Arabic Writing Was Penned by a Christian

as a reaction to that discussion-----------I will stick to dipsy doodles-------
--or anything else that is a LONG WAY OFF FROM BEING DERIVED
Get the discussion back on track, please. It's not about eating bizarre foods. Thanks
After the burning of the Christians of Najran, first the Ethiopian King and then Muhammed protected them ...
"arab" countries have benefitted from the presence of zoroastrians, jews and
christians-------the only sources of written records. I am convinced that the
best way to get a real grasp on the history of arabia would be
a complete excavation of Yathrib (now called "medina" The jews who lived
there were literate AND-----had even developed a written arabic *using hebrew
characters" ------which the Yemenite jews still retain ----sorta. The real written
record of the time of Muhummad-----is PROBABLY deep in the sands of Medina----
unfortunately it will never see the light of day
"arab" countries have benefitted from the presence of zoroastrians, jews and
christians-------the only sources of written records. I am convinced that the
best way to get a real grasp on the history of arabia would be
a complete excavation of Yathrib (now called "medina" The jews who lived
there were literate AND-----had even developed a written arabic *using hebrew
characters" ------which the Yemenite jews still retain ----sorta. The real written
record of the time of Muhummad-----is PROBABLY deep in the sands of Medina----
unfortunately it will never see the light of day

Sunni Man

There were also Nestorian Christians on Tarut Island. In fact, they had a Bishopric .
None that I've ever met.

And in any case, if said writing was found before Islam got invented ---- then it could not possibly have been written by a Muslim ---- could it?

Arabic is a language. And a culture, or more correctly group of cultures.. Not a religion. Those would have developed long before Islam, just as English and German and French and Spanish etc developed before they got Christianized.

This is monumentally stupid. Arabs were around for thousands of years before Islam.
This is monumentally stupid. Arabs were around for thousands of years before Islam.
SO? the fact is that ARABS had no written language until about 300 AD----
They developed a bit of writing aped from Farsi. Speaking of MONUMENTALLY
SO? the fact is that ARABS had no written language until about 300 AD----
They developed a bit of writing aped from Farsi. Speaking of MONUMENTALLY

A History of the Arabic Language - Brigham Young University
Sep 06, 1999 · Historically, the North Arabic script, the earliest extant copies of which date to the 4th century B.C., is descended from the Nabatean Aramaic script. However, because the Aramaic script represented less than the required number of consonants for Arabic, the use of some shapes was extended by the means of dots placed on the letters.
A History of the Arabic Language - Brigham Young University
Sep 06, 1999 · Historically, the North Arabic script, the earliest extant copies of which date to the 4th century B.C., is descended from the Nabatean Aramaic script. However, because the Aramaic script represented less than the required number of consonants for Arabic, the use of some shapes was extended by the means of dots placed on the letters.
A History of the Arabic Language - Brigham Young University
Sep 06, 1999 · Historically, the North Arabic script, the earliest extant copies of which date to the 4th century B.C., is descended from the Nabatean Aramaic script. However, because the Aramaic script represented less than the required number of consonants for Arabic, the use of some shapes was extended by the means of dots placed on the letters.
LOL @ the mormon take-----a silly device to make all the muslims
MORMONS? <<< touched by jibril's doppelganger MORONI
The bizarre comparison in the OP between "Arabic writing" (which is a language) and "Christian" (which is a religion) heavily implies that, yes. Obviously an Arab may be a Muslim or not, and certainly was not before Islam existed. And just as obviously a Christian may or may not be an Arab. The two entities have nothing to do with each other, so what the point of this thread is remains an unknown.

Again, no idea where you're pulling this from, but no Arab I've ever met ever claimed or implied that, even when they were teaching me Arabic phrases. We spoke much (in English or French) about the language, but never about the religion. Moreover that would be impossible, as it would mean that before Islam, Arabs didn't speak. Which is absurd.
yes----it is absurd----but it is a claim that I heard from muslims
There are several posters who don't realize there were Arabs before Islam.. like the Akkadians. Save your duh for them.
Islam is the youngest of the major faiths, so of course. The Arabs in the Saudi peninsula were Islam was created were idolators and moon worshippers, and Mohammad named god “allah” after one of the moon gods in order to gain the allegiance of his tribe.
There are several posters who don't realize there were Arabs before Islam.. like the Akkadians. Save your duh for them.
Of course there were arabs---they are mentioned even in the talmud---like 1000
years before the birth of the rapist of mecca.
At that time they were called ISHMAELITES.
Characteristically---the Ishmaelites were unlettered, nomads, who dealt in slave trading and were dangerous if encountered in the wilderness. It seems clear to me that not all
AKKADIANS morphed into "arabs" Some
evolved into Sumerians
Islam is the youngest of the major faiths, so of course. The Arabs in the Saudi peninsula were Islam was created were idolators and moon worshippers, and Mohammad named god “allah” after one of the moon gods in order to gain the allegiance of his tribe.
Historically they were into ROCKS. Rock worship was a thing------so of course---when a big black one fell from heaven it was a BIG
Historically they were into ROCKS. Rock worship was a thing------so of course---when a big black one fell from heaven it was a BIG
It isn’t a giant leap, the symbol of the religion is indeed the crescent moon, I mean duh…and allah and Anat were moon god sister deities in the ancient Saudi peninsula. So yes, Arabs did exist before Islam and they were idolators, and they still have the symbol of their idol on the flag of their religion and many Muslim nations.
History did begin before Mohammad, christian use of Arabic 150 before Islam
The time of Jesus Christ was some 400 years before Mohammed, and even the Muslims who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God presumably still consider him the 4th of 5 prophets of which they count Mohammed the 5th.

Which makes the Islamic religion a break-away or schism from Christianity, rather than Judaism, because the Jews do not even acknowledge Jesus Christ as a prophet, let alone the only begotten Son of God.
The time of Jesus Christ was some 400 years before Mohammed, and even the Muslims who do not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God presumably still consider him the 4th of 5 prophets of which they count Mohammed the 5th.

Which makes the Islamic religion a break-away or schism from Christianity, rather than Judaism, because the Jews do not even acknowledge Jesus Christ as a prophet, let alone the only begotten Son of God.
your assertion is utterly idiotic. Muslims engage in extensive POSTHUMOUS "reversion" of anyone who seems IMPORTANT retrospectively to them. Moses was ALSO a muslim
according to the genius koranic scholars. Even Alexander the great was "really" a
muslim. Long ago I worked in a hospital that harbored some pakistani doctors----one of them CONFIDENTLY told me----with ABSOLUTELY certainty that MAIMONIDES
was born a jew but the REVERTED TO ISLAM and became a great doctor <<<< an
assertion which is utter BULLSHIT. For the record---muslims consider the "turn the
cheek" thing-----which christians treasure----UTTER STINKING BULLSHIT----this I know
because so many TOLD ME. They also consider the resurrection of jesus to be a filthy
christian lie. I heard it in a mosque-----on a GOOD FRIDAY----more than 50 years ago.
your assertion is utterly idiotic. Muslims engage in extensive POSTHUMOUS "reversion" of anyone who seems IMPORTANT retrospectively to them. Moses was ALSO a muslim
according to the genius koranic scholars
Islam means "submission or obedience" in English, and a Muslim is more or less a "subject" if I recall correctly.

People who in some way consider themselves or others to be in submission to God's law — how else are you going to say that in a language like Arabic?

Not all those people agree on who's a Muslim and who's not. Why do you think they fight so much with each other if not with outsiders?

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