April 28th Snow? Thank you Global Warming!

I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Does that mean, like Sweet Sue, you too insist that observed temperatures have not remained in the range of predicted increase?
The temperatures aren't rising where I'm at high of 81 here today.
I take it that's a 'Yes, I dismiss evidence that observed global temperature increase has stayed in the predicted range'. Oh well.
Well we got twelve more years to live, say your experts. Even though experts have been giving us just ten more years since the seventies. Lol, even your expert Gore's prediction was wrong. We are alive and thriving.
I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Does that mean, like Sweet Sue, you too insist that observed temperatures have not remained in the range of predicted increase?
The temperatures aren't rising where I'm at high of 81 here today.
I take it that's a 'Yes, I dismiss evidence that observed global temperature increase has stayed in the predicted range'. Oh well.
Well we got twelve more years to live, say your experts. Even though experts have been giving us just ten more years since the seventies. Lol, even your expert Gore's prediction was wrong. We are alive and thriving.

The problem is their lies are repeated in our schools and universities, and in the Media. Corporate America is also complicit in the "Green Movement" all based on lies. I am all for Energy Conservation as it can SAVE MONEY and cut costs. That is the only real reasons companies do it, but they love to Virtue Signal also.
I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Does that mean, like Sweet Sue, you too insist that observed temperatures have not remained in the range of predicted increase?
The temperatures aren't rising where I'm at high of 81 here today.
I take it that's a 'Yes, I dismiss evidence that observed global temperature increase has stayed in the predicted range'. Oh well.
Well we got twelve more years to live, say your experts. Even though experts have been giving us just ten more years since the seventies. Lol, even your expert Gore's prediction was wrong. We are alive and thriving.

Actually getting down to only 11 1/2.....but still plenty of time to get the emergency ark program going!:rock::rock:
More and more people are jumping off the Man Made Climate Change bandwagon, and are realizing it is just a money driven HOAX and SCAM. Dead issue.
Just like gun control, forced vaccinations/socialized medicine/healthcare and so called “man-made” global warming is all about control, power and money...

Nothing to do with firearms and the well-being of the individual...
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I don't see any rich celebrities or politicians selling their huge carbon footprint beach front homes and private jets.
That means this graph is wrong. Phew, we're saved! Prise the load!


Global Temperature
And we all realize that the earth was created in the 1880’s.
Is there any group of people in America more routinely humiliated than the climate crusaders? Like the bearded women at Coney Island back around 1920! Showing up for 20 years yet continually l0sing.

I think they have one thing to celebrate the last 10 years: light bulb legislation.:113::113:

Think Chicago folks will be able to put the snow shovels away by mid-May?:2up:

Coney Island - Freaks & Freak Shows

Step Right Up! See the Bearded Person!
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