April 28th Snow? Thank you Global Warming!

Thank God it isn't being called another "bomb cyclone!" I rather think that if any one of us ran outside yelling that a bomb cyclone was coming our way, we would be charged with trying to incite a riot! But I'm rather enjoying this cool Spring in the Mid-Atlantic states, I just hope it doesn't suddenly snap the other way into a raging heat wave!
The years of no increase in temperatures had the loons change the name to Climate Change so that no matter what the weather is like they can still be hysterical. Its not about if humans have anything to do with changing climate, but about transferring huge amounts of wealth from the first, to third world countries.
Hubby and I talk about this all the time. We remember when we used to get actual spring weather in April, with no snow whatsoever past, say, the first handful of days--and even then, maybe only a few flakes in the air. Now, we're not safe from snow....well, I guess not even on April 28th, as I'm sitting here with flakes coming down.

But oh yes, the losers re-titled it to "Climate Change" because "global warming" is a total laughing stock.
But oh yes, the losers re-titled it to "Climate Change" because "global warming" is a total laughing stock.

Global Temperature
You heard about how the models were all wrong recently right?
That graphic demonstrates observed measurements. Tell me, school ma'am, church lady, are you a creationist too? I ask because that would fit your dismissal of available evidence.

edit...As for models, they are commonly imprecise but often useful. Note how observed temperatures remain within predicted range.


Updated version of IPCC AR5 Figure 11.25a, showing observations and the CMIP5 model projections relative to 1986-2005. The black lines represent observational datasets (HadCRUT4.5, Cowtan & Way, NASA GISTEMP, NOAA GlobalTemp, BEST).
Comparing CMIP5 & observations | Climate Lab Book
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You heard about how the models were all wrong recently right?
That graphic demonstrates observed measurements. Tell me, school ma'am, church lady, are you a creationist too? I ask because that would fit your dismissal of available evidence.

edit...As for models, they are commonly imprecise but often useful.

It would be a lot less ridiculous, believe me, than the Left's assertion than what's in a womb is "not a baby" or that "gender is whatever you want it to be". So let's talk science if you want to, shall we?
You heard about how the models were all wrong recently right?
That graphic demonstrates observed measurements. Tell me, school ma'am, church lady, are you a creationist too? I ask because that would fit your dismissal of available evidence.

edit...As for models, they are commonly imprecise but often useful. Note how observed temperatures remain within predicted range.


Updated version of IPCC AR5 Figure 11.25a, showing observations and the CMIP5 model projections relative to 1986-2005. The black lines represent observational datasets (HadCRUT4.5, Cowtan & Way, NASA GISTEMP, NOAA GlobalTemp, BEST).
Comparing CMIP5 & observations | Climate Lab Book
Not willing to answer the question? Nor acknowledge what was posted was not a model? Ok. School ma'am for sure, for whom the greatest offence is questioning her authority.
Not willing to answer the question? Nor acknowledge what was posted was not a model? Ok. School ma'am for sure, for whom the greatest offence is questioning her authority.

No, I will talk science when you're willing to talk the science of pregnancy and gender.
As a climate change encourager, I encourage the appearance of Palm trees in Duluth.

I am greatly disappointed with the rate of warming. Not very encouraging.:45:
But oh yes, the losers re-titled it to "Climate Change" because "global warming" is a total laughing stock.

Global Temperature

But nobody cares about that when you are sporting nut sack warmers in late April. It's called the human condition. When we get a week straight of 100 degrees in Chicago with Lake Michigan littered with jet ski's and bikini babes in April, maybe then people will care about the science. But not a moment sooner s0n!:2up::bye1::bye1:

Folks in New York are dying for just a smidge of some global warming. Doy
But oh yes, the losers re-titled it to "Climate Change" because "global warming" is a total laughing stock.

Global Temperature

You heard about how the models were all wrong recently right?

What a complete joke, told to scare fools
Not only that, how accurate were measuring devices in 1880?
Not very as much of them were done by pulling a bucket of water out of the ocean then measuring its temperature with a mercury thermometer that had no markings for tenths of a degree.
You heard about how the models were all wrong recently right?
That graphic demonstrates observed measurements. Tell me, school ma'am, church lady, are you a creationist too? I ask because that would fit your dismissal of available evidence.

edit...As for models, they are commonly imprecise but often useful. Note how observed temperatures remain within predicted range.


Updated version of IPCC AR5 Figure 11.25a, showing observations and the CMIP5 model projections relative to 1986-2005. The black lines represent observational datasets (HadCRUT4.5, Cowtan & Way, NASA GISTEMP, NOAA GlobalTemp, BEST).
Comparing CMIP5 & observations | Climate Lab Book
I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Not very as much of them were done by pulling a bucket of water out of the ocean then measuring its temperature with a mercury thermometer that had no markings for tenths of a degree.
One expects am old fogey to not realise that if many measurements are averaged then tenths of a degree will result in the quotient. Nor can a senile old fogey realise thermometer measurements can be estimated to a tenth of a degree even if marked only in degrees because he's never been in a lab nor measured water temperatures. The usual dumb fuck rightard ignorance. Oops, I meant of course, the usual old fogey ignorance.

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