Apple tells Parler to clean up its act

A cowardly act of censorship and dishonesty, exactly what we know to expect from LIbtARds.

You're all delusional if you think you can actually silence opposing views, or that in the lo0ng run, it will help your cause at all. All you're accomplishing by this is to more solidly demonstrate what most sane people already knew about you.
I'm right now on Parler and nothing is happening so far but they won't let those no good leftie push them around

I can see hundreds of patriots in Parler as we speak.

No problem there.;)
Yes Skye and it seem that i am the only French there :laugh: and i got to watch my English :laugh: but i hope it wont close . Enough is Enough .

hehe ....I'm sure there are many French patriots there too! the world is tired of totalitarian Globlalism.

And there is also GAB, many MAGA people there too!:up:
I could not find one but i register only today so far i did talk to one but in the section of language French is not a part of it
So The Queen has been banished and Tim Cook now sits on the throne!

Apple's downward spiral began when that faggot took the reins thereof. Surely, Steve Jobs is turning over in his grave. Recent acts of censorship from Apple go very solidly against everything that its founders ever stood for.

I wonder if Wozniak has had anything to say about this. He's stayed mostly out of the public eye, since he left Apple, but he surely cannot be happy about the degenerate direction that it has taken.
Parler won't last long. They have to depend on other sources for their platform and monetary services etc. Gab on the other hand controls ALL aspects of their website AND are coming out with a new cell phone AND have their own search engine etc. I like Gab better anyways I have accounts on both.
The Woz has abandoned Apple and builds his own computers for his own uses. Wish he'd share them with his friends!

I'm not on Parler but may look into it in the future. While no tech guy myself, I don't understand why Parler doesn't have their own apps for people to use. You wouldn't need Google or Apple to sign on to Parler. You just go to Parler's website, download their app for your particular phone, desktop or laptop, and join in.
Not exactly.

Parler will be fine, so will rightwing social media.

Apple simply doesn’t want to be associated with the likes of Parler, which is both appropriate and understandable.

Of course they don't. Any commie is against our Constitution and free speech. Of course they don't want to be associated with them.
I'm not on Parler but may look into it in the future. While no tech guy myself, I don't understand why Parler doesn't have their own apps for people to use. You wouldn't need Google or Apple to sign on to Parler. You just go to Parler's website, download their app for your particular phone, desktop or laptop, and join in.

Parler did have an app, both for Android and apparently for iPhone.

Both the iPhone and Android platforms each depend primarily on one source to obtain apps, and both sources, it seems have recently removed Parley's app from them.

For Android, Parler could indeed offer the app directly from their own web site. It's a bit more difficult to install an app from any third-party source, than from the Google Play site, but it's not terribly difficult.

My understanding is that Apple makes it very difficult to install apps on an iPhone other than from its own source.

Of course, you can always access Parler from a web browser. For Android, at least, there are very many web browsers available, and really not much that Google can do to stop any of them from accessing Parler.

Quite right.Brands do not want to be tarnished by grubby associations.

Is Parler a game of some kind?

It's a crazy right wing sounding board. You can find support for any right wing conspiracy theory you can think of there.

Quite right.Brands do not want to be tarnished by grubby associations.

Is Parler a game of some kind?

It's a crazy right wing sounding board. You can find support for any right wing conspiracy theory you can think of there.

Or use the app to plan any right wing sedition you're hoping to organize
It's a crazy right wing sounding board. You can find support for any right wing conspiracy theory you can think of there.

It beats a having a bunch of commies deciding what's a conspiracy theory and what's not. People on the left are scared to death of conservative talk. That's why the left is always trying to stop it.
It's a crazy right wing sounding board. You can find support for any right wing conspiracy theory you can think of there.

It beats a having a bunch of commies deciding what's a conspiracy theory and what's not. People on the left are scared to death of conservative talk. That's why the left is always trying to stop it.

A 'commies' in this instance just being a random pejorative?

People on the right are more than welcome to say whatever they like. Just not necessarily using someone else's private property to do it.
Parler app has been dumped by Apple and Amazon.
Good riddance - Let the violent MAGA-hatters rage on Stormfront.
A 'commies' in this instance just being a random pejorative?

People on the right are more than welcome to say whatever they like. Just not necessarily using someone else's private property to do it.

Fine, but when they leave, nobody should be preventing them from going to another service. What we are witnessing is the typical leftist Nazi mentality here.

Quite right.Brands do not want to be tarnished by grubby associations.

Although I'm a staunch Apple customer, I hate their political views and wish they'd leave that at home. While not a member yet (I understand you can't even create an account at Parler it's so jammed up with new users) my understanding is they don't censor people like the other big tech social media. Commies hate the Constitution, and hate companies like Parler that reflect the American values contained within.

Commies want to silence the right any possible way they can. Apple and Google trying to stop access to the company. Protest and death threats at colleges where right leaning speakers plan to speak. Now they're trying to blame people like Hannity and Limbaugh for the Capital Hill riots in effort to silence them. But why?

The answer is quite simple: fear. The left are deathly afraid of conservative speech. Conservatism is freedom, logic, and common sense. Anybody on the left with an open mind that actually listens to conservative talk say "Wait a minute, that makes absolute sense!" The commies end up losing members. They walk away.

When we see liberals speak, we on the right welcome it. Can we on the right pass out flyers for you, turn up the PA perhaps? We want the entire country to hear what they are saying. It's how we get new people to join our side. Tell Americans we only have ten years left to live because of global warming. Tell Americans how drugs should be legal to make our drug problem ten times worse than it is today. Tell Americans how you want to take away their guns to give criminals the upper hand. Tell them how you're going to force schools to allow weirdos in dresses to use girls changing rooms and bathrooms in their daughters high school. Tell people you want to defund the police departments all across the country. Tell America what you're about loud and strong. We support it.

Their ideas lead to decline, poverty, death and the only way they can enact their policies is to hide the truth, the history and the facts about what they believe and what those beliefs create......hence the need to silence anyone who tries to argue against them....

Significant since Google had already removed them. Right wing social media is losing it's voice.

LOL......that is think 75 million and more real Americans are going to be silenced? This isn't Germany in the 1930s, we know the history of left wingers like you....the concentration camps, the death camps.....and where it all started. You have started that march down that road this week.......we see it....we know who you are, we know what you do, we know what you want and what you will do to people who get in your way....

75 million Americans........and more.....

Keep dreaming adolf.

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