Arab TV reports on sensitive documents left behind by FBI at Benghazi


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Oh this has become such a dogs breakfast. It's surreal at this point. Apparently the FBI only stayed a few hours and left behind sensitive documents.

Here ya go.

Arab TV Report Exposes Lax Security At U.S. Consulate In Benghazi Prior To Ambassador Stevens' Arrival And Security Breach Prior To Attack – Revealed By Documents Gathered At Consulate Following Attack

On November 1, 2012, Alaan TV, a UAE channel, stated in a report on the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi that letters found inside the consulate, written by the U.S. Consular staff and addressed to the Libyan Foreign Ministry and the Benghazi police chief, revealed security breaches at the consulate.

According to the letters, not only had a Libyan policeman photographed the compound 15 hours prior to the attack, but the Libyan government had not provided the security at the consulate requested by the consular staff prior to Ambassador Chris Stevens' arrival in Benghazi. According to the report, the letter stated, "We are saddened to report that we have only received an occasional police presence at our main gate. Many hours pass when we have no police support at all."

Alaan TV, which operates from Dubai, began broadcasting in August 2006. It states that its aim is the cultural enrichment of Arab women, and it has often focused on Al-Qaeda and other terror organization from a critical point of view, inter alia interviewing family members of jihadi leaders.

Following are excerpts from the report:



"In the letters, the Americans complained about an incident that occurred on the morning of September 11, an incident they described as 'troubling.' The letters read as follows: 'Early this morning, on September 11, 2011 [sic], at precisely 06:43, one of our diligent guards made a troubling report. Near our main gate, a member of the police force was seen in the upper level of a building across from our compound. It is reported that this person, who belongs to the police unit sent to protect the U.S. Special Mission, was photographing the inside of the U.S. consulate.'

"One of these letters contains important information about the police car that was present at the scene: 'The police car stationed where this event occurred was number 322.'"

"As is well known, there is no professional police force in Libya, and therefore, the police and armed groups often work together. Thus, it seems clear, from the tone of the letter, that the Americans were extremely concerned about this incident, describing it as 'troubling.'

"According to the letter, they were hoping that the Libyan authorities would conduct an official investigation into this incident."

"The Letters Revealed That Since September 9, The Americans Had Been Requesting Special Security Arrangements In Preparation For Arrival Of Ambassador Chris Stevens" – But That These "Were Not Granted"

There's video at the link as well.

Arab TV Report Exposes Lax Security At U.S. Consulate In Benghazi Prior To Ambassador Stevens' Arrival And Security Breach Prior To Attack ? Revealed By Documents Gathered At Consulate Following Attack
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Here's more on the FBI.

FBI Spent Only Three Hours Investigating Benghazi & Left Sensitive Documents
Posted by Jim Hoft on Thursday, November 1, 2012, 2:15 PM

The FBI reportedly spent only a few hours investigating at the consulate after the attack.
Several sensitive documents were left behind.
Foreign Policy reported:

More than six weeks after the shocking assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi — and nearly a month after an FBI team arrived to collect evidence about the attack – the battle-scarred, fire-damaged compound where Ambassador Chris Stevens and another Foreign Service officer lost their lives on Sept. 11 still holds sensitive documents and other relics of that traumatic final day…

…The continued threat to U.S. personnel in Benghazi may be the reason these documents escaped the FBI’s attention. With suspected militants still roaming the streets, FBI investigators only had limited time to check the consulate compound. According to a Benghazi resident who resides near the consulate, the FBI team spent only three hours examining the compound.

If you go to gateway pundit follow the links from there.
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They asked and asked for more security in Benghazi..... but no..... The Commander in Chief was busy in Vegas... and later with Letterman ... what a disgrace of a man!

Oh well, hope America will realize what kind of President he is and that it is time for him to GO.
Okay, Obama sent investigators over a full two weeks after the attack and supposedly they secured sensitive material at the consulate and claimed that no documents fell into enemy hands. Of course, then they were still blaming the demonstrators.
What a mess. We relied on a weak Libyan government to provide the security for U.S. personnel. It's beginning to look as if that government, like so many other muslim governments, has been infiltrated by jihadists.
The more one learns the more surreal this Benghazi incident gets. I'm just sitting here shaking my head. This is crazy.
The more one learns the more surreal this Benghazi incident gets. I'm just sitting here shaking my head. This is crazy.

I absolutely agree! It's the lies, its the cover up, its the left wing media trying to ignore and dismiss the story as if the killing of the Ambassador and the Seals doesn't mean a thing! As if it's perfectly fine and normal what happened .... it's a sad moment in american history.

Shame on this Administration! Shame on the Left wing media!
if obama doesn't care about the life of Americans sworn to defend this country why would he care about sensitive documents.
What is wrong with being Radical , Extremist , Fundamentalist Islamophobic?

I for one, am guilty then.
Oh and I should remind everyone that the first person to tell the truth about the attack on Benghazi was the Libyan President.

While Obama and his administration were lying their asses off saying that this was a spontaneous attack due to a video, it was the Libyan President who first clued all of us in.

And now we have more information coming in from news outlets in the region. I'm grateful for some honest reporting.
Were those the documents scooped up by CNN or different ones?
Before I start losing my mind over this I look to the facts. "None of the documents were marked classified, but this is not the first time that sensitive documents have been found by journalists in the charred wreckage of the compound. CNN discovered a copy of the ambassador’s journal last month and broadcast details from it, drawing an angry response from the State Department. Unlike the journal, all of the documents seen by The Post were official.

“Securing the site has obviously been a challenge,” Mark Toner, deputy spokesman at the State Department, said in response to questions about conditions at the Benghazi compound. “We had to evacuate all U.S. government personnel the night of the attack. After the attack, we requested help securing the site, and we continue to work with the Libyan government on this front.”

State Department officials were provided with copies of some of the documents found at the site. They did not request that the documents be withheld from publication."

Sensitive documents left behind at U.S. diplomatic post in Libya - The Washington Post

Rave on...
Let's not manicure the bullshit.

Our President has failed this Country, our Flag, our Constitution, and the Principals of this Nation.

That said, he will be re-elected upon voters' unappreciated deference to Country, Flag, Constitution, and Principal.

We have met the enemy. The enemy is at the doorstep. The enemy is us.
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