APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

The Russian fighter made 12 passes at 500ft..............12............and the U.S. Destroyer did not respond. After the first pass, the Captain of the U.S.S. Donald Cook should have activated his 'Phalanx Defensive Cannon' and neutralized the fighter. That would have sent a strong signal to Putin that we mean business and won't allow a threat to put our crews in jeopardy. What the Russians are doing is taunting putative president Obama, something that would never have happened in this situation under Reagan, Bush 1 and 2 or even if Palin was president. They are making this putative president look extremely weak on the international scene and it is a utter embarrassment to us all. In 2016 we need a strong pro-military president who will use common sense and take a strong stance on agression around the world when peaceful nations are threatened by hardline goverments.
Reagan would not have allowed this situation to deteriorate this far

Bush I would have thrown up on Putin

Bush II would have already fired nuclear weapons

Palin would just keep an eye on things from her front porch
WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

The Russian fighter made 12 passes at 500ft..............12............and the U.S. Destroyer did not respond. After the first pass, the Captain of the U.S.S. Donald Cook should have activated his 'Phalanx Defensive Cannon' and neutralized the fighter. That would have sent a strong signal to Putin that we mean business and won't allow a threat to put our crews in jeopardy. What the Russians are doing is taunting putative president Obama, something that would never have happened in this situation under Reagan, Bush 1 and 2 or even if Palin was president. They are making this putative president look extremely weak on the international scene and it is a utter embarrassment to us all. In 2016 we need a strong pro-military president who will use common sense and take a strong stance on agression around the world when peaceful nations are threatened by hardline goverments.

Yes that's your answer... we need a warmonger in the White House.
Im not going to freak out over a plane passing by. They didn't fire on one another.

Regardless though, I think it's probable we may be heading into a war.
The US and Russia used to play games like this all the time.

All the fighter did was give the US ship some tracking and General Conditions training.

I'm sure the Russian fighters radar detector was zorched the whole time.
The US and Russia used to play games like this all the time.

All the fighter did was give the US ship some tracking and General Conditions training.

I'm sure the Russian fighters radar detector was zorched the whole time.

right, this is not a one-time incident, happens quite frequently on both sides. We are not going to war with Russia, and we don't need a war monger in the whitehouse. we need a president that the world respects and a military second to none--------peace through strength is real.
The US and Russia used to play games like this all the time.

When has a Russian fighter ever buzzed a US Destroyer 12 times for 90 minutes at 500ft?

there have probably been hundreds of incidents like this with both sides doing the buzzing. It means nothing. Now, if we had shot down the plane or the plane had shot at the destroyer, it would be a totally different thing.
WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

Looks like you armed chair warriors have never been in the military, During Vietnam the Russian planes used to fly over our warships and tail us with their war ships, stop being an hysterical little girls
WW3 anyone?

APNewsBreak: Russian jet passes near US warship

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Russian fighter jet made multiple, close-range passes near an American warship in the Black Sea for more than 90 minutes Saturday amid escalating tensions in the region, U.S. military officials said Monday.

Looks like you armed chair warriors have never been in the military, During Vietnam the Russian planes used to fly over our warships and tail us with their war ships, stop being an hysterical little girls

Hey, not your fault LBJ (Little Bitty Jesus?) didn't paint any red lines to protect you!
The US and Russia used to play games like this all the time.

When has a Russian fighter ever buzzed a US Destroyer 12 times for 90 minutes at 500ft?

That isn't information usually released, especially during the cold war when most of it happened. Typically the fighters would mess with the Hawkeye on station, and the escorting fighters would have some fun.

The US ship got some practice, the Russian fighter pilot got to act like an ass (all of them do) and no one shot anyone else.

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