Appeals Court Calls Into Question Arrest / Prosecution Of Hundreds Of J6 Protestors


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
US Appeals Court Seems to think the US DOJ failed to prove 'corrupt / criminal intent' in the arrests / prosecutions of hundreds of J6 protestors -

You know, the ones who peacefully entered the Capitol because Capitol Police opened and held the doors open for them, the protestors the DOJ tracked down because they were just THERE at the Capitol but engaged in no violence, etc...


Appeals Court Calls Into Question Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions​

'There’s been an interesting development in the prosecution of the January 6 rioters. A three-judge appeals court has ruled 2-1 that the Justice Department can proceed with several hundred cases where defendants are charged with obstructing an official proceeding — for the time being.

What’s still to be decided is whether or not about 300 rioters acted with “corrupt intent” in invading the Capitol building during an official proceeding. And all three appeals court judges questioned whether the prosecution had interpreted “corrupt intent” on the part of the rioters correctly.

What seems esoteric in nature is actually crucial to the defense of hundreds of January 6 rioters. The “corrupt intent” standard does not apply to those rioters who are also charged with assaulting police. But for those defendants who are charged only with obstructing Congress, how that term is defined could mean liberty or 20 years in prison

I can at least say from an outsider's POV that the insurrection attempt was no better than semi-serious.

Those like the Shaman character, sitting around picking his nose in the heat of battle are laughable. And so was the silly gallows to hang Pence.

Compare that to a 'real' and seriou revolution in which comrad Fidel and comrad Che were actively slaughtering Batistas with real knives and guns.

However! They played their games and had their fun in the US Capitol, and now their silly childish games can be paid for with real adult grownup consequences.
US Appeals Court Seems to think the US DOJ failed to prove 'corrupt / criminal intent' in the arrests / prosecutions of hundreds of J6 protestors -

You know, the ones who peacefully entered the Capitol because Capitol Police opened and held the doors open for them, the protestors the DOJ tracked down because they were just THERE at the Capitol but engaged in no violence, etc...


Appeals Court Calls Into Question Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions​

'There’s been an interesting development in the prosecution of the January 6 rioters. A three-judge appeals court has ruled 2-1 that the Justice Department can proceed with several hundred cases where defendants are charged with obstructing an official proceeding — for the time being.

What’s still to be decided is whether or not about 300 rioters acted with “corrupt intent” in invading the Capitol building during an official proceeding. And all three appeals court judges questioned whether the prosecution had interpreted “corrupt intent” on the part of the rioters correctly.

What seems esoteric in nature is actually crucial to the defense of hundreds of January 6 rioters. The “corrupt intent” standard does not apply to those rioters who are also charged with assaulting police. But for those defendants who are charged only with obstructing Congress, how that term is defined could mean liberty or 20 years in prison

So, what about the Democrats disrupting the proceedings in the Tennessee legislature with their own version of insurrection? Will they be charged with felonies as well?
So, what about the Democrats disrupting the proceedings in the Tennessee legislature with their own version of insurrection? Will they be charged with felonies as well?
Damn, you people are like talking parrots. The Speaker of the Tennessee House made the claim that those representatives were like the January 6 rioters. It was stupid when he said it and what you are saying now is even more stupid. The two black representatives spoke without being recognized, and they used a bullhorn. But unlike the January 6 rioters, they had a right to be on the floor of the legislature.
So, what about the Democrats disrupting the proceedings in the Tennessee legislature with their own version of insurrection? Will they be charged with felonies as well?
Nobody was charged criminally. That was elected representatives not acting like elected representatives on the floor of the house, violating house rules on purpose.
I can at least say from an outsider's POV that the insurrection attempt was no better than semi-serious.

Those like the Shaman character, sitting around picking his nose in the heat of battle are laughable. And so was the silly gallows to hang Pence.

Compare that to a 'real' and seriou revolution in which comrad Fidel and comrad Che were actively slaughtering Batistas with real knives and guns.

However! They played their games and had their fun in the US Capitol, and now their silly childish games can be paid for with real adult grownup consequences.
SOME were truly ignorant, were duped into entering the Capitol,never committed a single act of violence, have had their Cinstitutional rights violated, and used as a warning to others.

SOME never entered the Capitol, were just standing on Capitol priperty, have been tracked down, and have been treated like those who dod commit violence and / or entered the Capitol.

These people and what have been done to them is a massive abuse of power.
Nobody was charged criminally. That was elected representatives not acting like elected representatives on the floor of the house, violating house rules on purpose.

They violated protocol and procedure to stop legislative duties / action from taking place - 'Obstruction' - the same crime with which the DOJ has charged many peaceful J6 protestors.

DO NOT EVEN BEGIN TO WHINE / BITCH when the same ractics / actions used by Democrats against Republicans / Conservatives - tactics and actions Democrats have argued are perfectly legal and just - are implemebted against Democrats!

Often Democrats perpetrate / initiate unprecedented, historic acts against their political opposition without thinking things through - snowflakes cheer it on and defend / justify those tactics / actions ... right up until the moment those same tactics / actions are equally applied / used agsainst Democrats.

Then all we hear / see / read is:



Its either legal or not - applies to all or no one.

'Suck it up, buttercup.'
SOME were truly ignorant, were duped into entering the Capitol,never committed a single act of violence, have had their Cinstitutional rights violated, and used as a warning to others.
Those that went in were treated accordingly. Too harshly IMO but that's what happens when they decided to fk around.
SOME never entered the Capitol, were just standing on Capitol priperty, have been tracked down, and have been treated like those who dod commit violence and / or entered the Capitol.
Highly unlikely but you might be able to name some hundreds of names to please yourself at least. Too harsh treatment by the socalled libtards, but the Magas did decide to fk around. Do something about it to get even! We did in Canada when the truckers fkd around!
These people and what have been done to them is a massive abuse of power.
I have to agree fwiw, and also to suit my prorities of what needs to happen to grownups fkng around with kid's games.

Trump needed to lead with conviction instead of sitting on his fat ass eating bigmacs. He owes the kids in jail an apology.

Next time he needs to hire a revolutionary leader who has balls.
US Appeals Court Seems to think the US DOJ failed to prove 'corrupt / criminal intent' in the arrests / prosecutions of hundreds of J6 protestors -

You know, the ones who peacefully entered the Capitol because Capitol Police opened and held the doors open for them, the protestors the DOJ tracked down because they were just THERE at the Capitol but engaged in no violence, etc...


Appeals Court Calls Into Question Hundreds of January 6 Prosecutions​

'There’s been an interesting development in the prosecution of the January 6 rioters. A three-judge appeals court has ruled 2-1 that the Justice Department can proceed with several hundred cases where defendants are charged with obstructing an official proceeding — for the time being.

What’s still to be decided is whether or not about 300 rioters acted with “corrupt intent” in invading the Capitol building during an official proceeding. And all three appeals court judges questioned whether the prosecution had interpreted “corrupt intent” on the part of the rioters correctly.

What seems esoteric in nature is actually crucial to the defense of hundreds of January 6 rioters. The “corrupt intent” standard does not apply to those rioters who are also charged with assaulting police. But for those defendants who are charged only with obstructing Congress, how that term is defined could mean liberty or 20 years in prison

Once again, it is PJ Media. What a bunch of clueless dumbshits. You can read the real ruling here,

I know, just like PJ Media knows, you won't read it. So let me break it down for you. The case came to the appeals court because Judge Carl J. Nichols ruled that the obstruction charges on Fischer, Lang, and Miller had been improperly applied. Fischer was at the tip of the spear, screaming "charge" and yelling "hold the line", channeling Mel Gibson in the Patriot, of course. He assaulted a police officer and prior to January 6 had sent various text messages like, "they can't vote if they can't breath" and "you might have to pay my bail". Lang assaulted numerous police officers with a bat and a stolen police shield. Miller showed up wearing a helmet and bullet proof vest, carrying rope and a grappling hook, and posted threats on social media against a Congresswoman and a Capital Police officer.

Now let's just get this out of the way, a tourist to the Capital doesn't carry rope and a grappling hook, he doesn't stroll around with a bat and stolen police shield, and he doesn't pretend to be Mel Gibson yelling "hold the line". Judge Nichols is a bat shit crazy Trump appointee who ignored all those proven "facts" about the three people that filed a motion in his court. And here is the thing, that same motion had been filed fourteen other times in front of fourteen other judges and it failed, each and every time. Honestly, Nichols should be impeached, period.

From the opinion,

The district court held that the statute does not apply to assaultive conduct, committed in furtherance of an attempt to stop Congress from performing a constitutionally required duty. We disagree and reverse.

So now the dumbshits at PJ Media, they have focused on "assaultive conduct". Actually, they probably stopped reading the opinion after reaching the above quote, which is on page 2 of 107. It they would have read a little more they would have seen that the Appeals court opinion completely defends a very broad definition of "corrupt intent". Every one of those so-called "tourist" was there for one reason, to stop the certification of Biden's victory, that, in and of itself, is "corrupt intent". This opinion confirms that, and the 14 other District Court opinions confirm it as well. PJ Media is, once again, blowing smoke up your damn ass.
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They violated protocol and procedure to stop legislative duties / action from taking place - 'Obstruction' - the same crime with which the DOJ has charged many peaceful J6 protestors.

DO NOT EVEN BEGIN TO WHINE / BITCH when the same ractics / actions used by Democrats against Republicans / Conservatives - tactics and actions Democrats have argued are perfectly legal and just - are implemebted against Democrats!

Often Democrats perpetrate / initiate unprecedented, historic acts against their political opposition without thinking things through - snowflakes cheer it on and defend / justify those tactics / actions ... right up until the moment those same tactics / actions are equally applied / used agsainst Democrats.

Then all we hear / see / read is:

View attachment 774512

Its either legal or not - applies to all or no one.

'Suck it up, buttercup.'
You are such a dumbass, obstruction with "corrupt intent". That is what the entire case in the OP revolved around. So tell me, what was the "corrupt intent" of the Tennessee Two, and better yet, just what legislative action were they even obstructing?
So tell me, what was the "corrupt intent" of the Tennessee Two, and better yet, just what legislative action were they even obstructing?
They intended to and DID stop legislativre proceedings, the same accusation / charge made against non-violent J6 protestors.

You snowflakes bitch and cry like little girls when the same tactics / laws are applied to Democrats.

Need a tissue or a tampon, snowflake?

They intended to and DID stop legislativre proceedings, the same accusation / charge made against non-violent J6 protestors.

You snowflakes bitch and cry like little girls when the same tactics / laws are applied to Democrats.

Need a tissue or a tampon, snowflake?

I missed the part where you explained "corrupt intent".
I missed the part where you explained "corrupt intent".
We all missed the DOJ's evidence they failed to present proving peaceful protestors on Capitol grounds and who engaged in no violence had 'corrupt / criminal intent'.

Can't wait to see the FBI march out their Mind Readers and Fortune Tellers to testify.
Damn, you people are like talking parrots. The Speaker of the Tennessee House made the claim that those representatives were like the January 6 rioters. It was stupid when he said it and what you are saying now is even more stupid. The two black representatives spoke without being recognized, and they used a bullhorn. But unlike the January 6 rioters, they had a right to be on the floor of the legislature.
Everyone else there did not have that right. Nor did they have the right to insurrect the normal proceedings of the state legislature. I'll also remind you that at the January 6th event, the Capitol Police opened up the doors and let people in. Most of them went in peacefully and few actually got to the House and Senate chambers. Also, there is a procedure in the Tennessee Legislature to make your statements and those two did not. They were combative, threating and disruptive. The white lady actually laid back and claimed she wasn't with them. Only after the other two were ousted did she claim racism.
Nobody was charged criminally. That was elected representatives not acting like elected representatives on the floor of the house, violating house rules on purpose.
Agreed. But, the case could still be made that the two elected persons also brought in a lot of agitators as well, just like Jan. 6th. Many people being arrested and held without a court hearing in Jan. 6th were simply protesting as well and just went in because the doors were open. No, Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Agreed. But, the case could still be made that the two elected persons also brought in a lot of agitators as well, just like Jan. 6th. Many people being arrested and held without a court hearing in Jan. 6th were simply protesting as well and just went in because the doors were open. No, Democrats are the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
No. No protestors came into the house chambers and no damage was done to our state house or property and no injuries or violence took place. Just the three elected assholes, with their bullhorn. The protestors never got in and never really tried, in what all the local papers and TV news station called a peaceful protest. If you saw the pictures in the hall, rotunda or whatever it's call, there were so many Tennessee Highway Patrol State troopers in Smokey Bear hats, it looked like a frigging Marine Corps Drill Sergeant convention, many the size of linebackers. The are generally serious folk, especially at The Capitol and project their "take no shit" attitude. If you don't have to fk with them, you really don't want to fk with them, and would be well advised to keep a civil tongue in your mouth. Welcome to Tennessee. :cool:
No. No protestors came into the house chambers and no damage was done to our state house or property and no injuries or violence took place. Just the three elected assholes, with their bullhorn. The protestors never got in and never really tried, in what all the local papers and TV news station called a peaceful protest. If you saw the pictures in the hall, rotunda or whatever it's call, there were so many Tennessee Highway Patrol State troopers in Smokey Bear hats, it looked like a frigging Marine Corps Drill Sergeant convention, many the size of linebackers. The are generally serious folk, especially at The Capitol and project their "take no shit" attitude. If you don't have to fk with them, you really don't want to fk with them, and would be well advised to keep a civil tongue in your mouth. Welcome to Tennessee. :cool:
Looks like more than 3. Nice try.
No. No protestors came into the house chambers and no damage was done to our state house or property and no injuries or violence took place. Just the three elected assholes, with their bullhorn. The protestors never got in and never really tried, in what all the local papers and TV news station called a peaceful protest. If you saw the pictures in the hall, rotunda or whatever it's call, there were so many Tennessee Highway Patrol State troopers in Smokey Bear hats, it looked like a frigging Marine Corps Drill Sergeant convention, many the size of linebackers. The are generally serious folk, especially at The Capitol and project their "take no shit" attitude. If you don't have to fk with them, you really don't want to fk with them, and would be well advised to keep a civil tongue in your mouth. Welcome to Tennessee. :cool:

Tn legislator broke protocol and prcedure to obstruct legislative proceedings. They were justly punished accordingly. There was no racism. The female white legislator was spared being removed by 1 vote. Sorry, but the false claim of racism died there.
Damn, you people are like talking parrots. The Speaker of the Tennessee House made the claim that those representatives were like the January 6 rioters. It was stupid when he said it and what you are saying now is even more stupid. The two black representatives spoke without being recognized, and they used a bullhorn. But unlike the January 6 rioters, they had a right to be on the floor of the legislature.
It now appears that as many as 50 persons present were agents or assets of the federal government. Does that enter into your calculations regarding the events of the day?

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