Arabs get back West Bank land!!!

In rare case, Palestinians reclaim settlement land

the land was stolen in the 1970s.

settlements were built there, but removed a few years ago.

..but Israel refused to give back the land to its rightful owners.

Finally, the courts have decided to give the land back to its owners and today they reclaimed their land.


A scrap of land that the Israelis evacuated during the withdrawal from Gaza.

A scrap of land that the IDF razed to the ground but had not reversed its orders on.

A scrap of land that the IDF finally got around to revising its orders on, after two years of court petitions.

A scrap of land that the IDF tossed to its former owners as a bone.

A victory for Palestine?



It takes sooooooo little to amuse them...

A few trinkets, a pocket watch, a scrap of wasteland...

You get a Gold Star on your Report Card for that one...

Most humorous faux victory statement of the month...
To all the Arab Muslim "Victories"!

P F Tinmore, et al,

In 1948-49, the "external interference" was the Arab League. It wasn't the UN and it wasn't Israel.

RoccoR said:
The Jewish we invited to immigrate. They did not invade.

UN Charter definition

“By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.”

The right to self-determination - IHL

Where is the exception to that rule that states that?

I don't see it.

Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council. There was no point at which the Arab Palestinian assumed any independence.

Second, you must read a little further in your citation:

The right to self-determination in Palestine said:
After the 1948 war, Israel was established on a more extensive territory than recommended in the partition plan. By entering into the Armistice Agreement with Egypt in 1949, Israel, demonstrated a sufficient level of stable and effective government of the territory to be recognised as a state by other states and the UN. Israel was effectively and lawfully established as a state, on the armistice territory, by secession from the Mandate of Palestine. A state for the Palestinians living in the Mandate of Palestine was never created and this unrealised goal still constitutes one of the core issues of the conflict.

SOURCE: Your Citation

Most Respectfully,
I commend the Israelis for giving back stolen Arab land.

I commend Israel for making gestures of good will, even though those gestures are futile in the face of arab intransigence.

Israel's capture in 1967 of Sinai, the West Bank, Gaza, and the Golan Heights was in response to Arab aggression. Israel voluntarily returned of all Sinai to Egypt following formal recognition and peace treaty with that nation.

Israel annexed the Golan Heights and East Jerusalem.

There is no "Palestinian" land. There is occupation by arabs of the West Bank and Gaza.

The lesson is the willingness of Israel to return land for peace with her neighbors.
This underlies all treaties and actions (even the unilateral withdrawals from south Lebanon and from Gaza) that followed from 1982 to the present day.

A similar peace with Syria will lead to the return of most if not all of the Golan.

Similarly with the so-called “Palestinians” in regard to the West Bank and Gaza.
P F Tinmore, et al,

In 1948-49, the "external interference" was the Arab League. It wasn't the UN and it wasn't Israel.

RoccoR said:
The Jewish we invited to immigrate. They did not invade.

Where is the exception to that rule that states that?

I don't see it.

Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council. There was no point at which the Arab Palestinian assumed any independence.

Second, you must read a little further in your citation:

The right to self-determination in Palestine said:
After the 1948 war, Israel was established on a more extensive territory than recommended in the partition plan. By entering into the Armistice Agreement with Egypt in 1949, Israel, demonstrated a sufficient level of stable and effective government of the territory to be recognised as a state by other states and the UN. Israel was effectively and lawfully established as a state, on the armistice territory, by secession from the Mandate of Palestine. A state for the Palestinians living in the Mandate of Palestine was never created and this unrealised goal still constitutes one of the core issues of the conflict.

SOURCE: Your Citation

Most Respectfully,

There was no point at which the Arab Palestinian assumed any independence.

Irrelevant point. Independence is a product of the right to self determination, not a prerequisite.
P F Tinmore, et al,

In 1948-49, the "external interference" was the Arab League. It wasn't the UN and it wasn't Israel.

RoccoR said:
The Jewish we invited to immigrate. They did not invade.

Where is the exception to that rule that states that?

I don't see it.

Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council. There was no point at which the Arab Palestinian assumed any independence.

Second, you must read a little further in your citation:

The right to self-determination in Palestine said:
After the 1948 war, Israel was established on a more extensive territory than recommended in the partition plan. By entering into the Armistice Agreement with Egypt in 1949, Israel, demonstrated a sufficient level of stable and effective government of the territory to be recognised as a state by other states and the UN. Israel was effectively and lawfully established as a state, on the armistice territory, by secession from the Mandate of Palestine. A state for the Palestinians living in the Mandate of Palestine was never created and this unrealised goal still constitutes one of the core issues of the conflict.

SOURCE: Your Citation

Most Respectfully,

Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council.

Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination.
P F Tinmore, et al,

The UN did what it believed it had to do.

In 1948-49, the "external interference" was the Arab League. It wasn't the UN and it wasn't Israel.

Where is the exception to that rule that states that?

I don't see it.

Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council. There was no point at which the Arab Palestinian assumed any independence.

Second, you must read a little further in your citation:

Most Respectfully,

Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council.

Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination.

The Allied Powers and the UN set the conditions under which the all the various people in the region were to exercise their rights in self-determination. They did it for the Arab States (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc) and they did it for the Jewish State.

It had all the authority it needed. It was the Arab that was working in defiance of the UN that created conflict. It was the Arab League that was that acted as the external influence and interfered with the steps towards independence. It is the Arab that says the struggle started with them and Izz ad-din al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand; and still promotes those same political-terrorist tactics today.

When people look-up Article 13 Jihadist and Article 10 Feday-een; they see a Palestinian looking back at them just like Izz ad-din al-Qassam. And jihadism is almost universally associated with Islamic terrorism.

PF Tinmore said:
Irrelevant point. Independence is a product of the right to self determination, not a prerequisite.

And the people that wrote-down that concept also wrote that the Jewish People exercise their right to self-determination on May 15, 1948; not the Arab Palestinian.

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, et al,

The UN did what it believed it had to do.

In 1948-49, the "external interference" was the Arab League. It wasn't the UN and it wasn't Israel.


Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council. There was no point at which the Arab Palestinian assumed any independence.

Second, you must read a little further in your citation:

Most Respectfully,

Prior to midnight 14/15 May 1948, the Mandatory was the UK with full administration under the Allied Powers. After 14/15 May, until 17 May, the UN Palestine Commission assume the authority of the Mandatory/International Trustee System under the guidance and direction of the UN Security Council.

Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination.

The Allied Powers and the UN set the conditions under which the all the various people in the region were to exercise their rights in self-determination. They did it for the Arab States (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc) and they did it for the Jewish State.

It had all the authority it needed. It was the Arab that was working in defiance of the UN that created conflict. It was the Arab League that was that acted as the external influence and interfered with the steps towards independence. It is the Arab that says the struggle started with them and Izz ad-din al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand; and still promotes those same political-terrorist tactics today.

When people look-up Article 13 Jihadist and Article 10 Feday-een; they see a Palestinian looking back at them just like Izz ad-din al-Qassam. And jihadism is almost universally associated with Islamic terrorism.

Most Respectfully,

What land was transferred to Israel?

Got a link?
"...Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination."
The trustee has absolute authority over its charge.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

Knowing in advance that a civil war was already underway, an sputtering in-and-out of existence, prior to the Termination of the Mandate, the trustee determined to arm the side that it favored best, as best it could without being too obvious about it, and then leaving the inhabitants to shift for themselves, and to find their own destiny.

Which they did.

You were on the losing side of that civil war.
"...Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination."
The trustee has absolute authority over its charge.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

Knowing in advance that a civil war was already underway, an sputtering in-and-out of existence, prior to the Termination of the Mandate, the trustee determined to arm the side that it favored best, as best it could without being too obvious about it, and then leaving the inhabitants to shift for themselves, and to find their own destiny.

Which they did.

You were on the losing side of that civil war.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

P F Tinmore, et al,

None. Independence is not transferred, not for Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, or Egypt, --- and --- it wasn't done that way with respect to Israel.

The UN did what it believed it had to do.

Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination.

The Allied Powers and the UN set the conditions under which the all the various people in the region were to exercise their rights in self-determination. They did it for the Arab States (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc) and they did it for the Jewish State.

It had all the authority it needed. It was the Arab that was working in defiance of the UN that created conflict. It was the Arab League that was that acted as the external influence and interfered with the steps towards independence. It is the Arab that says the struggle started with them and Izz ad-din al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand; and still promotes those same political-terrorist tactics today.

When people look-up Article 13 Jihadist and Article 10 Feday-een; they see a Palestinian looking back at them just like Izz ad-din al-Qassam. And jihadism is almost universally associated with Islamic terrorism.

Most Respectfully,

What land was transferred to Israel?

Got a link?

No, I don't have a link --- you do! The Easy Guide to International Humanitarian Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt).


The right to self-determination in Palestine said:
After the 1948 war, Israel was established on a more extensive territory than recommended in the partition plan. By entering into the Armistice Agreement with Egypt in 1949, Israel, demonstrated a sufficient level of stable and effective government of the territory to be recognised as a state by other states and the UN. Israel was effectively and lawfully established as a state, on the armistice territory, by secession from the Mandate of Palestine. A state for the Palestinians living in the Mandate of Palestine was never created and this unrealised goal still constitutes one of the core issues of the conflict.

SOURCE: Your Citation

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
"...Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination."
The trustee has absolute authority over its charge.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

Knowing in advance that a civil war was already underway, an sputtering in-and-out of existence, prior to the Termination of the Mandate, the trustee determined to arm the side that it favored best, as best it could without being too obvious about it, and then leaving the inhabitants to shift for themselves, and to find their own destiny.

Which they did.

You were on the losing side of that civil war.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

No link.

Given the British Mandate's suppression of Arab revolts and its trials of Muslims and Jews for capital crimes and their execution of those found guilty...

I'm sure that you can find ample evidence of the extent of British Rule in the Mandate and their power of life and death over its inhabitants without bothering me for a link...


Not that any of that makes a tinkers' damn worth of difference any longer...

Victory on the Battlefield (1948, 1967 and 1973) sorted all that out good-and-proper...

And set aside any old 'legal standings' or 'title' or 'rights' that had been in question during the course of the fighting...

There are new owners in-place now...

They hold deed-title to the land...

They do not require your assent...
Last edited:
P F Tinmore, et al,

None. Independence is not transferred, not for Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, or Egypt, --- and --- it wasn't done that way with respect to Israel.

The UN did what it believed it had to do.


The Allied Powers and the UN set the conditions under which the all the various people in the region were to exercise their rights in self-determination. They did it for the Arab States (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc) and they did it for the Jewish State.

It had all the authority it needed. It was the Arab that was working in defiance of the UN that created conflict. It was the Arab League that was that acted as the external influence and interfered with the steps towards independence. It is the Arab that says the struggle started with them and Izz ad-din al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand; and still promotes those same political-terrorist tactics today.

When people look-up Article 13 Jihadist and Article 10 Feday-een; they see a Palestinian looking back at them just like Izz ad-din al-Qassam. And jihadism is almost universally associated with Islamic terrorism.

Most Respectfully,

What land was transferred to Israel?

Got a link?

No, I don't have a link --- you do! The Easy Guide to International Humanitarian Law in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (oPt).


The right to self-determination in Palestine said:
After the 1948 war, Israel was established on a more extensive territory than recommended in the partition plan. By entering into the Armistice Agreement with Egypt in 1949, Israel, demonstrated a sufficient level of stable and effective government of the territory to be recognised as a state by other states and the UN. Israel was effectively and lawfully established as a state, on the armistice territory, by secession from the Mandate of Palestine. A state for the Palestinians living in the Mandate of Palestine was never created and this unrealised goal still constitutes one of the core issues of the conflict.

SOURCE: Your Citation

Most Respectfully,

After the 1948 war, Israel was established on a more extensive territory than recommended in the partition plan.

Where was that territory? When was it transferred to Israel? What are the borders? where is a map?
The trustee has absolute authority over its charge.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

Knowing in advance that a civil war was already underway, an sputtering in-and-out of existence, prior to the Termination of the Mandate, the trustee determined to arm the side that it favored best, as best it could without being too obvious about it, and then leaving the inhabitants to shift for themselves, and to find their own destiny.

Which they did.

You were on the losing side of that civil war.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

No link.

Given the British Mandate's suppression of Arab revolts and its trials of Muslims and Jews for capital crimes and their execution of those found guilty...

I'm sure that you can find ample evidence of the extent of British Rule in the Mandate and their power of life and death over its inhabitants without bothering me for a link...


Not that any of that makes a tinkers' damn worth of difference any longer...

Victory on the Battlefield (1948, 1967 and 1973) sorted all that out good-and-proper...

And set aside any old 'legal standings' or 'title' or 'rights' that had been in question during the course of the fighting...

There are new owners in-place now...

They hold deed-title to the land...

They do not require your assent...

When did the Palestinians surrender to Israel? What is the agreement on land and borders?
The trustee has absolute authority over its charge.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

Knowing in advance that a civil war was already underway, an sputtering in-and-out of existence, prior to the Termination of the Mandate, the trustee determined to arm the side that it favored best, as best it could without being too obvious about it, and then leaving the inhabitants to shift for themselves, and to find their own destiny.

Which they did.

You were on the losing side of that civil war.

This authority includes the power of governance and administration and justice and the power of life and death over its inhabitants, and this authority includes the power to propose and dispose of the land, its people and its resources.

No link.

Given the British Mandate's suppression of Arab revolts and its trials of Muslims and Jews for capital crimes and their execution of those found guilty...

I'm sure that you can find ample evidence of the extent of British Rule in the Mandate and their power of life and death over its inhabitants without bothering me for a link...


Not that any of that makes a tinkers' damn worth of difference any longer...

Victory on the Battlefield (1948, 1967 and 1973) sorted all that out good-and-proper...

And set aside any old 'legal standings' or 'title' or 'rights' that had been in question during the course of the fighting...

There are new owners in-place now...

They hold deed-title to the land...

They do not require your assent...

Of course no link.

The British mandate was a monumental flop. It created a war that has lasted a hundred years while accomplishing nothing it was supposed to do.
Neo-Zionists are notorious for claiming that the promises to the Jews made in these documents, are still in affect.
Neo nazis and Islamifacists (is there a difference?) are notorious for making up lies about the true history of Palestine.

Oh Hossfly, let them go. To those of us on the fringe of this debate, Muslims have lied so much in USMB, no one would believe them if they actually told the truth! Americans are aware of the contributions of Jews, and of the continuous problems created by Muslims. Do you like exhilarating music with dance? Check this out!

That music and dance is too classical and highbrow for an old Texas boy. Down here we go for hoedown music with fiddles and banjoes.

[ame=]Hava Nagila Texas Style - YouTube[/ame]
Last edited by a moderator:
P F Tinmore, et al,

The UN did what it believed it had to do.

Indeed, but a mandatory or trustee has no authority to interfere with a people's right to self determination.

The Allied Powers and the UN set the conditions under which the all the various people in the region were to exercise their rights in self-determination. They did it for the Arab States (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc) and they did it for the Jewish State.

It had all the authority it needed. It was the Arab that was working in defiance of the UN that created conflict. It was the Arab League that was that acted as the external influence and interfered with the steps towards independence. It is the Arab that says the struggle started with them and Izz ad-din al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand; and still promotes those same political-terrorist tactics today.

When people look-up Article 13 Jihadist and Article 10 Feday-een; they see a Palestinian looking back at them just like Izz ad-din al-Qassam. And jihadism is almost universally associated with Islamic terrorism.

Most Respectfully,

What land was transferred to Israel?

Got a link?
Why, the land they're living on Tinmore. What's your major malfunction anyhow?
Neo nazis and Islamifacists (is there a difference?) are notorious for making up lies about the true history of Palestine.

Oh Hossfly, let them go. To those of us on the fringe of this debate, Muslims have lied so much in USMB, no one would believe them if they actually told the truth! Americans are aware of the contributions of Jews, and of the continuous problems created by Muslims. Do you like exhilarating music with dance? Check this out!

[ame=]Hava Nagila Dance - YouTube[/ame]​
That music and dance is too classical and highbrow for an old Texas boy. Down here we go for hoedown music with fiddles and banjoes.

[ame=]Hava Nagila Texas Style - YouTube[/ame]

Since you are off topic anyway, is that your ride or are you just dreaming?

1956 Crown Vic, right?
P F Tinmore, et al,

The UN did what it believed it had to do.


The Allied Powers and the UN set the conditions under which the all the various people in the region were to exercise their rights in self-determination. They did it for the Arab States (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, etc) and they did it for the Jewish State.

It had all the authority it needed. It was the Arab that was working in defiance of the UN that created conflict. It was the Arab League that was that acted as the external influence and interfered with the steps towards independence. It is the Arab that says the struggle started with them and Izz ad-din al-Qassam and the Palestinian Black Hand; and still promotes those same political-terrorist tactics today.

When people look-up Article 13 Jihadist and Article 10 Feday-een; they see a Palestinian looking back at them just like Izz ad-din al-Qassam. And jihadism is almost universally associated with Islamic terrorism.

Most Respectfully,

What land was transferred to Israel?

Got a link?
Why, the land they're living on Tinmore. What's your major malfunction anyhow?

Nice duck.

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