Apocalyptic/End of the world dreams

Bonnie said:
well Dilloduck my butt is quite tanned if you must know :whip3:

And this was supposed to be a serious post :2guns: LOL
And it is Very serious, Bonnie...!
I hope you understand that I can't take your word for the tan.
I have to see for myself! :rotflmao:
Mr. P said:
And it is Very serious, Bonnie...!
I hope you understand that I can't take your word for the tan.
I have to see for myself! :rotflmao:

Well now Mr P since I don't know you well enough, you will just have to take my word for it that everything is tanned.
And I appreciate that you are taking my post seriously :beer:
Bonnie said:
Well now Mr P since I don't know you well enough, you will just have to take my word for it that everything is tanned.
And I appreciate that you are taking my post seriously :beer:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Id like to hear more of your dream, personally.

Ask Mr Right Wing Man - this stuff is right up my alley :teeth:
KLSuddeth said:
Id like to hear more of your dream, personally.

Ask Mr Right Wing Man - this stuff is right up my alley :teeth:

I was in Hong Kong at night (obviously) I was at the top of a very high office building, and I mean on the roof. There was a very balmy breeze and I looked up and saw the moon getting scarily larger and smaller and then dancing over the horizon. I ran to a phone and as I picked up the receiver to dial my mothers voice was on the other end, she was asking me if I was okay, then she told me all was okay back home, and that she could see the moon dancing also.

The streets were void of people, but I could see a few cars, everything was silent, absolutely no noise at all.

The other involves the sun moving in the sky, the air is hot and windy, and everything is blindingy bright, there are no shadows anywhere, hardly any people........ no noise at all except for the wind blowing. These dreams tend to stay with me for a while... maybe a week or two after I have them, they are so vivid I wake up with my heart racing, and im covered in sweat.

Weird I know.....
not weird....

I actually have some things Id like to tell you about but DK and I have to get going in a minute....so I'll have to do it later. Let me know if youd rather me answer in PMs or here

KLSuddeth said:
not weird....

I actually have some things Id like to tell you about but DK and I have to get going in a minute....so I'll have to do it later. Let me know if youd rather me answer in PMs or here


What ever you are comfortable with is fine with me.
About a week or two before 9\11, I dreamt that the Eiffel Tower blew up. So there was a strange deja vu effect on top of everything else that day.
popefumanchu said:
About a week or two before 9\11, I dreamt that the Eiffel Tower blew up. So there was a strange deja vu effect on top of everything else that day.

Wow, that's spooky. I believe in premonitions and symbols both in dreams and daily life, it's just impossible to interpret and notice everything as it appears to you.
popefumanchu said:
About a week or two before 9\11, I dreamt that the Eiffel Tower blew up. So there was a strange deja vu effect on top of everything else that day.

Could very well have been a premonition type dream.

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