April jobs report is 1/4 of what was predicted. A paltry 244K. What happened to Biden's 'Rescue Plan'?

The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.

You think tax cuts caused a recession?

Have you always been stupid, or is this a recent decline?
Well you explain how Reagan threw us into a great recession.

It wasn't taxes?
That was his only policy at that point, and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982 we pulled out of the Great Reagan Recession.

and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982

Which taxes did he raise? From what level to what higher level?
Got any solid numbers behind your claim?
He raised taxes on everything including SS, except the income of the rich to offset the loss of revenue from his tax cuts for the rich.
He raised taxes on everything

Back up your claim........unless you can't?
He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. But you knew that already.
Something had to make up for the financial hole created by Reagan's famous cuts.
The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product.
he raised taxes after he lashed them and got the economy back after the dems destroyed it and never made rates as high as they were before
First of all, it was NIXON who destroyed the economy to get reelected by having the FED pump his dying economy with money jacking up inflation, followed by incompetent boob Ford's stupid solution of WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now).
Nixon economically wasn't a great President at all...he was still following the failed Johnson/FDR failed policies, it didn't help that Nixon took over in the middle of a recession either
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, liar, Nixon did not inherit a recession.

The last Democrat president to hand a recession to a Republican was Woodrow Wilson, 100 years ago.

See if you can name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
yes he did, the 1968 recession

Regardless, the economy was doing “ok” as to be expected during the remain of nixon’s terms...it took Carter and the dems a couple more years to up end things.
The NBER says you're lying. You should stop.

You're also lying about the "remain of Nixon's terms." Nixon's terms ended in 1974 while we were in a recession, which Ford inherited.

Now what about my question was too difficult for you to understand?

Name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.

You think tax cuts caused a recession?

Have you always been stupid, or is this a recent decline?
Well you explain how Reagan threw us into a great recession.

It wasn't taxes?
That was his only policy at that point, and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982 we pulled out of the Great Reagan Recession.

and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982

Which taxes did he raise? From what level to what higher level?
Got any solid numbers behind your claim?
He raised taxes on everything including SS, except the income of the rich to offset the loss of revenue from his tax cuts for the rich.
He raised taxes on everything

Back up your claim........unless you can't?
He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. But you knew that already.
Something had to make up for the financial hole created by Reagan's famous cuts.
The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product.
he raised taxes after he lashed them and got the economy back after the dems destroyed it and never made rates as high as they were before
First of all, it was NIXON who destroyed the economy to get reelected by having the FED pump his dying economy with money jacking up inflation, followed by incompetent boob Ford's stupid solution of WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now).
Nixon economically wasn't a great President at all...he was still following the failed Johnson/FDR failed policies, it didn't help that Nixon took over in the middle of a recession either
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, liar, Nixon did not inherit a recession.

The last Democrat president to hand a recession to a Republican was Woodrow Wilson, 100 years ago.

See if you can name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
yes he did, the 1968 recession

Regardless, the economy was doing “ok” as to be expected during the remain of nixon’s terms...it took Carter and the dems a couple more years to up end things.
The NBER says you're lying. You should stop.

You're also lying about the "remain of Nixon's terms." Nixon's terms ended in 1974 while we were in a recession, which Ford inherited.

Now what about my question was too difficult for you to understand?

Name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
the reality says i’m not there was a recession in 1968

recessions are normal things...they happen the issue is how you deal with them....dems create policies that expand them and make things worse. FDR did, Carter, Obama etc...Xiden was handed something a little different, but has already made a recovery from the china virus and dem shutdowns much worse
The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.

You think tax cuts caused a recession?

Have you always been stupid, or is this a recent decline?
Well you explain how Reagan threw us into a great recession.

It wasn't taxes?
That was his only policy at that point, and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982 we pulled out of the Great Reagan Recession.

and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982

Which taxes did he raise? From what level to what higher level?
Got any solid numbers behind your claim?
He raised taxes on everything including SS, except the income of the rich to offset the loss of revenue from his tax cuts for the rich.
He raised taxes on everything

Back up your claim........unless you can't?
He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. But you knew that already.
Something had to make up for the financial hole created by Reagan's famous cuts.
The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product.
he raised taxes after he lashed them and got the economy back after the dems destroyed it and never made rates as high as they were before
First of all, it was NIXON who destroyed the economy to get reelected by having the FED pump his dying economy with money jacking up inflation, followed by incompetent boob Ford's stupid solution of WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now).
Nixon economically wasn't a great President at all...he was still following the failed Johnson/FDR failed policies, it didn't help that Nixon took over in the middle of a recession either
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, liar, Nixon did not inherit a recession.

The last Democrat president to hand a recession to a Republican was Woodrow Wilson, 100 years ago.

See if you can name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
yes he did, the 1968 recession

Regardless, the economy was doing “ok” as to be expected during the remain of nixon’s terms...it took Carter and the dems a couple more years to up end things.
The NBER says you're lying. You should stop.

You're also lying about the "remain of Nixon's terms." Nixon's terms ended in 1974 while we were in a recession, which Ford inherited.

Now what about my question was too difficult for you to understand?

Name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
the reality says i’m not there was a recession in 1968

recessions are normal things...they happen the issue is how you deal with them....dems create policies that expand them and make things worse. FDR did, Carter, Obama etc...Xiden was handed something a little different, but has already made a recovery from the china virus and dem shutdowns much worse

Then you should contact the NBER and tell them they're missing that from their list of recessions.


As far as recessions, you're lying about Obama who only took us out of one, never into one.

And you still won't answer... name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch?

Or am I going to have to answer that for you because you don't want to?
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
the reality says i’m not there was a recession in 1968
You really should stop lying.

Real GDP growth in 1968:

  • Q1: 8.4%
  • Q2: 6.9%
  • Q3: 3.1%
  • Q4: 1.6%

And the unemployment rate for 1968:

  • 12/67: 3.8%
  • 12/68: 3.4%

GDP for 1968 was 4.9%, higher than any year under Trump and unemployment he handed Nixon was 3.4%, lower than every month under Trump; yet Trump claims he had the best economy ever on the entire globe. That means Trump's a liar like you and LBJ had a better economy than Trump in the year you falsely claim had a recession.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
^^^ another conservative = another liar.

No one with a functioning brain knows that, lying con. In reality, most, if not all, states shut down, including those with Republican governors.

And they did so after Trump told them they should.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease, including that states with evidence of community transmission should close bars, restaurants and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.

You think tax cuts caused a recession?

Have you always been stupid, or is this a recent decline?
Well you explain how Reagan threw us into a great recession.

It wasn't taxes?
That was his only policy at that point, and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982 we pulled out of the Great Reagan Recession.

and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982

Which taxes did he raise? From what level to what higher level?
Got any solid numbers behind your claim?
He raised taxes on everything including SS, except the income of the rich to offset the loss of revenue from his tax cuts for the rich.
He raised taxes on everything

Back up your claim........unless you can't?
He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. But you knew that already.
Something had to make up for the financial hole created by Reagan's famous cuts.
The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product.
he raised taxes after he lashed them and got the economy back after the dems destroyed it and never made rates as high as they were before
First of all, it was NIXON who destroyed the economy to get reelected by having the FED pump his dying economy with money jacking up inflation, followed by incompetent boob Ford's stupid solution of WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now).
Nixon economically wasn't a great President at all...he was still following the failed Johnson/FDR failed policies, it didn't help that Nixon took over in the middle of a recession either
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, liar, Nixon did not inherit a recession.

The last Democrat president to hand a recession to a Republican was Woodrow Wilson, 100 years ago.

See if you can name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
yes he did, the 1968 recession

Regardless, the economy was doing “ok” as to be expected during the remain of nixon’s terms...it took Carter and the dems a couple more years to up end things.
The NBER says you're lying. You should stop.

You're also lying about the "remain of Nixon's terms." Nixon's terms ended in 1974 while we were in a recession, which Ford inherited.

Now what about my question was too difficult for you to understand?

Name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
the reality says i’m not there was a recession in 1968

recessions are normal things...they happen the issue is how you deal with them....dems create policies that expand them and make things worse. FDR did, Carter, Obama etc...Xiden was handed something a little different, but has already made a recovery from the china virus and dem shutdowns much worse

Then you should contact the NBER and tell them they're missing that from their list of recessions.


As far as recessions, you're lying about Obama who only took us out of one, never into one.

And you still won't answer... name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch?

Or am I going to have to answer that for you because you don't want to?
Sorry, should have said 1969...started in
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
^^^ another conservative = another liar.

No one with a functioning brain knows that, lying con. In reality, most, if not all, states shut down, including those with Republican governors.

And they did so after Trump told them they should.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease, including that states with evidence of community transmission should close bars, restaurants and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Sure. most if not all took precausations when the Chinese Virus first started spreading out of NY, Cali and the Pacific NE....the difference is the GOP Govs, followed the science, protected the most at risk, as well protected their small businesses, and allowed reopenings.

Others keep massive lockdowns...some starts still are...and ignored the science
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
^^^ another conservative = another liar.

No one with a functioning brain knows that, lying con. In reality, most, if not all, states shut down, including those with Republican governors.

And they did so after Trump told them they should.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease, including that states with evidence of community transmission should close bars, restaurants and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
/——-/ democRAT govs kept their states shut down longer and told Trump it their right to do so. Republican gives have already reopened.
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
^^^ another conservative = another liar.

No one with a functioning brain knows that, lying con. In reality, most, if not all, states shut down, including those with Republican governors.

And they did so after Trump told them they should.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease, including that states with evidence of community transmission should close bars, restaurants and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
/——-/ You may now apologize for calling me a liar.
“The simple answer is governors have way more legal authority than the president of the United States to make these decisions about closing and opening facilities, closing and opening the economy," said David Schultz, professor of political science and legal studies at Hamline University.”
The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.

You think tax cuts caused a recession?

Have you always been stupid, or is this a recent decline?
Well you explain how Reagan threw us into a great recession.

It wasn't taxes?
That was his only policy at that point, and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982 we pulled out of the Great Reagan Recession.

and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982

Which taxes did he raise? From what level to what higher level?
Got any solid numbers behind your claim?
He raised taxes on everything including SS, except the income of the rich to offset the loss of revenue from his tax cuts for the rich.
He raised taxes on everything

Back up your claim........unless you can't?
He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. But you knew that already.
Something had to make up for the financial hole created by Reagan's famous cuts.
The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product.
he raised taxes after he lashed them and got the economy back after the dems destroyed it and never made rates as high as they were before
First of all, it was NIXON who destroyed the economy to get reelected by having the FED pump his dying economy with money jacking up inflation, followed by incompetent boob Ford's stupid solution of WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now).
Nixon economically wasn't a great President at all...he was still following the failed Johnson/FDR failed policies, it didn't help that Nixon took over in the middle of a recession either
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, liar, Nixon did not inherit a recession.

The last Democrat president to hand a recession to a Republican was Woodrow Wilson, 100 years ago.

See if you can name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
yes he did, the 1968 recession

Regardless, the economy was doing “ok” as to be expected during the remain of nixon’s terms...it took Carter and the dems a couple more years to up end things.
The NBER says you're lying. You should stop.

You're also lying about the "remain of Nixon's terms." Nixon's terms ended in 1974 while we were in a recession, which Ford inherited.

Now what about my question was too difficult for you to understand?

Name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
the reality says i’m not there was a recession in 1968

recessions are normal things...they happen the issue is how you deal with them....dems create policies that expand them and make things worse. FDR did, Carter, Obama etc...Xiden was handed something a little different, but has already made a recovery from the china virus and dem shutdowns much worse

Then you should contact the NBER and tell them they're missing that from their list of recessions.


As far as recessions, you're lying about Obama who only took us out of one, never into one.

And you still won't answer... name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch?

Or am I going to have to answer that for you because you don't want to?
Sorry, should have said 1969...started in
Yes, you should have. So who knows why you're blaming LBJ for Nixon's recession? :dunno:
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
^^^ another conservative = another liar.

No one with a functioning brain knows that, lying con. In reality, most, if not all, states shut down, including those with Republican governors.

And they did so after Trump told them they should.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease, including that states with evidence of community transmission should close bars, restaurants and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Sure. most if not all took precausations when the Chinese Virus first started spreading out of NY, Cali and the Pacific NE....the difference is the GOP Govs, followed the science, protected the most at risk, as well protected their small businesses, and allowed reopenings.

Others keep massive lockdowns...some starts still are...and ignored the science
Again, that varied from state to state based on how hard they were hit. And again, red state Florida, like some other states, didn't fully open until late September. And what was the science then which indicated it was safe to reopen?
Oh well, seems struth was too cowardly to name the last Republican president to not have a recession on their watch. So I'll answer the question he was too afraid to answer. The reason he doesn't want to say is because in the entire history of this country, there's ever only been one Republican president to not have a recession on his watch. And that president was...

William Henry Harrison

...and the only reason Harrison didn't preside over a recession is because he regrettably died after only one month in office. Had he lived longer, he too would have had a recession. Just like every other Republican president.

On the flip side, 2 of the last 4 Democratic presidents did not have a recession on their watch, spanning 13 years between them.

So anytime a lying conservative tries to tell you the right is better at handling the economy, do as I do and laugh at them. Shit, even Trump knows the truth...

Oh well, seems struth was too cowardly to name the last Republican president to not have a recession on their watch. So I'll answer the question he was too afraid to answer. The reason he doesn't want to say is because in the entire history of this country, there's ever only been one Republican president to not have a recession on his watch. And that president was...

William Henry Harrison

...and the only reason Harrison didn't preside over a recession is because he regrettably died after only one month in office. Had he lived longer, he too would have had a recession. Just like every other Republican president.

On the flip side, 2 of the last 4 Democratic presidents did not have a recession on their watch, spanning 13 years between them.

So anytime a lying conservative tries to tell you the right is better at handling the economy, do as I do and laugh at them. Shit, even Trump knows the truth...

/——-/ What load of Hillary. Recessions are a natural part of the economy. And usually they are caused by interference from the Fed.
Oh well, seems struth was too cowardly to name the last Republican president to not have a recession on their watch. So I'll answer the question he was too afraid to answer. The reason he doesn't want to say is because in the entire history of this country, there's ever only been one Republican president to not have a recession on his watch. And that president was...

William Henry Harrison

...and the only reason Harrison didn't preside over a recession is because he regrettably died after only one month in office. Had he lived longer, he too would have had a recession. Just like every other Republican president.

On the flip side, 2 of the last 4 Democratic presidents did not have a recession on their watch, spanning 13 years between them.

So anytime a lying conservative tries to tell you the right is better at handling the economy, do as I do and laugh at them. Shit, even Trump knows the truth...

/——-/ What load of Hillary. Recessions are a natural part of the economy. And usually they are caused by interference from the Fed.


Not all natural. There's a reason they occur with a higher frequency under Republican presidents. You just don’t like that reason.
The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.

You think tax cuts caused a recession?

Have you always been stupid, or is this a recent decline?
Well you explain how Reagan threw us into a great recession.

It wasn't taxes?
That was his only policy at that point, and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982 we pulled out of the Great Reagan Recession.

and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982

Which taxes did he raise? From what level to what higher level?
Got any solid numbers behind your claim?
He raised taxes on everything including SS, except the income of the rich to offset the loss of revenue from his tax cuts for the rich.
He raised taxes on everything

Back up your claim........unless you can't?
He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. But you knew that already.
Something had to make up for the financial hole created by Reagan's famous cuts.
The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product.
he raised taxes after he lashed them and got the economy back after the dems destroyed it and never made rates as high as they were before
First of all, it was NIXON who destroyed the economy to get reelected by having the FED pump his dying economy with money jacking up inflation, followed by incompetent boob Ford's stupid solution of WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now).
Nixon economically wasn't a great President at all...he was still following the failed Johnson/FDR failed policies, it didn't help that Nixon took over in the middle of a recession either
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, liar, Nixon did not inherit a recession.

The last Democrat president to hand a recession to a Republican was Woodrow Wilson, 100 years ago.

See if you can name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
yes he did, the 1968 recession

Regardless, the economy was doing “ok” as to be expected during the remain of nixon’s terms...it took Carter and the dems a couple more years to up end things.
The NBER says you're lying. You should stop.

You're also lying about the "remain of Nixon's terms." Nixon's terms ended in 1974 while we were in a recession, which Ford inherited.

Now what about my question was too difficult for you to understand?

Name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
the reality says i’m not there was a recession in 1968

recessions are normal things...they happen the issue is how you deal with them....dems create policies that expand them and make things worse. FDR did, Carter, Obama etc...Xiden was handed something a little different, but has already made a recovery from the china virus and dem shutdowns much worse

Then you should contact the NBER and tell them they're missing that from their list of recessions.


As far as recessions, you're lying about Obama who only took us out of one, never into one.

And you still won't answer... name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch?

Or am I going to have to answer that for you because you don't want to?
Sorry, should have said 1969...started in
Yes, you should have. So who knows why you're blaming LBJ for Nixon's recession? :dunno:
Because it was caused by LBJ and the Dem Congress and their policies. DUUUUUH

At the end of the expansion inflation was rising, possibly a result of increased deficit spending during a period of full employment. This relatively mild recession coincided with an attempt to start closing the budget deficits of the Vietnam War (fiscal tightening) and the Federal Reserve raising interest rates (monetary tightening).[2]

During this relatively mild recession, the Gross Domestic Product of the United States fell 0.6 percent. Though the recession ended in November 1970, the unemployment rate did not peak until the next month. In December 1970, the rate reached its height for the cycle of 6.1 percent.["

Great Society spending (which still hurts us), and the Dem's war in Vietnam...

It was rather mild though. That is not to say that Nixon was not a follower of the liberal economic theory of the time...tax cuts were not on his agenda
“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
^^^ another conservative = another liar.

No one with a functioning brain knows that, lying con. In reality, most, if not all, states shut down, including those with Republican governors.

And they did so after Trump told them they should.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease, including that states with evidence of community transmission should close bars, restaurants and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Sure. most if not all took precausations when the Chinese Virus first started spreading out of NY, Cali and the Pacific NE....the difference is the GOP Govs, followed the science, protected the most at risk, as well protected their small businesses, and allowed reopenings.

Others keep massive lockdowns...some starts still are...and ignored the science
Again, that varied from state to state based on how hard they were hit. And again, red state Florida, like some other states, didn't fully open until late September. And what was the science then which indicated it was safe to reopen?
The mass shut downs didn't help anything only made things worse.

The science that the mass lockdowns didn't work. Let's face it, Grandma Killin' Cuomo, Newbie, etc were only doing it to harm the economy in an election year. FL did it right, not just by protecting the elderly, but recognizing it's beyond a state by state bases, but a locality by locality....and you did more harm, by ignoring the science and locking people away
Oh well, seems struth was too cowardly to name the last Republican president to not have a recession on their watch. So I'll answer the question he was too afraid to answer. The reason he doesn't want to say is because in the entire history of this country, there's ever only been one Republican president to not have a recession on his watch. And that president was...

William Henry Harrison

...and the only reason Harrison didn't preside over a recession is because he regrettably died after only one month in office. Had he lived longer, he too would have had a recession. Just like every other Republican president.

On the flip side, 2 of the last 4 Democratic presidents did not have a recession on their watch, spanning 13 years between them.

So anytime a lying conservative tries to tell you the right is better at handling the economy, do as I do and laugh at them. Shit, even Trump knows the truth...

Obama. Clinton, Carter, all had recessions under the watches.

Recessions are normal things, the problem is how one responds. Under Dems, the recessions deepin'...look at Obama, look at FDR etc.

Kennedy had one, but he did the right thing, and his policies created a big boom, much like Reagan in response to the Carter recession.
The last time Xiden and the Dems were in charge and passed a "rescue" plan they gave us double digit UE.
Do you mean like Reagan did when he passed his recovery tax cuts in 1981 and threw us into the 1982 Reagan Recession and double digit UE rate.

You think tax cuts caused a recession?

Have you always been stupid, or is this a recent decline?
Well you explain how Reagan threw us into a great recession.

It wasn't taxes?
That was his only policy at that point, and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982 we pulled out of the Great Reagan Recession.

and when Regan raised taxes at the end of 1982

Which taxes did he raise? From what level to what higher level?
Got any solid numbers behind your claim?
He raised taxes on everything including SS, except the income of the rich to offset the loss of revenue from his tax cuts for the rich.
He raised taxes on everything

Back up your claim........unless you can't?
He raised taxes in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986 and 1987. But you knew that already.
Something had to make up for the financial hole created by Reagan's famous cuts.
The 1981 tax cut reduced revenue by an average of 2.89 percent of gross domestic product over the four years after it was enacted, according to the Treasury Department's analysis, which does not attempt to incorporate any macroeconomic effects of tax changes. When I added up the four-year average revenue impact of the next seven significant tax changes approved by Congress, in 1982, 1983, 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990 and 1993, I found that they equaled 2.98 percent of gross domestic product.
he raised taxes after he lashed them and got the economy back after the dems destroyed it and never made rates as high as they were before
First of all, it was NIXON who destroyed the economy to get reelected by having the FED pump his dying economy with money jacking up inflation, followed by incompetent boob Ford's stupid solution of WIN buttons (Whip Inflation Now).
Nixon economically wasn't a great President at all...he was still following the failed Johnson/FDR failed policies, it didn't help that Nixon took over in the middle of a recession either
Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

No, liar, Nixon did not inherit a recession.

The last Democrat president to hand a recession to a Republican was Woodrow Wilson, 100 years ago.

See if you can name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
yes he did, the 1968 recession

Regardless, the economy was doing “ok” as to be expected during the remain of nixon’s terms...it took Carter and the dems a couple more years to up end things.
The NBER says you're lying. You should stop.

You're also lying about the "remain of Nixon's terms." Nixon's terms ended in 1974 while we were in a recession, which Ford inherited.

Now what about my question was too difficult for you to understand?

Name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch...?
the reality says i’m not there was a recession in 1968

recessions are normal things...they happen the issue is how you deal with them....dems create policies that expand them and make things worse. FDR did, Carter, Obama etc...Xiden was handed something a little different, but has already made a recovery from the china virus and dem shutdowns much worse

Then you should contact the NBER and tell them they're missing that from their list of recessions.


As far as recessions, you're lying about Obama who only took us out of one, never into one.

And you still won't answer... name the last Republican president who didn't have a recession on their watch?

Or am I going to have to answer that for you because you don't want to?
Sorry, should have said 1969...started in
Yes, you should have. So who knows why you're blaming LBJ for Nixon's recession? :dunno:
Because it was caused by LBJ and the Dem Congress and their policies. DUUUUUH

At the end of the expansion inflation was rising, possibly a result of increased deficit spending during a period of full employment. This relatively mild recession coincided with an attempt to start closing the budget deficits of the Vietnam War (fiscal tightening) and the Federal Reserve raising interest rates (monetary tightening).[2]

During this relatively mild recession, the Gross Domestic Product of the United States fell 0.6 percent. Though the recession ended in November 1970, the unemployment rate did not peak until the next month. In December 1970, the rate reached its height for the cycle of 6.1 percent.["

Great Society spending (which still hurts us), and the Dem's war in Vietnam...

It was rather mild though. That is not to say that Nixon was not a follower of the liberal economic theory of the time...tax cuts were not on his agenda

Blaming LBJ for a recession nearly a year into Nixon's presidency is pretty absurd. I guess that's why your own link didn't even go there.

“paltry 244,000”

Higher than Trumps average for four years
But then again, Trump lost 3 million jobs on his watch
/——/ No, those jobs were lost when democRAT governors shut down their states. But you already knew that, didn’t you?
^^^ another conservative = another liar.

No one with a functioning brain knows that, lying con. In reality, most, if not all, states shut down, including those with Republican governors.

And they did so after Trump told them they should.

President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease, including that states with evidence of community transmission should close bars, restaurants and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Sure. most if not all took precausations when the Chinese Virus first started spreading out of NY, Cali and the Pacific NE....the difference is the GOP Govs, followed the science, protected the most at risk, as well protected their small businesses, and allowed reopenings.

Others keep massive lockdowns...some starts still are...and ignored the science
Again, that varied from state to state based on how hard they were hit. And again, red state Florida, like some other states, didn't fully open until late September. And what was the science then which indicated it was safe to reopen?
The mass shut downs didn't help anything only made things worse.

The science that the mass lockdowns didn't work. Let's face it, Grandma Killin' Cuomo, Newbie, etc were only doing it to harm the economy in an election year. FL did it right, not just by protecting the elderly, but recognizing it's beyond a state by state bases, but a locality by locality....and you did more harm, by ignoring the science and locking people away
Florida had the advantage of learning from New York's mistakes. Still, the state was closed in different phases for six months. There was no science indicating the failure of lock downs. That's just you saying it. And again, it was Trump who started it.

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