April 28th Snow? Thank you Global Warming!

Not very as much of them were done by pulling a bucket of water out of the ocean then measuring its temperature with a mercury thermometer that had no markings for tenths of a degree.
Of course engine water intake temperature was measured until it was realised this gave errors.
I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Does that mean, like Sweet Sue, you too insist that observed temperatures have not remained in the range of predicted increase?
I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Does that mean, like Sweet Sue, you too insist that observed temperatures have not remained in the range of predicted increase?

Whether they have or not, it's not mattering either way. The ignorant right fucktards continue to win huge on the issue of climate change! Maybe they dont get to take bows in front of the progressive banner, "THE SCIENCE IS DECIDED!".....but they do get to sit home and laugh their balls off at the lack of climate action the past 20 years and the laughable state of renewable energy.

Taking bows in front of billboards is ghey.:cul2:
I don't see any rich celebrities or politicians selling their huge carbon footprint beach front homes and private jets.
I don't see any rich celebrities or politicians selling their huge carbon footprint beach front homes and private jets.
That means this graph is wrong. Phew, we're saved! Prise the load!


Global Temperature
but they do get to sit home and laugh their balls off
That phenomena has been noted. There's even a song about it.

Nobody knows that song....and Green Day has been extinct for decades.

If your side was winning, the Paris Treaty wouldnt be as dead as a doornail. Righttards get to laugh all the time because the science isnt transcending anywhere beyond it's own field!:oops8:
Not willing to answer the question? Nor acknowledge what was posted was not a model? Ok. School ma'am for sure, for whom the greatest offence is questioning her authority.
The Communists have infiltrated our Schools, Media, Government and even Corporate America. They are pushing 1984 like Political Correctness (Societal Tyranny), and using Man Made Climate Change in an effort to further install Wealth and Income redistribution and larger Government. It is a lie, but it is tough to fight "saving the planet" with the truth. They are despicable.

Yes, most conservatives are truly this stupid and ignorant: incapable of telling the difference between climate and weather.

You folks were happy as clams to talk about "weather"--like my children were never gonna see snow--until that blew up in your faces. Then you had to switch right up to climate. So don't go there now, we see the game and we're unconvinced.

I'd love to debate science with you. Bring all your science on pregnancy, fetuses and "clump of cells" plus gender science. Let's do this.
You heard about how the models were all wrong recently right?
That graphic demonstrates observed measurements. Tell me, school ma'am, church lady, are you a creationist too? I ask because that would fit your dismissal of available evidence.

edit...As for models, they are commonly imprecise but often useful. Note how observed temperatures remain within predicted range.


Updated version of IPCC AR5 Figure 11.25a, showing observations and the CMIP5 model projections relative to 1986-2005. The black lines represent observational datasets (HadCRUT4.5, Cowtan & Way, NASA GISTEMP, NOAA GlobalTemp, BEST).
Comparing CMIP5 & observations | Climate Lab Book
I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Yeah, but now with human created global warming, instead of your summers being in the hundreds, we have hundreds of illegals swarming the border illegally. How "cool" is that?
I remember summers here in South Carolina would be in the hundreds. Haven't seen that in years.
Does that mean, like Sweet Sue, you too insist that observed temperatures have not remained in the range of predicted increase?
The temperatures aren't rising where I'm at high of 81 here today.
I take it that's a 'Yes, I dismiss evidence that observed global temperature increase has stayed in the predicted range'. Oh well.

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