthy and do not keep their promises. Well, we had to work smart, and not burn the bridges behind us. We also had to build a bridge that would allow us to move faster if we had to resume our nuclear activities," he admitted.

"It was a tube two or three centimeters in diameter and three or four meters long[.] ... We had purchased the same quantity of similar tubes. We were told to butcher them with cement, so we poured cement into these tubes ... but we didn't say we had other tubes," explained the Iranian nuclear chief, before adding, "We will use them now."

These confessions reveal that during the nuclear negotiations with the 5+1 that led to the July 2015 agreement, Tehran's sole intention was to fool the world powers to buy time, without interrupting its nuclear arms race.

The concealment of unauthorized equipment at the Arak site is the latest in a long series of deceptions by the clerical regime in its nuclear projects that are being carried out under the control of the regime's leaders, in particular Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and Hassan Rouhani, the president of the Islamic Republic, who was the main negotiator of Iranian nuclear power with the world powers. This is an issue that the Iranian Resistance has been raising since 1991, having warned against its threats.


Yes, the Iranian Resistance had most certainly warned these signatories.

Immediately after the signing of the JCPOA on July 14, 2015, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, who leads the Resistance, warned that "this agreement does not close the mullahs' path to deception and access to nuclear bombs."

Earlier, on Nov. 24, 2013, after a temporary nuclear agreement with the 5+1, the president of the National Council of Iranian Resistance (CNRI) stated that "the Iranian regime's compliance with its international obligations depends precisely on the degree of determination and firmness of the world community towards the regime's bad intentions and its deceptiveness."

"Any indulgence, hesitation, and concession on the part of the international community will encourage Khamenei to turn once again to the manufacture of the atomic bomb by resorting to deception and cheating. The mullahs' regime has never volunteered to report its nuclear activities to the IAEA in accordance with the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT). The Iranian Resistance was the first party to reveal the regime's clandestine installations and nuclear deception," the Iranian opposition leader added.

In his book National Security and Nuclear Diplomacy, Hassan Rouhani, the president of the clerical regime, writes: "In 2002, activities took place in a calm atmosphere, but the Mujahideen [PMOI or, Persian, MeK] suddenly made much noise by making false accusations[.] ... Our Atomic Energy Organization has considered that the Natanz facility must be completed in order to confront the IAEA with a fait accompli[.] ... In 2000, the Atomic Energy Organisation promised the [Iranian] authorities that by March 2003, by using 54,000 centrifuges, they would be able to produce 30 tonnes of fuel enriched to 3.5%."

On March 5, 2006, the Sunday Telegraph revealed: "In a speech delivered at an in camera meeting of prominent Islamic clerics and academics, Hassan Rouhani, who led talks with the European Troika until last year, revealed how Tehran played for a long time and tried to fool the West after its secret nuclear programme was discovered by the Iranian opposition in 2002."

The hell you say.

All those surprised is Obama, AOC, and who else?
Wait didn't intelligent heads just testify Iran had not broke the Iran deal? Looks like TRUMP is right again...
Ssnowflakes continue to sing the praises of the ignorant, incompetent traitorous Intel they continue to be proven as false and stupid as Hillary snowflakes are...


Ah yes, of course the Russian troll wants the Iran deal kiboshed. Anything that you're in favour of harms the USA.
That makes no sense.
Iran is friends with Russia
Wait didn't intelligent heads just testify Iran had not broke the Iran deal? Looks like TRUMP is right again...
Ssnowflakes continue to sing the praises of the ignorant, incompetent traitorous Intel they continue to be proven as false and stupid as Hillary snowflakes are...


Ah yes, of course the Russian troll wants the Iran deal kiboshed. Anything that you're in favour of harms the USA.
That makes no sense.
Iran is friends with Russia


You'll pop her delusional bubble
Again...the head of the CIA just yesterday said that Iran was STILL in compliance with the nuclear agreement that WE walked out on

Seems iron clad...

"At the moment technically they are in compliance" with they Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Haspel told the Senate Intelligence Committee.

"I think the most recent information is the Iranians are considering taking steps that would lessen their adherence to JCPOA as they seek to pressure the European to come through with the investment and trade benefits that Iran hoped to gain from the deal," she said.

"They are making some preparations that would increase their ability to take a step back if they make that decision," she noted.

"But we do see them debating amongst themselves as they failed to realize the economic benefits that they hoped for from the deal."
Considering the fact that WE walked away from the deal...the fact that Iran is STILL in compliance says a lot

Why would Iran even be discussing breaking the treaty?
why is Government solving all problems and not Capitalism?

are there no capitalists on the right wing.
Considering the fact that WE walked away from the deal...the fact that Iran is STILL in compliance says a lot

Iran is every bit as complaint with Obama's Personal Deal with them as North Korea was to theirs ... right before they announced to the world they had nukes....and right before they demonstrated they suddenly had missile technology that would allow them to strike US assets with their nukes....

Why would Iran even be discussing breaking the treaty?

WTF are you TALKING about?

They aren't "talking" about anything. They are abiding by an agreement WE walked away from.

There is no treaty to BREAK...but they're still abiding by it...for now. With us no longer in that treaty that could well change
Considering the fact that WE walked away from the deal...the fact that Iran is STILL in compliance says a lot

Iran is every bit as complaint with Obama's Personal Deal with them as North Korea was to theirs ... right before they announced to the world they had nukes....and right before they demonstrated they suddenly had missile technology that would allow them to strike US assets with their nukes....

You know more than the head of the CIA?

How do you come by this "information"?
You know more than the head of the CIA? How do you come by this "information"?


Iran Breaks Nuclear Deal, But the Obama Administration Won't Say It's a 'Formal Violation'

"A new report by the International Atomic Energy Agency revealed that Iran is in violation of last summer's nuclear deal. According to the report, the regime in Tehran has again exceeded the deal's threshold for heavy water, marking the second such violation since the implementation of the agreement in January. The Obama administration, however, has not called Iran's possession of excess nuclear-related material a "formal violation" of the deal, and has praised Iran for "acknowledging" it exceeded that threshold."


Despite IRAN ADMITTING the Obama 'Treaty' was a fraud, snowflakes continue to defend it and Barry.
The sheep won't care. As stupid as they are, not even they are so stupid as to think that was not a fraud. It is rather apparent that it was blackmail, and they most certainly came across emails from that stupid ass kuuuuuunt in a pants suit.

A lot of information would have certainly came out. For example, what sort of skin for skin deal did that marxist skinny negro make with Pakistan to get bin laden. Remember, only a few weeks later that same SEAL TEAM were somehow shot out of the sky by some smelly brown muslim with a shoulder thingy? Wooooooo weeeeee!!! You all do not smell that? SEAL Team VI were put into a gigantic school bus in the sky for some mission still not articulated?

That, is just one example. Who knows what our enemies came across. We know for a fact how many CIA informants were executed in China and elsewhere.

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations

Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations

SO, what did Iran come across?

Do we understand what is guiding the democrats and the leftwing globalists?

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