Aquawoman/Phoenix: Red Dragon Capitalism


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a TrumpUSA parable inspired by Ghost in the Shell.




AQUAWOMAN: We can't defeat Red-Dragon with trickery.
PHOENIX: He has hot breath, so we have to avoid his 'dominion.'
AQUAWOMAN: He stands for capitalism frailties (e.g., Enron).
PHOENIX: We have to approach him as an idealistic 'Wall Street patriot.'
AQUAWOMAN: What the heck is a 'Wall Street patriot'?
PHOENIX: It refers to someone who stands with a staff of commerce.
AQUAWOMAN: Commerce is difficult to defend when pluralism is controversial.
PHOENIX: Racism is the real obstacle to multiculturalism/capitalism.
AQUAWOMAN: If capitalism reigns without pluralism-spirit, Red-Dragon wins.
PHOENIX: We have to engage the beast in a 'covert war.'

Aquawoman and Phoenix concluded they'd have to work together (for the first time!) to defeat the seemingly-indomitable Red-Dragon. They approached it and told it they were intrigued by the training/education of modern-day American Internet-hackers, and Red-Dragon conceded that electronics/computing network challenges symbolized new age heresy. The Internet-hacker was indeed the new global terrorist, and Red-Dragon was humbled by the defiant challenge posed by Aquawoman and Phoenix in regards to the grid-geometry strengths of Internet toys and imagination.

RED DRAGON: "I confess (Aquawoman and Phoenix) that Internet intricacy outshines any anti-modernism backlash urge to brand civilization-development/evolution as a form of 'Orwellian claustrophobia.' However, I still contend that the 'virtual world of online bureaucracy' only enhances my continuing claim that further developments in commerce highways without sufficient metaphysics meditation on the use of elements and energy such as electricity only leads humanity towards states of hypnotic mob psychology (e.g., Facebook). So why don't you two teach a pro-populism course at Yale University (on WikiLeaks-inspired modernism dystopian storytelling), and I will depart and never return to harass humanity, American...or 'TrumpUSA'!"



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