Apropos of nothing

Toasted the crusty end of the loaf and had sardines on it for breakfast. So that takes care of the fish course for today. :D
Just started my shift, wish me luck. Last night was as busy as any other night, when I thought it would be deader than usual.
Turns out that if insane people repeat a lie often enough, I start getting anxious.
The only people who really know whether two heads are better than one are post-op trannies.
I forgot how badly MichaelK of DListed cracks me up.

"It feels like just yesterday that I was staring at the coupling of Robin Wright and Ben Foster and thinking “Oh, she’ll go back to Sean Penn. Trust.” But what do I know? I can barely read my dentist (“Your hand is in my mouth; dinner Thurdsay night?”)
I once had a garlic steak for breakfast after having driven throughout the night by the light of the moon because the alternator was flaky.
I still don't know how I feel about having Saturday and Monday off. Friday and Sunday are very slow, so I guess it's kind of okay.

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