Apple tells Parler to clean up its act

I'm not on Parler but may look into it in the future. While no tech guy myself, I don't understand why Parler doesn't have their own apps for people to use. You wouldn't need Google or Apple to sign on to Parler. You just go to Parler's website, download their app for your particular phone, desktop or laptop, and join in.

Parler did have an app, both for Android and apparently for iPhone.

Both the iPhone and Android platforms each depend primarily on one source to obtain apps, and both sources, it seems have recently removed Parley's app from them.

For Android, Parler could indeed offer the app directly from their own web site. It's a bit more difficult to install an app from any third-party source, than from the Google Play site, but it's not terribly difficult.

My understanding is that Apple makes it very difficult to install apps on an iPhone other than from its own source.

Of course, you can always access Parler from a web browser. For Android, at least, there are very many web browsers available, and really not much that Google can do to stop any of them from accessing Parler.

This.....what the democrats never learned from history...

It's a crazy right wing sounding board. You can find support for any right wing conspiracy theory you can think of there.

It beats a having a bunch of commies deciding what's a conspiracy theory and what's not. People on the left are scared to death of conservative talk. That's why the left is always trying to stop it.

Reality determines what is or is not a conspiracy theory. Sad that you are too stupid to realize that.
I'm not on Parler but may look into it in the future. While no tech guy myself, I don't understand why Parler doesn't have their own apps for people to use. You wouldn't need Google or Apple to sign on to Parler. You just go to Parler's website, download their app for your particular phone, desktop or laptop, and join in.

Parler did have an app, both for Android and apparently for iPhone.

Both the iPhone and Android platforms each depend primarily on one source to obtain apps, and both sources, it seems have recently removed Parley's app from them.

For Android, Parler could indeed offer the app directly from their own web site. It's a bit more difficult to install an app from any third-party source, than from the Google Play site, but it's not terribly difficult.

My understanding is that Apple makes it very difficult to install apps on an iPhone other than from its own source.

Of course, you can always access Parler from a web browser. For Android, at least, there are very many web browsers available, and really not much that Google can do to stop any of them from accessing Parler.

This.....what the democrats never learned from history...

That's a movie dumb ass. Are you really stupid enough to think it was history?
I'm not on Parler but may look into it in the future. While no tech guy myself, I don't understand why Parler doesn't have their own apps for people to use. You wouldn't need Google or Apple to sign on to Parler. You just go to Parler's website, download their app for your particular phone, desktop or laptop, and join in.

Parler did have an app, both for Android and apparently for iPhone.

Both the iPhone and Android platforms each depend primarily on one source to obtain apps, and both sources, it seems have recently removed Parley's app from them.

For Android, Parler could indeed offer the app directly from their own web site. It's a bit more difficult to install an app from any third-party source, than from the Google Play site, but it's not terribly difficult.

My understanding is that Apple makes it very difficult to install apps on an iPhone other than from its own source.

Of course, you can always access Parler from a web browser. For Android, at least, there are very many web browsers available, and really not much that Google can do to stop any of them from accessing Parler.

This.....what the democrats never learned from history...

That's a movie dumb ass. Are you really stupid enough to think it was history?

Yes he is.

Quite right.Brands do not want to be tarnished by grubby associations.

You are really stupid........they just want to silence anyone who can speak against their fascism.....

Right. Everybody is a mean old fascist, and they are all being mean to poor old 2guy.You should just go and have a good cry.

Quite right.Brands do not want to be tarnished by grubby associations. what act is that?
What has Parlor done that needs cleaning?
Undoubtedly calls to insurrection and violence.
Notice the key words Progs use for every event or issue. Today's word is "insurrection". What you have done is take a good part of the population who believed in that sea to sea patriotism and convinced them to let you destroy yourselves. The real issue is, that they do not want to be dragged into it and want to be left alone.
Undoubtedly calls to insurrection and violence.

“God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. … What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.” — Thomas Jefferson​

If Jefferson were alive today, I have no doubt that he would be of the opinion that the Tree of Liberty is way overdue for a good watering.

Quite right.Brands do not want to be tarnished by grubby associations. what act is that?
What has Parlor done that needs cleaning?
Undoubtedly calls to insurrection and violence.
Notice the key words Progs use for every event or issue. Today's word is "insurrection". What you have done is take a good part of the population who believed in that sea to sea patriotism and convinced them to let you destroy yourselves. The real issue is, that they do not want to be dragged into it and want to be left alone.
Sorry but the truth hurts sometimes. Insurrection is the only word for what happened Wed.
Apple tells Parler to clean up its act

That's because Apple, Facebook, the democrats and the MSM cannot stand up to any serious debate.
So they suppress truths and information, , just like the communists.
Apple tells Parler to clean up its act

That's because Apple, Facebook, the democrats and the MSM cannot stand up to any serious debate.
So they suppress truths and information, , just like the communists.

Say what you want, but you can't come in my living room to say it.
Reality determines what is or is not a conspiracy theory. Sad that you are too stupid to realize that.

No, individuals decide what is a conspiracy or not. Democrats are too stupid to think for themselves.

Says the idiot who voted for another idiot who said we should drink cleaning fluid, and put lightbulbs in our bodies.
Yet another fraud by the media.
Trump never said that....nor did he encourage anyone to riot.
Reality determines what is or is not a conspiracy theory. Sad that you are too stupid to realize that.

No, individuals decide what is a conspiracy or not. Democrats are too stupid to think for themselves.

Says the idiot who voted for another idiot who said we should drink cleaning fluid, and put lightbulbs in our bodies.
Yet another fraud by the media.
Trump never said that....nor did he encourage anyone to riot.

Eat a bag of dicks dumb ass.

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