Arabs get back West Bank land!!!

P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, a little truth mixed with propaganda.

The Arab countries entered Palestine and fought Israeli forces in Palestine.

In 1948, the Arab Armies invaded the newly established State of Israel, in the territory under the former Mandate of Palestine.

The Arab position, with respect to the termination of the mandate, was expressed best by the Egyptian Government as stated:

The representative of Egypt reiterated that his country was intervening in Palestine solely to preserve law and order. With the termination of the Mandate, Palestine had regained complete independence and sovereignty.

This was the use of force by the Arab League to obstruct the implementation of the Partition Plan.

The war was stopped by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody won or lost the 1948 war.

While an Armistice does not declare and end to a War, or declare a winner in the conflict, it cannot be used to suggest a stalemate either. Clearly, at the outset of the conflict, the Arab Palestinian controlled more territory than it did at the establishment of the truce and Armistice. By the same token, the Israeli forces controlled more territory at the establishment of the Truce and Armistice, then it did in the beginning. While it is often said that in modern times there is no such thing as a winner, clearly Israel had the upper hand and the most control at that point and since that time.

Since the time of the 1948-49 War, two additional wars were fought upon Arab instigation and aggravation. There can be no doubt to the outcome. Arab Palestinian Forces and Arab League Forces were clearly forced into a retreat; the original Armistice Line being overrun and both Egyptian and Jordan Occupation Forces being totally ejected.

Winning or Losing --- yes, they may be obsolete terms in the modern age. But there is very little doubt which forces had established military control and dominance over the areas in conflict.

So, the rational used that "nobody won or lost the 1948 war" is merely a face saving statement that cannot be supported in meaningful or practice measure through territorial or political control. Clearly, the Arab Palestinian and the Aggressor Cohorts in the Arab League lost considerable territorial or political control. The "War" is a military outcome.

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Again, a little truth mixed with propaganda.

The Arab countries entered Palestine and fought Israeli forces in Palestine.

In 1948, the Arab Armies invaded the newly established State of Israel, in the territory under the former Mandate of Palestine.

The Arab position, with respect to the termination of the mandate, was expressed best by the Egyptian Government as stated:

The representative of Egypt reiterated that his country was intervening in Palestine solely to preserve law and order. With the termination of the Mandate, Palestine had regained complete independence and sovereignty.

This was the use of force by the Arab League to obstruct the implementation of the Partition Plan.

The war was stopped by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody won or lost the 1948 war.

While an Armistice does not declare and end to a War, or declare a winner in the conflict, it cannot be used to suggest a stalemate either. Clearly, at the outset of the conflict, the Arab Palestinian controlled more territory than it did at the establishment of the truce and Armistice. By the same token, the Israeli forces controlled more territory at the establishment of the Truce and Armistice, then it did in the beginning. While it is often said that in modern times there is no such thing as a winner, clearly Israel had the upper hand and the most control at that point and since that time.

Since the time of the 1948-49 War, two additional wars were fought upon Arab instigation and aggravation. There can be no doubt to the outcome. Arab Palestinian Forces and Arab League Forces were clearly forced into a retreat; the original Armistice Line being overrun and both Egyptian and Jordan Occupation Forces being totally ejected.

Winning or Losing --- yes, they may be obsolete terms in the modern age. But there is very little doubt which forces had established military control and dominance over the areas in conflict.

So, the rational used that "nobody won or lost the 1948 war" is merely a face saving statement that cannot be supported in meaningful or practice measure through territorial or political control. Clearly, the Arab Palestinian and the Aggressor Cohorts in the Arab League lost considerable territorial or political control. The "War" is a military outcome.

Most Respectfully,

Indeed, it is called military occupation. The outcome of wars with the surrounding countries is irrelevant.

What matters is that the Palestinians have not surrendered to Israel. There has been no peace agreement ceding Palestinian land to Israel. There is no agreement changing Palestine's long established international borders.

Israel is prematurely claiming victory before the conflict ends.

And please, stop with the resolution 181 shtick already. The Palestinians had the right to reject the plan and they did. Consequently it was never implemented. End of story.
Even better if they give back all the lands they invaded and stole. :clap:

your clapping for your own post? how pathetic.

The Arabs haven't stolen any land, you're confusing them with the Jews.
The Arabs get their very name from Arabia, so if there are any Arabs outside of Arabia then, yes, they HAVE stolen land.

so that means all the homes that Jews own outside of Judea, are stolen?


here is the historical map of Judah.

all land owned by Jews outside these borders is stolen, according to YOU

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The Arabs get their very name from Arabia, so if there are any Arabs outside of Arabia then, yes, they HAVE stolen land.

so that means all the homes that Jews own outside of Judea, are stolen?


here is the historical map of Judah.

all land owned by Jews outside these borders is stolen, according to YOU


For 700 years when the land was under the Ottoman control, it was called "southern Syria" and then when the Ottoman Empire collapsed after WWI it went under British control.
In other words the concept of a Palestinian people or state is a hoax.

And here is a more accurate historical atlas representing the ancient homeland of the Jews.

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Those old, ancient documents still in effect?

Neo-Zionists are notorious for claiming that the promises to the Jews made in these documents, are still in affect.
Neo nazis and Islamifacists (is there a difference?) are notorious for making up lies about the true history of Palestine.

Oh Hossfly, let them go. To those of us on the fringe of this debate, Muslims have lied so much in USMB, no one would believe them if they actually told the truth! Americans are aware of the contributions of Jews, and of the continuous problems created by Muslims. Do you like exhilarating music with dance? Check this out!

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I look forward to Arabs getting back more land in Palestine that was stolen by Jews.
I commend the Israelis for giving back stolen Arab land.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Look at what you are saying here, and the implication.

Indeed, it is called military occupation. The outcome of wars with the surrounding countries is irrelevant.

No, it is a Chapter VII Self-Defense measure.

What matters is that the Palestinians have not surrendered to Israel. There has been no peace agreement ceding Palestinian land to Israel. There is no agreement changing Palestine's long established international borders.

"Palestinians have not surrendered to Israel" = the Palestinians are self-proclaimed enemies of the State of Israel, at War with Israel. That makes them an enemy population.

The Palestinians never had sovereignty over the land. It was not theirs to grant to anyone.

Israel is prematurely claiming victory before the conflict ends.

And please, stop with the resolution 181 shtick already. The Palestinians had the right to reject the plan and they did. Consequently it was never implemented. End of story.

Implementation was NOT dependent on Arab Palestinian acceptance.

The Palestinian has multiple personalities.
  • One personality says that GA/RES/181(II) was never implemented and has no legitimacy.
  • One personality uses GA/RES/181(II) as a vehicle to establish independence.
  • One personality says GA/RES/181(II) is legitimate.

Your position is just one of multiple positions the Arab Palestinian has taken. It is associated with the Hostile aspect of the Palestinians, the one that promotes and advocates the continuation of a struggle and conflict that is not shared by all Palestinians. It is a position that makes such demands that are unreasonable and counterproductive to the cause of peace. It is a position consistent with both the Jihadist and Feday'een.

Reference: UNSC Resolution 50 (1948)

Most Respectfully,
P F Tinmore, et al,

Look at what you are saying here, and the implication.

What am I saying? What implication?

Indeed, it is called military occupation. The outcome of wars with the surrounding countries is irrelevant.

No, it is a Chapter VII Self-Defense measure.

The Zionists went to Palestine to defend themselves?

Rocco, you are a hoot.

What matters is that the Palestinians have not surrendered to Israel. There has been no peace agreement ceding Palestinian land to Israel. There is no agreement changing Palestine's long established international borders.

"Palestinians have not surrendered to Israel" = the Palestinians are self-proclaimed enemies of the State of Israel, at War with Israel. That makes them an enemy population.

You have that back assward. The Zionists went to Palestine to take over their country. That puts them in the aggressive position and the Palestinians in the defensive position. The Palestinians did not "self proclaim" anything.

The Palestinians never had sovereignty over the land. It was not theirs to grant to anyone.

Then why is ceding land and changing their borders one of the final status issues in the peace process?

Israel is prematurely claiming victory before the conflict ends.

And please, stop with the resolution 181 shtick already. The Palestinians had the right to reject the plan and they did. Consequently it was never implemented. End of story.

Implementation was NOT dependent on Arab Palestinian acceptance.

Let's see. If the Palestinians accepted the plan it would have been implemented. They did not accept the plan so it was not. I don't see how you come to your conclusion.

The Palestinian has multiple personalities.
  • One personality says that GA/RES/181(II) was never implemented and has no legitimacy.
  • One personality uses GA/RES/181(II) as a vehicle to establish independence.
  • One personality says GA/RES/181(II) is legitimate.

Your position is just one of multiple positions the Arab Palestinian has taken. It is associated with the Hostile aspect of the Palestinians, the one that promotes and advocates the continuation of a struggle and conflict that is not shared by all Palestinians. It is a position that makes such demands that are unreasonable and counterproductive to the cause of peace. It is a position consistent with both the Jihadist and Feday'een.

Reference: UNSC Resolution 50 (1948)

Most Respectfully,
The Zionists went to Palestine to take over their country. That puts them in the aggressive position and the Palestinians in the defensive position. The Palestinians did not "self proclaim" anything.
But of course they did! They have no borders, no country and no land, but go on fooling the world into believing they've had some sometime someplace somesuch.
P F Tinmore, et al,

I see you are having problems fitting the pieces together.

What am I saying? What implication?

You are saying that the Palestinians are enemies of the State of Israel and there exists a state of war between them.

The Zionists went to Palestine to defend themselves?

Rocco, you are a hoot.

The Jewish we invited to immigrate. They did not invade.

You have that back assward. The Zionists went to Palestine to take over their country. That puts them in the aggressive position and the Palestinians in the defensive position. The Palestinians did not "self proclaim" anything.

Again, the Jewish were invited by the Allied Powers to immigrate IAW the Mandate. And they followed the steps for the preparation of independence in the resolution.

Then why is ceding land and changing their borders one of the final status issues in the peace process?

It is part of the process of reparations, restitution, and claims settlements. Because of the various wars and conflicts, the original land allocations were altered as failed Arab-Palestinian forces receded.

RoccoR said:

Implementation was NOT dependent on Arab Palestinian acceptance.

Let's see. If the Palestinians accepted the plan it would have been implemented. They did not accept the plan so it was not. I don't see how you come to your conclusion.

The Partition Plan came in multiple parts. There was the part:
  • Applicable to the Arab State
  • Applicable to the Jewish State
  • Applicable to the Internationalization of Jerusalem

The Arab Palestinian openly rejected all parts to the Partition Plan. The Jewish Agency accepted the Jewish State portion which was implemented by the UNPC under the guidance and direction of the UNSC. War started with the immediate invasion by the Arab League; halting the remainder of the implementation and the UNPC was relieved of further implementation responsibility by the UNSEC-GEN/UNSC.

Part 1 Section B is always subject to Paragraph 14.
  • The UN Palestine Commission (UNPC) was established.
  • The UNPC gradually acquired mandatory Powers.
  • The UNPC establishment of the frontiers of the Arab and Jewish States and the City of Jerusalem.
  • A Provisional Council of Government was establish for Israel; the Arab Higher Committee declining.
  • Prior to 1 April 1948 a Provisional Council of Government.
  • The transitional period for the Provisional Councils of Government was accepted (45 days).
  • Full responsibility for the administration of that State in the period between the termination of the Mandate and the establishment of the State's independence (2 days).
  • The UNPC rendered instruction to the Provisional Council of Government for Israel; the Arab Higher Committee declining.
  • The Provisional Council of Government for Israel recruit an armed militia from the residents of that State, sufficient in number to maintain internal order and to prevent frontier clashes; the Arab Higher Committee declining.
  • Elections for the Constituent Assembly were held in newly independent Israel on 25 January 1949, after Armistice. Elections being delayed due to military invasion.
  • The Constituent Assembly convened on February 1949, transient law adopted, with the Basic Law established in 1950.
  • The new economic union and transit was offset by the 1948-1949 War of independence. This essentially setback Israel in the financial arena, post-War. "A New Economic Policy was introduced in early 1952. It consisted of exchange rate devaluation, the gradual relaxation of price controls and rationing, and curbing of monetary expansion, primarily by budgetary restraint. Active immigration encouragement was curtailed, to await the absorption of the earlier mass immigration."

After reviewing the criteria, the UN Security Council favorably recommended in Resolution 69 (1949) Resolution of 4 March 1949 the admittance of Israel; and the General Assembly accepted via A/RES/273 (III) 11 May 1949 the Admission of Israel to membership in the United Nations.

While it might be said that UN GA/RES/181(II) was not totally implemented, it was Hostile Arab Palestinian defiance and aggression that prevented the UNPC from further progress. The PLO accepted GA/RES/181(II) legitimacy twice. It is the Jihadist and Feday'een that deny it.

The fiction told by the Hostile Arab Palestinian, over and over again, is a prerequisite to lend some false credence to the legitimacy of the struggle and the continuation of the conflict.

They demand the right to call themselves "Occupied" so that they can claim GCIV Protections. Yet, as you can see, you also want to claim you are at war with the Israelis because you want to claim you have been invaded. Under your logic, both the West Bank and Gaza Strip are not zones of occupation, but huge POW Camps for Hostile Arab Palestinians --- an enemy population that threaten, and use of force (any and all means) against the territorial integrity and political independence of a UN recognized and member State; in a manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

Your other argument is that all of the territory formerly under mandate (less Jordan) is Palestine the Independent. And thus, you want to claim that the security quarantine and separation is "Apartheid" because the entire State of Israel is really "occupied Palestinian State."

Both of these positions are absolutely absurd. Now because you are an Article 13 Jihadist, I know there is no chance of convincing you otherwise.

Most Respectfully,
RoccoR said:
The Jewish we invited to immigrate. They did not invade.

UN Charter definition

“By virtue of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, all peoples have the right freely to determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development, and every State has the duty to respect this right in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.”

The right to self-determination - IHL

Where is the exception to that rule that states that?

I don't see it.
In rare case, Palestinians reclaim settlement land

the land was stolen in the 1970s.

settlements were built there, but removed a few years ago.

..but Israel refused to give back the land to its rightful owners.

Finally, the courts have decided to give the land back to its owners and today they reclaimed their land.


A scrap of land that the Israelis evacuated during the withdrawal from Gaza.

A scrap of land that the IDF razed to the ground but had not reversed its orders on.

A scrap of land that the IDF finally got around to revising its orders on, after two years of court petitions.

A scrap of land that the IDF tossed to its former owners as a bone.

A victory for Palestine?



It takes sooooooo little to amuse them...

A few trinkets, a pocket watch, a scrap of wasteland...

You get a Gold Star on your Report Card for that one...

Most humorous faux victory statement of the month...

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