ARAB FREEZE: American Approval Plummets...


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Obama, US viewed less favorably in Arab world, poll shows.

By Farah Stockman, Globe Staff

The United States is viewed less favorably in much of the Arab world today than it was during the final year of the Bush administration, and President Obama is less popular in the region that Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, according to a poll released today (WED) by the Arab American Institute, a nonpartisan research and advocacy group.

Attitudes towards the US president and the United States as a whole have been growing increasingly negative over the past ten years due to the invasion of Iraq, outrage over Guantanamo Bay, and continued frustration over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, said James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, which has been tracking attitudes for a decade.

But the current poll is striking in that is illustrates how far Obama’s favorability has fallen in the region, after an initial optimistic spike when he took office.

“It’s because expectations were created that were not met,” Zogby said.

In 2008, the final year of the Bush administration, only nine percent of Egyptians had a favorable attitude towards the United States. A year later, after Obama took office, that number jumped to 30 percent. But now it has plummeted to just five percent of Egyptians who view the United States favorably.

Similar figures in Morocco, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates show that the United States is viewed less favorably now than the final year of the Bush administration.

In a worrisome sign for US policymakers who would like to enlist the region’s support in isolating the Iranian regime, the poll shows that the policies of Iran are viewed more favorably than the policies of the United States.

In Egypt and Jordan, only three percent of people polled said they agreed with Obama’s policies in the region, compared to 31 percent and 20 percent who said they agreed with the Iranian president’s. In Saudi Arabia, only ten percent agreed with Obama’s policies, compared to four percent who said they agreed with the Iranian president.

Zogby said Obama’s appointment of a special ambassador to work on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - by far the most important issue to people in the region, according to the poll - raised initial expectations. But then the US failure to make progress on the issue created widespread disillusionment.

Zogby said he spoke briefly with Obama a month ago about the poll and that the president said he expected the numbers to be low, given the impasse on the Israeli-Palestinian problem.

Other findings from the poll: Large numbers of Arabs say the no-fly zone over Libya either has no impact on or will worsen US-Arab relations.

Also, only 39 percent of Egyptians say the Arab world is better off since the uprisings spread across the region this spring, with 45 percent saying it is “too early to tell.”
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What, why? I thought we gave money to all those countries? this is proof right here that money doesn't buy love.
What, why? I thought we gave money to all those countries? this is proof right here that money doesn't buy love.

I have to agree. Most of these Nations also routinely vote against us in the UN.

I really don't know why we give these guys our money, they wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire, at least Israel votes on our side in the UN. The UN is a big fucking joke anyways. We even give money to the Palestinian territories and the Lebanese governments, which means US dollars are finding their way into the pockets of Hamas and Hezbollah, makes me sick.:doubt:
This is really not surprising given the fact that Obama has continued in the perverse groove of neocon FP. Sane people have a strong dislike for neocon FP.
This is really not surprising given the fact that Obama has continued in the perverse groove of neocon FP. Sane people have a strong dislike for neocon FP.

Doesn't matter who you put in the White House, the US approval ratings will always be poor in the Middle East.
What, why? I thought we gave money to all those countries? this is proof right here that money doesn't buy love.

I have to agree. Most of these Nations also routinely vote against us in the UN.

I really don't know why we give these guys our money, they wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire, at least Israel votes on our side in the UN. The UN is a big fucking joke anyways. We even give money to the Palestinian territories and the Lebanese governments, which means US dollars are finding their way into the pockets of Hamas and Hezbollah, makes me sick.:doubt:

Yea they just play all sides. The whole Foreign Aid issue needs to be re-examined. $14-16 Trillion in Debt and we're still giving these Nations hard-earned American Tax Dollars? Something is definitely wrong with this picture.
I have to agree. Most of these Nations also routinely vote against us in the UN.

I really don't know why we give these guys our money, they wouldn't piss on us if we were on fire, at least Israel votes on our side in the UN. The UN is a big fucking joke anyways. We even give money to the Palestinian territories and the Lebanese governments, which means US dollars are finding their way into the pockets of Hamas and Hezbollah, makes me sick.:doubt:

Yea they just play all sides. The whole Foreign Aid issue needs to be re-examined. $14-16 Trillion in Debt and we're still giving these Nations hard-earned American Tax Dollars? Something is definitely wrong with this picture.

I would think its common sense that if a country like Lebanon and Pakistan are infiltrated with Muslim extremists, routinely hold anti American protests, and basically have terrorists running their governments, we shouldn't be giving them hundreds of millions of dollars and tons of American Military weapons and training:cuckoo: I am no politician but its not hard to figure out.
This is really not surprising given the fact that Obama has continued in the perverse groove of neocon FP. Sane people have a strong dislike for neocon FP.

Doesn't matter who you put in the White House, the US approval ratings will always be poor in the Middle East.

It will if we keep practicing the insane foreign policy that we are practicing.

From a Zogby poll:
Arabs like the American people (59% favorable rating), American values (52%) and American products (52%), according to a new book by Dr. James Zogby, based on polling by Zogby International.

Two weeks ago, Palgrave-Macmillan released Arab Voices: What They are Saying and Why it Matters, which provides readers with insight on what Arabs are thinking about America, and what Americans really think about Arabs.

Recognizing the great interest America has in the Middle East, both militarily and politically, a new book debunks myths about Arabs and makes the case for the importance of American's having a better understanding of the region. Arab Voices relies on hard data from Zogby International polling, to demonstrate who Arabs really are.

"Misunderstanding the Arab people has been evident in some of the foreign policy blunders by our government," said Dr. James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute and author of Arab Voices.

While the majority of Arabs like America, and its culture, Arabs overwhelmingly rate American society as less respectful of the rights of others (78%) and more violent (77%) then their own society. This is fallout from the war in Iraq and treatment of Arabs at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
IBOPE | Zogby New Book Out Based on Zogby International Polling
This is really not surprising given the fact that Obama has continued in the perverse groove of neocon FP. Sane people have a strong dislike for neocon FP.

Doesn't matter who you put in the White House, the US approval ratings will always be poor in the Middle East.

It will if we keep practicing the insane foreign policy that we are practicing.

From a Zogby poll:
Arabs like the American people (59% favorable rating), American values (52%) and American products (52%), according to a new book by Dr. James Zogby, based on polling by Zogby International.

Two weeks ago, Palgrave-Macmillan released Arab Voices: What They are Saying and Why it Matters, which provides readers with insight on what Arabs are thinking about America, and what Americans really think about Arabs.

Recognizing the great interest America has in the Middle East, both militarily and politically, a new book debunks myths about Arabs and makes the case for the importance of American's having a better understanding of the region. Arab Voices relies on hard data from Zogby International polling, to demonstrate who Arabs really are.

"Misunderstanding the Arab people has been evident in some of the foreign policy blunders by our government," said Dr. James Zogby, President of the Arab American Institute and author of Arab Voices.

While the majority of Arabs like America, and its culture, Arabs overwhelmingly rate American society as less respectful of the rights of others (78%) and more violent (77%) then their own society. This is fallout from the war in Iraq and treatment of Arabs at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.
IBOPE | Zogby New Book Out Based on Zogby International Polling

LMAO thats a joke right? less respectful than their society and more violent? LMAO! This is a region where infidels and gays are beheaded and lynched in the streets! more violent!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:lol:
So the 'Arab Street' hates us more now? What can be done to change this?

Nothing, there are things we can do to make them maybe hate us less, like withdraw frm Iraq, Afghanistan etc etc but the hate will always be there, shit before 9/11 they used to say they hate us because of our hedonistic culture and our Troops in Saudi Arabia, there will always be a reason.
LMAO thats a joke right? less respectful than their society and more violent? LMAO! This is a region where infidels and gays are beheaded and lynched in the streets! more violent!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:lol:

I don't disagree that some parts of there society are less than civilized, but many Arabs were made worse off when we intervened.

Additionally, we are addicted to bombing brown babies with drones and then making jokes about it. We also open fire on civilians with 360 degree helicopter attacks. The civilian causality is sky high and we originally tried to replace Saddam with one of our puppets which the Iraqis didn't like.

Remember, our sanction on Iraq caused the death of ~500,000 children and then you have Albright saying that it was justified. Now what sort of culture will justify the death of a half of million children? That is barbaric.

Then we build an Embassy over in Iraq that is more like a compound that is an oasis in the desert while Iraqis struggle with basic necessities like running water and electricity.

Ever since we invaded Afghanistan, it has turned into the opium empire of the world.

Our involvement over in the Middle East has been anything, but benevolent. Sure, we do some good deeds every now and then. However, to view America as a liberator, is not accurate. No wonder Iraqis like to throw their shoes at George Bush.
LMAO thats a joke right? less respectful than their society and more violent? LMAO! This is a region where infidels and gays are beheaded and lynched in the streets! more violent!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:lol:

I don't disagree that some parts of there society are less than civilized, but many Arabs were made worse off when we intervened.

Additionally, we are addicted to bombing brown babies with drones and then making jokes about it. We also open fire on civilians with 360 degree helicopter attacks. The civilian causality is sky high and we originally tried to replace Saddam with one of our puppets which the Iraqis didn't like.

Remember, our sanction on Iraq caused the death of ~500,000 children and then you have Albright saying that it was justified. Now what sort of culture will justify the death of a half of million children? That is barbaric.

Then we build an Embassy over in Iraq that is more like a compound that is an oasis in the desert while Iraqis struggle with basic necessities like running water and electricity.

Ever since we invaded Afghanistan, it has turned into the opium empire of the world.

Our involvement over in the Middle East has been anything, but benevolent. Sure, we do some good deeds every now and then. However, to view America as a liberator, is not accurate. No wonder Iraqis like to throw their shoes at George Bush.

really? just..............
Personally i'm sick of trying to please them and paying them off. We're $14-16 Trillion in Debt for God's sake. Lets stop flushing hard-earned American Tax Dollars down the Arab Toilet.
really? just..............

I was being a tad hyperbolic, but we have been bombing brown babies. Then Obama did crack an inappropriate joke about using predator drones in which he has an awful record of taking out civilians.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Obama Jokes About Killing Jonas Brothers With Predator Drones‬‏[/ame]

Then Bush jokes about WMDs. A joke that cost us ~3,000 American soldiers lives and many more civilian causalities at the time.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bush Jokes about WMD‬‏[/ame]

However, some people like to believe that this is being civilized.

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