Apply Catholic playbook to guns?


Gold Member
Mar 7, 2017
Hi friends.

When I was in youth programs at my catholic church in middle and high school, the organized leadership took many opportunities to show us aborted fetuses to try to shape our opinion of abortion and sex. There were probably some weak disclaimers and was usually a choice of events, but options were not always good. Confirmation required watching one of these films or I remember there was another lame option that took more time and seemed worse. No parental approval was sought. Now I consider this activity to be inappropriate maybe even with parental consent. They were showing us this stuff in 6th grade summer camp ffs. Organized religion is screwed up sometimes..but onto my point.

My idea here is that gun purchasers be required to view images of child gun violence victims as part of the process. They should know what happens when best practices in handling and storing guns are neglected. Innocent people get shot and or killed.

Thoughts? Maybe I'm just twisted from the Catholic upbringing.
Hi friends.

When I was in youth programs at my catholic church in middle and high school, the organized leadership took many opportunities to show us aborted fetuses to try to shape our opinion of abortion and sex. There were probably some weak disclaimers and was usually a choice of events, but options were not always good. Confirmation required watching one of these films or I remember there was another lame option that took more time and seemed worse. No parental approval was sought. Now I consider this activity to be inappropriate maybe even with parental consent. They were showing us this stuff in 6th grade summer camp ffs. Organized religion is screwed up sometimes..but onto my point.

My idea here is that gun purchasers be required to view images of child gun violence victims as part of the process. They should know what happens when best practices in handling and storing guns are neglected. Innocent people get shot and or killed.

Thoughts? Maybe I'm just twisted from the Catholic upbringing.

When you say that organized religion is screwed up, it gives me the impression that you disapprove of this tactic. Yet you approve of using this tactic on gun purchasers? What is it that I've done to you to make you a proponent of doing screwed up things to me? I've never murdered any children.

Mind you, I'm simply questioning the implications of the things you said. As far as your idea, I wouldn't give two shits if someone wanted to show me gory pics before I purchase a weapon. Go for it. Be aware, however, that it doesn't map across the same way as it does with aborted fetuses due to one HUGE difference.

When you have an abortion, you create an aborted fetus. That picture that the catholics want to show you is a picture of what you will DEFINITELY create when having an abortion.

When I purchase a firearm, I don't create any dead children. Only if I use the firearm on children do I create any dead children, and if I was the kinda psycho who wanted to shoot up a school, showing me pictures of dead children probably isn't going to have the desired effect.

I'm not very strongly opposed to your idea. I think it's completely fucking pointless, and even as a rhetorical suggestion, it's poorly thought out. That said, it's no sweat off my sack if you wanna do "screwed up" shit to people to spite the 2nd amendment, so have at it.
Hi friends.

When I was in youth programs at my catholic church in middle and high school, the organized leadership took many opportunities to show us aborted fetuses to try to shape our opinion of abortion and sex. There were probably some weak disclaimers and was usually a choice of events, but options were not always good. Confirmation required watching one of these films or I remember there was another lame option that took more time and seemed worse. No parental approval was sought. Now I consider this activity to be inappropriate maybe even with parental consent. They were showing us this stuff in 6th grade summer camp ffs. Organized religion is screwed up sometimes..but onto my point.

My idea here is that gun purchasers be required to view images of child gun violence victims as part of the process. They should know what happens when best practices in handling and storing guns are neglected. Innocent people get shot and or killed.

Thoughts? Maybe I'm just twisted from the Catholic upbringing.

Dear grainbely
I'd say you are pretty close in focusing in on Catholic's having a good solution and approach.
But it isn't by focusing on the symptoms.
It's by focusing on the CAUSE and CURE of criminal illness, addiction and obsession.

Dr. Francis MacNutt was a former Catholic priest
who found out from other practictioners how spiritual healing works.

Dr. Scott Peck also wrote books after witnessing the effects of exorcism/deliverance
in freeing and restoring the minds back to normal
of two demonically sick schizophrenic patients.

If you read what they learned, practice and teach about these methods,
you'll see we've had the process and cure for dangerous mental illnesses
the whole time, and all that's missing is more widespread medical
study, research and development for this to become accepted as standard public
knowledge and mainstream treatment for these type of deadly disorders.

See sources for further research and reference:
"Healing" by Dr. Francis MacNutt
(1999 edition or later includes a more recent
medical study on Rheumatoid Arthritis, but these
same methods of natural healing apply to any number
of conditions, whether mental physical or social ills)
Dr. Phillip Goldfedder licensed neurogsurgeon
who turned his focus to spiritual healing
after seeing proof that it cured the causes
better than other treatments that only manipulated the symptoms
Dr. Scott Peck
"Glimpses of the Devil"
where he changed his mind after seeing
measurable quantifiable changes in stages
and behavior, before and after spiritual therapy
was applied to cure two schizophrenic patients.
These methods are based on the same practices
that Catholic priests have used for centuries
to diagnose and remove demonic sickness.

The difference in methodology is whether the
healer claims to be the authority, or merely
invokes the authority of Christ Jesus and
doesn't try to take that position instead.
The traditional Catholic method is found to
be dangerous and invokes attacks on the priest
that can harm or kill them. The safer team healing
method does not have any person step into that
role and put themselves in direct PHYSICAL danger of attack
as with the Catholic tradition of the priest stepping in for Jesus.

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