Arab casualties: Media don't care unless Jews can be blamed


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Yeah, it is always blame the Jews, but close your eyes to what else has happened and is still happening in this world.

uly 21, 2014

Arab casualties: Media don't care unless Jews can be blamed
By Thomas Lifson

While the world media obsess over “disproportionate” casualties in the Hamas-Israel conflict, far greater numbers of Arabs are being slaughtered in Syria. Raheem Kassan write inBreitbart London:

From reading the international and national news you would probably never have known that last Thursday and Friday alone, over 700 people were killed in Syria at the hands of jihadists and pro-Assad forces. Muslim on Muslim, Arab on Arab, human on human, whatever you like to think of it as - Western media is doing an awful job of reporting these abhorrent incidences (snip)

The Asharq al Awsat newspaper reported on Sunday:

More than 700 people were killed in Syria over the course of Thursday and Friday, in what activists say were the bloodiest 48 hours of fighting in the conflict to date.

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Blog: Arab casualties: Media don't care unless Jews can be blamed
Hopefully and very likely the vast majority of those 700 are terrorist cannibals.


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