Arabs get back West Bank land!!!

The Hashemite Family Tree goes back to the Murdering Rapist Invader, Mohammed (PBUH), therefore they originated in Arabia and are considered "outsiders" by the original inhabitants. How does that sound?

Its sounds like you're desperately grasping for a reason to hate the Hashemites.
The Hashemite Family Tree goes back to the Murdering Rapist Invader, Mohammed (PBUH), therefore they originated in Arabia and are considered "outsiders" by the original inhabitants. How does that sound?

Its sounds like you're desperately grasping for a reason to hate the Hashemites.
Not at all. In fact I like the little buggers.
And the rub is that the Jewish state is still in Palestine.

Palestine's international borders have never been changed.

Palestine's border with Egypt is now internationally recognized as Israel's border with Egypt.

Palestine's border with Lebanon is now internationally recognized as Israel's border with Lebanon.

Palestine's border with southwestern Jordan is now internationally recognized as Israel's border with southwestern Jordan.

These are facts, whether you accept them or not.

Recognition is a political move. It does not change legal status. Israel claims borders on land that it has never legally acquired.
P F Tinmore, Hoffstra, et al,

This is the same old justification for the defiance of the League of Nation, and UN decision to establish a Jewish National Home and the Jewish State through GA/RES/181(II).

And the rub is that the Jewish state is still in Palestine.

Palestine's international borders have never been changed.

Palestine's border with Egypt is now internationally recognized as Israel's border with Egypt.

Palestine's border with Lebanon is now internationally recognized as Israel's border with Lebanon.

Palestine's border with southwestern Jordan is now internationally recognized as Israel's border with southwestern Jordan.

These are facts, whether you accept them or not.

Recognition is a political move. It does not change legal status. Israel claims borders on land that it has never legally acquired.

This conflict is a result of the Arab defiance of the UN and the attempt to change by force the decision of the UN. In the course of the conflict, the Arab attack altered the outcome of the UN Security Council implemented Partition Plan.

Israel Declared Independence and established sovereignty in the same way that all the other Arab States did; under the same protocols. It was legally recognized by the body that wrote the protocols.

The introduction of the question of "legal status" and "legally acquired" is merely Arab subterfuge (trying to apply real estate concepts to matters of sovereignty). Yes, there are Armistice Lines around the Gaza Strip (under quarantine by unoccupied), the West Bank and Golan Heights (occupied). But that is a result of Arab Aggression and the consequence of several failed armed attempts to change by force the establishment of the State of Israel.

The Arab Palestinians had no sovereign rights over any territory prior to 1988; then only limited to Gaza and the West Bank.

Most Respectfully,
Recognition is a political move. It does not change legal status. Israel claims borders on land that it has never legally acquired.

The United Nations decides what is and is not, legal.

deal with it.
et al,

I saw this and thought it would lighten your day, and reset the stage for the discussion.

[ame=]This Land is Mine - YouTube[/ame]

Recognition is a political move. It does not change legal status. Israel claims borders on land that it has never legally acquired.

The United Nations decides what is and is not, legal.

deal with it.

It is just a political recognition. The UN recently recognized Palestine a state. What does that mean besides nothing? The UN recognizes Israel a state. What does that mean besides the same nothing?

Even the UN's own map of Israel has disclaimers on legal status, territory, and borders.

Of course they aren't, they're squatters, invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

That is a lie.

Most Palestinians have history going back in Palestine for centuries.

Most Israelis have history going back in Palestine maybe 2 generations. They are the invaders.

Liberate Palestine!!
Of course they aren't, they're squatters, invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

That is a lie.

Most Palestinians have history going back in Palestine for centuries.

Most Israelis have history going back in Palestine maybe 2 generations. They are the invaders.

Liberate Palestine!!

The Zionists imported foreign settlers by the boatload to be cannon fodder in their takeover of Palestine.
Of course they aren't, they're squatters, invaders from neighboring Arab lands.

That is a lie.

Most Palestinians have history going back in Palestine for centuries.

Most Israelis have history going back in Palestine maybe 2 generations. They are the invaders.

Liberate Palestine!!

The Zionists imported foreign settlers by the boatload to be cannon fodder in their takeover of Palestine.

Most Jews who came to Palestine were refugees with no where else to go--like my mother's family. The name of "Palestine", in years past, meant a Jewish homeland in peoples' minds. When my dad first came to the United States, the Gentile hooligan anti-Semites would yell at him, "Go back to Palestine!"
Most Jews who came to Palestine were refugees with no where else to go--like my mother's family. The name of "Palestine", in years past, meant a Jewish homeland in peoples' minds. When my dad first came to the United States, the Gentile hooligan anti-Semites would yell at him, "Go back to Palestine!"

The Jews could have stayed in Europe or gone to North America.

The Jews from Muslim lands were the only ones expelled, and only half of them were expelled. They could have also gone to France and other European states.
Most Jews who came to Palestine were refugees with no where else to go--like my mother's family. The name of "Palestine", in years past, meant a Jewish homeland in peoples' minds. When my dad first came to the United States, the Gentile hooligan anti-Semites would yell at him, "Go back to Palestine!"

The Jews could have stayed in Europe or gone to North America.

The Jews from Muslim lands were the only ones expelled, and only half of them were expelled. They could have also gone to France and other European states.

My mom's family could not have stayed in Poland after the war. The Poles blamed the Jews for what the Germans did to them. My grandfather's neighbors warned him to get out, because Jews were getting attacked in the streets by Poles. My mom's family applied for visas to America, but they were denied. So they went to Israel.
Its great that these Arabs have gotten their land back.

more to come, hopefully.
Most Jews who came to Palestine were refugees with no where else to go--like my mother's family. The name of "Palestine", in years past, meant a Jewish homeland in peoples' minds. When my dad first came to the United States, the Gentile hooligan anti-Semites would yell at him, "Go back to Palestine!"

The Jews could have stayed in Europe or gone to North America.

The Jews from Muslim lands were the only ones expelled, and only half of them were expelled. They could have also gone to France and other European states.

My mom's family could not have stayed in Poland after the war. The Poles blamed the Jews for what the Germans did to them. My grandfather's neighbors warned him to get out, because Jews were getting attacked in the streets by Poles. My mom's family applied for visas to America, but they were denied. So they went to Israel.

What did the Palestinians have to do with all that?
I just finished Googling eight websites on this subject. The most balanced report seemed to be in Wiki. West Bank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Palestinians and Jews have been fighting over the Westbank for centuries, and each side has some good points. However, in the end Israel was invaded by Arabs in 1948, but won the war and took the land. There is little difference between what the Jews did to the Palestinians, and America did by winning the Mexican-American War in 1848. Neither issue is really satisfied, but in the end, "possession is 9/10s of the law." And, "he who wins the war, writes the history."

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...Palestinians and Jews have been fighting over the Westbank for centuries, and each side has some good points...


they only started fighting over Palestine in the 20th century.
...Palestinians and Jews have been fighting over the Westbank for centuries, and each side has some good points...

they only started fighting over Palestine in the 20th century.

I can not believe you have the nerve to continue posting after I outed you as a propagandist stealing this thread from The Political Forum.

You have no credibility, and are on your way to "ignore."

You have no shame!


There you are in the background - ignored.​
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Hopefully Arabs will keep suing, to get back their stolen land.

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